Friday, December 30, 2011

The Day Is Getting Closer!!

Alhamdulillah, just got back from the obgyn's clinic. I'm now in week 36, all is well. Baby's head is partially engaged. He's currently head down, facing sideways, but the Dr said that he'll turn internally come labour. Hope that he'll turn his face towards my spine instead of looking up. If he looks up, it'll mean more back pain for me during labour.

Baby's weight is currently 2.7kg. If born now, he'll escape being in NICU for being underweight. But then again, the figure is just an estimate. It could be a little less, or a little more than that. Hopefully his birthweight tak la berat sangat. Maximum pun around 3.4kg sudah la.. Hehe.. Tadi the obgyn said that if the first born was overdue, the second may likely be overdue as well. So far the due date is around the 25th of next month. So, we'll see how it goes.

So far, tak ada rasa contractions pun. Braxton Hicks sometimes, especially when i walk a lot. Nesting instincts? Not really kot. Ada la rasa macam nak berkemas2, tapi, rasa macam tak larat laa.. Huhu...

Yesterday, last shopping for stuffs (kononnya). I got me a nursing pillow. :) Dulu masa Sarah tak beli. This time around, try la pakai. Hoping that my breastfeeding experience will be better this time around (no cracked/sore nipples etc.) and hope that the baby enjoys breastfeeding and we will be successful at it. Truly hoping to exclusively breastfeed with this baby. :)

Ok.. gonna lie down and nap... So good to be on leave. :D

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