... and baby makes four! Part 1 - The Birth..
Alhamdulillah, our little bundle of joy has arrived! The littlest addition arrived on Jan 25th, at 11.39 pm (It was my due date, FYI). It was a very long labour.. but well worth each and every minute.
Compared dengan yang first born haritu, this labour experience had been more difficult. It started with my water breaking at around 2.45 am on the 25th Jan. I didn't experience water gushing down, in fact it wasn't much at all, just wet my undies a little. Didn't even wet the bed. I woke up surprised, smelled my undies to be sure that it wasn't pee (sorry.. TMI.. heh.. By the way, amniotic fluid smelled sweet!) and when i succeeded in convincing myself that it wasn't pee, i woke hubby up, we went blur for a while, got MIL and FIL to come and wait at home for Sarah, and left for the hospital. Upon arriving, an internal was done to check how far along i was, and i was only 1cm dilated then. That was around 3.30 am or so.
Obviously, i couldn't sleep that night.
Around 8 something (a.m.), my obgyn came to check on me. Still around 1 - 2 cm dilated. Obgyn said that since my water had broken, i would have to deliver within 24 hours so as to not risk infection. He said to wait until around noon to see if things progresses, otherwise he will start me on pitocin drip. And that was just what happened. I was given 5 units of pitocin around noon, but not so much progress. By evening, another obgyn checkup, i was only about 3 - 4 cm dilated. By that time, i was getting exhausted of waiting. I couldn't sleep, nothing feels right.. macam ayam berak kapur. :p Obgyn increased my pitocin drip to 10 units and said that he could still feel the membranes, meaning that my water bag didn't entirely break, ergo the lengthy first-phase of labour. So he broke my water bag and said that insyaAllah, i'll deliver by midnight.
From 4 cm to full dilation, makin resah gelisah. When i was about 7 cm dilated (not sure what time it was, i know it was night time..) i asked for the entonox. I swear the mask didn't work properly. Laughing gas tu macam tak ada je. Takde effect langsung! Last pregnancy, i could feel that the gas made me high. Yang ni memang tak ada langsung. Hampeh! Anyways.. tak tau la memang sebab penat, ataupun dah lama sangat menunggu and tak cukup tidur, i was really tired and i felt that the contractions really, really hurt. Mungkin gak sebab umur dah bertambah kot, so ketahanan towards pain dah kurang. Huhu..
Around 11 pm, i was fully dilated. Nurses kat situ called the Dr when i was 8 cm dilated which was a bot a couple of minutes earlier. So i had to wait for about 4 to 5 cycles of "bearing down" moments before the Dr finally arrived and i can finally deliver my baby. Masa tu memang dah penat sangat. Takut sangat tak larat nak push and terpaksa surgery. Tapi, Alhamdulillah, Allah beri kekuatan, push pun tak lama, baby keluar.
Bezanya, masa first pregnancy, i felt that i was more in control. I could still control my breathing through my contractions, even masa deliver pun tak ada la macam tak tentu arah. Kali kedua ni, breathing memang ke laut, masa deliver pun tak boleh nak control.. memang tak tentu arah sangat2! Apapun, amat2 bersyukur, deliver tetap mudah, banding dengan orang lain yang kena vacuum etc, kan?
Jadi, sekarang baby dah 21 hari.. dan dia sudah bangun. Gotta go change his diaper now. Til next time!
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