Camera dah baik.. buleh g amek... Tp.. tak smpt nak g amek.. Huhu.. cane nih... Uwaaaaa!!!! Malam ni tdo mimpi camera la jawabnye... Uhuhuuu...
Jari plak dah melecur nih... check IC bebudak dlm lab tadi, tak sangka lak mende tu panas sampai membakar jari... Ingat panas sikit2 walaupun mende tu dah berbau. Uhuhuuu.. tuh aa.. gelakkan orang lagik.. kan dah kena kifarah. :) Takpela.. redha.. worth it la kena camni lepas gelakkan orang. Kuang3.. isk.. kejam sunnguh.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Something Cool (at least to me)
Uuuuu.... i rechecked my family's Hijrah's birthdays... and guess what?! The four of us are either born on Tuesday or Friday, and we're all born in the 4 sacred (sacred ke? well.. maybe not sacred sacred, perhaps just special. hehe) months of rejab - syawal. My dad and i were born on Tuesday, my dad in the Month of Syaaban, and myself in the month of Rejab. My mom and my bro were both born on Friday, with my bro's birthday in the month of Ramadhan and my mom's Syawal. Both children's birth month leads the parent's birth month by one month... Wow... talk about proper planning! :D
Dad - Syaaban 1375H
Mom - Syawal 1375H
Me - Rejab 1400H
Bro - Ramadhan 1403H
Dan - RabiulAwal 1393H
Here's where i checked: HIJRAH CALCULATOR
Uuuuu.... i rechecked my family's Hijrah's birthdays... and guess what?! The four of us are either born on Tuesday or Friday, and we're all born in the 4 sacred (sacred ke? well.. maybe not sacred sacred, perhaps just special. hehe) months of rejab - syawal. My dad and i were born on Tuesday, my dad in the Month of Syaaban, and myself in the month of Rejab. My mom and my bro were both born on Friday, with my bro's birthday in the month of Ramadhan and my mom's Syawal. Both children's birth month leads the parent's birth month by one month... Wow... talk about proper planning! :D
Dad - Syaaban 1375H
Mom - Syawal 1375H
Me - Rejab 1400H
Bro - Ramadhan 1403H
Dan - RabiulAwal 1393H
Here's where i checked: HIJRAH CALCULATOR
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Info on Quakes and Tsunami
Found some interesting sites that explains how eatrhquakes n tsunamis happen and how these two natural hazards are intertwined.
Do visit these sites if you're free. You'll know why it's not wise to go to beaches a few hours/days after a tsunami hits.. and why it's really, really not advisable to get your surfboards and hit the waves when tsunami occurs. ;)
Found some interesting sites that explains how eatrhquakes n tsunamis happen and how these two natural hazards are intertwined.
Do visit these sites if you're free. You'll know why it's not wise to go to beaches a few hours/days after a tsunami hits.. and why it's really, really not advisable to get your surfboards and hit the waves when tsunami occurs. ;)
Back from blog hopping.. Ermm..the last blog i visited was a best friends's boyfriend's blog. Good to know that he's loving my friend the way she deserved to be love. I've never met my buddy's bf, but i'm sure they make a cute couple. You are soo lucky my friend, to have someone as romantic him to woo you with loving words and have all his undying, unconditional love only for you!!
Hmm.. love is such a peculiar thing isnt it? It can make your feelings soar sky high, or cast you down in the deepest dumps... and love too can make you experience these two contrasting emotions simultaneously. Weird... yet, that's the power of love! ;)
Blah Blahs
Nothing particular to write.. Just a token of euphoria. Hehe.. had to get this overwhelming feelings off me by one way or another. I'll get a heart atack if i don't. Why euphoric? Hehee... too happy, too excited, too everything nice.. about next year. WHY?? Well.... next year, insyaAllah, i'll be happily married. When exactly? :) I'll tell you when the time comes, dont worry. Tapi tu la.. the feeling of getting married is so overwhelming.. you just cant pinpoint what your real feeling is.. Its a concoction of emotions: excitement, happiness, contentment, nervousness.. everything. :)
Oh..oh!! And before i forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NURUL!!!! Miss you so much! If you're around, we'd probably have a nice girls' bday bash or sth... You'd be getting cake frostings smeared onto your face! :D Hmm..takpe, we'll save it for next time. Apapun, i do want to have a raunchy, wild girls' party (huiyooo!!) before i move on to the next stage of life... :) We'll plan one ok?? (Hint: How about a nice bachelorette party??? **Flutter flutter** ;D )
Hmm... was looking at this backpack just now. Looked familiar. Similar to what i used to own. I wonder where that bag is now. Hmm.. Its a black Bodypac with white stripe in the middle.. Rasanya the last time it was with aznor. Hehe.. i think all my bags that i used during postgrad was put into full use kot. When i cant use it anymore, it goes to other ppl who finds a use of it.. like the Bodypac backpack, went to aznor for storage or sth, and my Padini went to Anor... dimilikhartakan. Hehe.. takpela.. rezeki. :) Minat bebenor veryone with my lunyai bags.. heheh.
Was browsing this local production website... Hmm.. pretty good portfolio. Wonder how much they charge for wedding videography n photography. Heheheheeeee... :D Tapi, berhabis sikit for professional videographer/photographer pun apa salahnya, kan? Simpanan utk kenangan. :)
Okieee.. cukupla tuh. Have some codes to debug before i get all dreamy. Darn!~
P/S: Honey, i miss you more that infinity times gazillions! :p See.. i win! ;) Come back soon dear. (hehe.. macam la boleh kan?)
Hmm.. love is such a peculiar thing isnt it? It can make your feelings soar sky high, or cast you down in the deepest dumps... and love too can make you experience these two contrasting emotions simultaneously. Weird... yet, that's the power of love! ;)
Blah Blahs
Nothing particular to write.. Just a token of euphoria. Hehe.. had to get this overwhelming feelings off me by one way or another. I'll get a heart atack if i don't. Why euphoric? Hehee... too happy, too excited, too everything nice.. about next year. WHY?? Well.... next year, insyaAllah, i'll be happily married. When exactly? :) I'll tell you when the time comes, dont worry. Tapi tu la.. the feeling of getting married is so overwhelming.. you just cant pinpoint what your real feeling is.. Its a concoction of emotions: excitement, happiness, contentment, nervousness.. everything. :)
Oh..oh!! And before i forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NURUL!!!! Miss you so much! If you're around, we'd probably have a nice girls' bday bash or sth... You'd be getting cake frostings smeared onto your face! :D Hmm..takpe, we'll save it for next time. Apapun, i do want to have a raunchy, wild girls' party (huiyooo!!) before i move on to the next stage of life... :) We'll plan one ok?? (Hint: How about a nice bachelorette party??? **Flutter flutter** ;D )
Hmm... was looking at this backpack just now. Looked familiar. Similar to what i used to own. I wonder where that bag is now. Hmm.. Its a black Bodypac with white stripe in the middle.. Rasanya the last time it was with aznor. Hehe.. i think all my bags that i used during postgrad was put into full use kot. When i cant use it anymore, it goes to other ppl who finds a use of it.. like the Bodypac backpack, went to aznor for storage or sth, and my Padini went to Anor... dimilikhartakan. Hehe.. takpela.. rezeki. :) Minat bebenor veryone with my lunyai bags.. heheh.
Was browsing this local production website... Hmm.. pretty good portfolio. Wonder how much they charge for wedding videography n photography. Heheheheeeee... :D Tapi, berhabis sikit for professional videographer/photographer pun apa salahnya, kan? Simpanan utk kenangan. :)
Okieee.. cukupla tuh. Have some codes to debug before i get all dreamy. Darn!~
P/S: Honey, i miss you more that infinity times gazillions! :p See.. i win! ;) Come back soon dear. (hehe.. macam la boleh kan?)
Monday, December 27, 2004
3 days off campus... Hmm.. byk citer, byk emosi. :|
Exciting Friday
TGIF!!! Lega when friday finally comes. The day i went back to KL to see Dan. Reached KL around 1430, went to the Burger Kingin Hartamas for a drive-thru lunch, and headed to KLCC, carik birthday prezzie for aunty. Found a nice frame, grabbed it, wrap at service counter, !st part of prezzie was settled. The second part of it was a picture of the both of us. :) Bila ek? Tunggu la, when i'm at least back to my previous weight. LOLSSSSS!!! Oh, btw, thanks so much to all the staffs at Parkson KLCC that Friday night for a job well-done. They had been very nice and helpful eventhough the place was swarmed with people looking for last minute Christmas gifts. Thanks again peeps, esp. the adik yang helped with finding a newer, non-displayed frame, the brader yang helped Dan pay for the wrapping paper when the q was damn long and helped us find a box to place the frame, not forgetting the missy yang wrap the gifts nicely siap ada kipas2 lagi. Takjub sbb cepat je dia buat.
After the prezzie shopping, went to aunty's place. She wasn't feeling well, but she agreed to go for her birthday dinner. Decided to go Cozy Corner in Great Eastern Mall. Makan2, yadda2.. balik... sbb we couldnt go back so late since Dan had to fly to SZX the very next day... :(
Emotion-packed, restless Saturday
Got up early, subuh, siap2, coz i promised Dan to send him to the airport for his flight that morning. Huhuu.. sedey.. rasa macam tanak hantar so that he didnt hafta go.. tapi kena hanta gak.. So, picked him up frm Bt Jalil at around 0800, had bfast at McD, and drove him to Subang. He kept telling me not to cry. Hehe... yela.. tak nangiss.. :p He said it made it less stressful for him when i drive him to work.. Ellehhh... hint nak suruh orang hantar lagi la tu.. ! :p sok bila kena blk Kl and takde keje, bleyla i apply jadik chauffeur you ye sayang. Make sure my pay is at least engineer-level pay. HAhahhaha.. bengkok la my honey. ;)
Pas hantar dia, rushed home to pick my mom up and drive to Kg Pandan for Zura's engagement. Mama kata jemputan mak (my aunty) 200 orang. Fuiyooooo... macam nak nikah la pulok. We were the 1st too arrive, tolong2 sikit, tgk2 zura punya hantaran. Cantik.. too bad i cant share the pics coz i dont have any. Huhu.. camera masih kat kedai, tgh repair. Bln ni siap la kot, insyaAllah, harap2nya. From Zura ada 2 jenis cake, jelly made into lovely grapes, baju nikah, songkok, songket, towel, apetah lagi, tak ingat.
The guy's family datang awal giler, Zura was still being groomed masa diorang sampai. So, kelam kabut la Kak Zie menyiapkan solekan minah tu. Turned out well. Cantik make up dia. Anyways, rombongan meminang had to wait sampai siap dandan sumer la kan. When everything's ready, Wan's mom n female siblings went into the room for sarung cincing thingy. Tetiba ada kejuta. Zura kena suap ngan bersudu2 gula pasir. Hahahaaa...!! Mak Wan kata utk pemanis, mmg adat orang utara. Hahaha.. padan muka kau Zura. Nasib baik gula.. kalau ler kena garam ke, kunyit ke, belacan ke budu ke... mau pengsan si Zura. LolSSSS!!!
After the thingy, lepak2 la... hantaran Zura.. 10k.. Hmm... abg man (our cuz) sibuk tanya, abt awin n myslef, bila pulak n hantaran berapa. so i said to him,"Hantaran kita timbang kilo aa.. ikut harga emas." PErhh... kalau betul2 macam tu... ramai la tak kawen... and ramaila pompuan2 materialistik sibuk nak jadik gemuk!
Petang tu, dah sume melepak sambil sembang2, masukla cerita rumah ku yang belum siap kat Sepang oleh sebab kontraktor bodoh bangang bahlul tahik bernama MAN. Ingat mak aku cap duit ke asyik mintak duit je keje. Dahla tak bagi quotation awal2. Skang mama dah bayar sampai 120k pun, yang siap cume atap, plaster ceiling yang cikat, paintwork yang berbalak.. frame pintu, tingkap, tiles sumer haram belum buat. Dia kata menda nak buat umah tu sumer mahal. Tahikla.. Takkan binaan standard, cuma tambahan atap genting yang jenis mahal sikit dari yang biasa org kat situ buat dah sampai 120k?? Melampau. Bukannya guna atap genting yg kilat tu pun.. C'mon la... 120K??? Ridiculuos la. Even kalau lebih pun, i still think my mom shouldnt pay him anymore sbb dia patut dapat payment separuh je sblm rumah tu complete. Bila umah dah siap, dah puas hati, baru la boleh bayar habis. melampau la half payment dah 120k kan.. Bukan nya banglo 3 tingkat pun. Umah kecik je, 3 bilik... Memang kecik sbb kat ruang tamu tu, nak letak one whole sofa set pun tak muat. Bayangkanla camtu 120k? Tahik tak? Baru2 ni, dia ada keta baru. Pastu haritu sblm asb tutup akaun, dia mintak lagi 20k. Konon nak beli tiles. Tahikla.. silap2 buat tambah akaun dia nak dapat dividen lebih. Buruk sangka? Well.. cant help it. Benda2 buruk ni mmg senang nak nampak bila kita rasa orang tipu kita. Worse come to worse, mmg aku nak ajak mama report kat Biro Aduan Pengguna. Padan muka Man bodoh tu. Benci, menyampah, geram!!!
Numb Sunday
Since Saturday ended badly, mu sunday wasnt grat at all. Bangun lewat, mata bengkak sbb tdo manyak n nangis manyak, geram n upset punya pasal. Nak cakap kat sape pun takleh.. ckp kat mama kang dia lagi upset abt the hse, nk ckp kat Dan, dia kat SZX, tp ckp gakla ngan Dan.. habis la prepaid china dia rm30 utk ckp lebih kurangh 10minit je.. Sian dia. Utk ubati hati aku yang mendidih tak habis lagi, ikutla mama g orang kawin kat area umah.. Pastu seb baik ada athirah yang sangat2 membantu melegakan mood aku yang dah makin tak best. Kalau tak, tak tau la. Balik yang sangat tension. :p
Midinite, balik pbtr dgn mood yang ok2 je la.. Malas nak pk abt the house. Susah sbb mama (termasukla aku sekali) bukan reti sgt bab2 buat2 umah ni. Takde lelaki yang boleh diharap utk monitor umah tu. Ckp kat adik, sama je.. dia pun tak reti. Nk mintak tlg architect, mesti dia pun bz, tp mintak tlg gak la macam mana pun.. ish.. sedihla.. sedih sbb rasa orang amek kesempatan kat mak kita. Tunggu Dan balik ah. See what we can do.
Blueekkk.. rasa yang sgt tak best bila ingat kat umah comel yang tak siap2 tu. Tanak ingat. :p
Exciting Friday
TGIF!!! Lega when friday finally comes. The day i went back to KL to see Dan. Reached KL around 1430, went to the Burger Kingin Hartamas for a drive-thru lunch, and headed to KLCC, carik birthday prezzie for aunty. Found a nice frame, grabbed it, wrap at service counter, !st part of prezzie was settled. The second part of it was a picture of the both of us. :) Bila ek? Tunggu la, when i'm at least back to my previous weight. LOLSSSSS!!! Oh, btw, thanks so much to all the staffs at Parkson KLCC that Friday night for a job well-done. They had been very nice and helpful eventhough the place was swarmed with people looking for last minute Christmas gifts. Thanks again peeps, esp. the adik yang helped with finding a newer, non-displayed frame, the brader yang helped Dan pay for the wrapping paper when the q was damn long and helped us find a box to place the frame, not forgetting the missy yang wrap the gifts nicely siap ada kipas2 lagi. Takjub sbb cepat je dia buat.
After the prezzie shopping, went to aunty's place. She wasn't feeling well, but she agreed to go for her birthday dinner. Decided to go Cozy Corner in Great Eastern Mall. Makan2, yadda2.. balik... sbb we couldnt go back so late since Dan had to fly to SZX the very next day... :(
Emotion-packed, restless Saturday
Got up early, subuh, siap2, coz i promised Dan to send him to the airport for his flight that morning. Huhuu.. sedey.. rasa macam tanak hantar so that he didnt hafta go.. tapi kena hanta gak.. So, picked him up frm Bt Jalil at around 0800, had bfast at McD, and drove him to Subang. He kept telling me not to cry. Hehe... yela.. tak nangiss.. :p He said it made it less stressful for him when i drive him to work.. Ellehhh... hint nak suruh orang hantar lagi la tu.. ! :p sok bila kena blk Kl and takde keje, bleyla i apply jadik chauffeur you ye sayang. Make sure my pay is at least engineer-level pay. HAhahhaha.. bengkok la my honey. ;)
Pas hantar dia, rushed home to pick my mom up and drive to Kg Pandan for Zura's engagement. Mama kata jemputan mak (my aunty) 200 orang. Fuiyooooo... macam nak nikah la pulok. We were the 1st too arrive, tolong2 sikit, tgk2 zura punya hantaran. Cantik.. too bad i cant share the pics coz i dont have any. Huhu.. camera masih kat kedai, tgh repair. Bln ni siap la kot, insyaAllah, harap2nya. From Zura ada 2 jenis cake, jelly made into lovely grapes, baju nikah, songkok, songket, towel, apetah lagi, tak ingat.
The guy's family datang awal giler, Zura was still being groomed masa diorang sampai. So, kelam kabut la Kak Zie menyiapkan solekan minah tu. Turned out well. Cantik make up dia. Anyways, rombongan meminang had to wait sampai siap dandan sumer la kan. When everything's ready, Wan's mom n female siblings went into the room for sarung cincing thingy. Tetiba ada kejuta. Zura kena suap ngan bersudu2 gula pasir. Hahahaaa...!! Mak Wan kata utk pemanis, mmg adat orang utara. Hahaha.. padan muka kau Zura. Nasib baik gula.. kalau ler kena garam ke, kunyit ke, belacan ke budu ke... mau pengsan si Zura. LolSSSS!!!
After the thingy, lepak2 la... hantaran Zura.. 10k.. Hmm... abg man (our cuz) sibuk tanya, abt awin n myslef, bila pulak n hantaran berapa. so i said to him,"Hantaran kita timbang kilo aa.. ikut harga emas." PErhh... kalau betul2 macam tu... ramai la tak kawen... and ramaila pompuan2 materialistik sibuk nak jadik gemuk!
Petang tu, dah sume melepak sambil sembang2, masukla cerita rumah ku yang belum siap kat Sepang oleh sebab kontraktor bodoh bangang bahlul tahik bernama MAN. Ingat mak aku cap duit ke asyik mintak duit je keje. Dahla tak bagi quotation awal2. Skang mama dah bayar sampai 120k pun, yang siap cume atap, plaster ceiling yang cikat, paintwork yang berbalak.. frame pintu, tingkap, tiles sumer haram belum buat. Dia kata menda nak buat umah tu sumer mahal. Tahikla.. Takkan binaan standard, cuma tambahan atap genting yang jenis mahal sikit dari yang biasa org kat situ buat dah sampai 120k?? Melampau. Bukannya guna atap genting yg kilat tu pun.. C'mon la... 120K??? Ridiculuos la. Even kalau lebih pun, i still think my mom shouldnt pay him anymore sbb dia patut dapat payment separuh je sblm rumah tu complete. Bila umah dah siap, dah puas hati, baru la boleh bayar habis. melampau la half payment dah 120k kan.. Bukan nya banglo 3 tingkat pun. Umah kecik je, 3 bilik... Memang kecik sbb kat ruang tamu tu, nak letak one whole sofa set pun tak muat. Bayangkanla camtu 120k? Tahik tak? Baru2 ni, dia ada keta baru. Pastu haritu sblm asb tutup akaun, dia mintak lagi 20k. Konon nak beli tiles. Tahikla.. silap2 buat tambah akaun dia nak dapat dividen lebih. Buruk sangka? Well.. cant help it. Benda2 buruk ni mmg senang nak nampak bila kita rasa orang tipu kita. Worse come to worse, mmg aku nak ajak mama report kat Biro Aduan Pengguna. Padan muka Man bodoh tu. Benci, menyampah, geram!!!
Numb Sunday
Since Saturday ended badly, mu sunday wasnt grat at all. Bangun lewat, mata bengkak sbb tdo manyak n nangis manyak, geram n upset punya pasal. Nak cakap kat sape pun takleh.. ckp kat mama kang dia lagi upset abt the hse, nk ckp kat Dan, dia kat SZX, tp ckp gakla ngan Dan.. habis la prepaid china dia rm30 utk ckp lebih kurangh 10minit je.. Sian dia. Utk ubati hati aku yang mendidih tak habis lagi, ikutla mama g orang kawin kat area umah.. Pastu seb baik ada athirah yang sangat2 membantu melegakan mood aku yang dah makin tak best. Kalau tak, tak tau la. Balik yang sangat tension. :p
Midinite, balik pbtr dgn mood yang ok2 je la.. Malas nak pk abt the house. Susah sbb mama (termasukla aku sekali) bukan reti sgt bab2 buat2 umah ni. Takde lelaki yang boleh diharap utk monitor umah tu. Ckp kat adik, sama je.. dia pun tak reti. Nk mintak tlg architect, mesti dia pun bz, tp mintak tlg gak la macam mana pun.. ish.. sedihla.. sedih sbb rasa orang amek kesempatan kat mak kita. Tunggu Dan balik ah. See what we can do.
Blueekkk.. rasa yang sgt tak best bila ingat kat umah comel yang tak siap2 tu. Tanak ingat. :p
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Uuu... feelin kinda sad plak this morning. Many reasons. Started with the rape n kill of the 9 year old news. When will all of these nonsense ever stop??? Makin lama makin tadak akai. Bukan takda akal.. ada akal, tapi takde agama nak pandu. Jadikla hantu.
Reading others postings affected my postings as well. Heh.
Let bitter pasts die
I had been trampling into sad postings about exes and such. Huhu.. teringat lak kat cerita sendiri. Wonder how he's doing right now. Seems happy. Sometimes i wish i could see him like the old days. Tapi, tak berpeluang lagi. Maybe its just better this way.
Exes. Funny how they can still stir our emotions, even when we're already with someone else that we hold dearly. I think that its only natural that you think about your ex once in a while. It doesn't mean that you dont love your current lover.. but as i'd said many times, the very first love is just unforgettable. No matter how you try to convince yourself that your're completely over it. You'll always still have that little place somewhere in your heart that behaves awkwardly when you start to reminisce the good old times spent with your ex. That doesnt necessarily means that you still love him though. Entahla, susah nak explain. I think, you just have to experience it yourself to know. AS for myself, well yeah, i'm still fond of my ex, despite all of the hurtful things he did to me, but that doesnt mean i love Dan any less. Dan is my only love now. He's my world. But my ex will always be a part of me, because he was part of my past.
I was in love with you when we were younger you were mine
When I see you from time to time I still feel like
You can see it no matter how I try to hide
And even though there’s another man who’s in my life
You will always be my boo
Hmm.. The important thing is.. when things are over with your ex, well, you have every right to mourn over it, but never let it take control of your life. Cry if you must. Let the tears wash away the pain. When you've done all your crying, get back up, and start anew. Don't close your heart to others... sometimes, we tend to focus too much on one closed heart that we fail to notice all the other hearts that are opened for us. Let bygones be bygones. You can't build your future on broken past. Take life as it is. Semua yang jadi, pasti ada hikmah. Have faith. Everything will be just fine. :)
Reading others postings affected my postings as well. Heh.
Let bitter pasts die
I had been trampling into sad postings about exes and such. Huhu.. teringat lak kat cerita sendiri. Wonder how he's doing right now. Seems happy. Sometimes i wish i could see him like the old days. Tapi, tak berpeluang lagi. Maybe its just better this way.
Exes. Funny how they can still stir our emotions, even when we're already with someone else that we hold dearly. I think that its only natural that you think about your ex once in a while. It doesn't mean that you dont love your current lover.. but as i'd said many times, the very first love is just unforgettable. No matter how you try to convince yourself that your're completely over it. You'll always still have that little place somewhere in your heart that behaves awkwardly when you start to reminisce the good old times spent with your ex. That doesnt necessarily means that you still love him though. Entahla, susah nak explain. I think, you just have to experience it yourself to know. AS for myself, well yeah, i'm still fond of my ex, despite all of the hurtful things he did to me, but that doesnt mean i love Dan any less. Dan is my only love now. He's my world. But my ex will always be a part of me, because he was part of my past.
I was in love with you when we were younger you were mine
When I see you from time to time I still feel like
You can see it no matter how I try to hide
And even though there’s another man who’s in my life
You will always be my boo
Hmm.. The important thing is.. when things are over with your ex, well, you have every right to mourn over it, but never let it take control of your life. Cry if you must. Let the tears wash away the pain. When you've done all your crying, get back up, and start anew. Don't close your heart to others... sometimes, we tend to focus too much on one closed heart that we fail to notice all the other hearts that are opened for us. Let bygones be bygones. You can't build your future on broken past. Take life as it is. Semua yang jadi, pasti ada hikmah. Have faith. Everything will be just fine. :)
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Menyongket Lagi
Beberapa hari kebelakangan ni, selang sehari, berjalan, selang sehari, berjalan. Macam tak reti2 penat berjalan.. Isk. Apapun, tima kasih banyak2 kat akak yang tak serik2 bawak kami berjalan. Sian kat akak.. lotih dibuat eh. Lain kali kita bawak akak jalan pulak eh jenor ek..
Last night, as planned, we went to the pesta.. again! Zoomed from here right after tutorial, reached usm around 7.30, maghrib and then shoot off to tesco to get some stuffs and have dinner. Dined at the food court. Had sizzling mee.. MMmmmmmm.. jauh lebih sedap from the ine in Carrefour Seb Jaya. Seriosly. The gravy is much2 more thicker, acceptable amount of chicken, muchrooms and veg. Pendek kata, mmg sedap la. Tak tercompare sedapnya ngan the one in carrefour yang cair macam tak reti buat je.
Even teh claypot rice pun sedap. Rasa yang azno amek. Not tasteless like what i had dulu. Akak amek claypot tomyam... sedap jugak rasa dia. Manis sikit.. azeno kata maybe cik aji tu dia letak manyak kot. Apesal orang masak kena letak aji?? Haiyaa.. buat rambut gugur je... pakai garam, gula sudahla.. Dulu nenek2 kita tak guna aji pun... sedap jer... Ntah sape ngaja guna aji nih. :p
--- B R E A K : Blood Donation Drive ---
Adeyyy.. Br blk derma darah. Sakit lak xperience harini. Usually tak rasa pape..cuma sakit macam gigit semut masa dia cucuk bius.. Nih sakit... tak masuk vein betul2 kot... tu la blood flow masuk bag pun slow je. Orang yang start before me pun dah siap lepak makan dah, n i'm still not done with the blood donation. Hampeh betul. Nurse tu kata urat tersasar sikit, tu yang sakit. Aku kata, takpela, takyah ubah.. nnt lagi sakit. Kosser sakit byk2 kali.
Hehe.. sambung citer last night. After Tesco, headed to the pesta. Boleh thn gak ramainya orang walaupun weekday. Anyways, gi tgk tudung, pastu headed for the rides. Oleh sbb masing2 pening2, naik 2 ride je... Satu buai pusing2 macam kat genting, another one, ferris wheel.. hehe. Nak naik yang lain tu kirim salam je la. :p
After the rides, terus sambung shopping. Ada yg beli baju, ada beli karpet,..hehe.. shop til you drop la..
Hadey..tak larat dah nak type.. tgn kanan nih dah sengal semacam. Hadeyy... pepun.. utk org2 yg masih belum menderma darah (hint! Hint!) pergila.. Selalunya, tak sakit, esp kalau yang buat tu org yg berpengalaman. Td maybe sbb dr tadi tu baru kot.. carik vein pun payah sikit. Anyways.. sapa yg belum try, pergila derma, digalakkan. Ramai orang yg perlukan darah kita ni.. bukan setakat orang accident, orang yg beranak pastu kurang darah, kanak2 penghidap thalassemia yang selalu kena tukar darah... kesian kat diorang. Jd, marilah kita derma darah. Nak derma duit mungkin tak mampu sgt, derma la apa yang kit amampu. Don't worry, tak sakit... utk yg pompuan, nak beranak sok jauh lagi sakit.. lagi kena byk amek darah. Baik experience dari sekarang. Lagipun, derma darah ni boleh bantu kita lose/maintain weight! So, what are ou waiting for? Donate blood, save lives! **This is a community service message** (hehe..macam iklan kat hitz plak).
Beberapa hari kebelakangan ni, selang sehari, berjalan, selang sehari, berjalan. Macam tak reti2 penat berjalan.. Isk. Apapun, tima kasih banyak2 kat akak yang tak serik2 bawak kami berjalan. Sian kat akak.. lotih dibuat eh. Lain kali kita bawak akak jalan pulak eh jenor ek..
Last night, as planned, we went to the pesta.. again! Zoomed from here right after tutorial, reached usm around 7.30, maghrib and then shoot off to tesco to get some stuffs and have dinner. Dined at the food court. Had sizzling mee.. MMmmmmmm.. jauh lebih sedap from the ine in Carrefour Seb Jaya. Seriosly. The gravy is much2 more thicker, acceptable amount of chicken, muchrooms and veg. Pendek kata, mmg sedap la. Tak tercompare sedapnya ngan the one in carrefour yang cair macam tak reti buat je.
Even teh claypot rice pun sedap. Rasa yang azno amek. Not tasteless like what i had dulu. Akak amek claypot tomyam... sedap jugak rasa dia. Manis sikit.. azeno kata maybe cik aji tu dia letak manyak kot. Apesal orang masak kena letak aji?? Haiyaa.. buat rambut gugur je... pakai garam, gula sudahla.. Dulu nenek2 kita tak guna aji pun... sedap jer... Ntah sape ngaja guna aji nih. :p
--- B R E A K : Blood Donation Drive ---
Adeyyy.. Br blk derma darah. Sakit lak xperience harini. Usually tak rasa pape..cuma sakit macam gigit semut masa dia cucuk bius.. Nih sakit... tak masuk vein betul2 kot... tu la blood flow masuk bag pun slow je. Orang yang start before me pun dah siap lepak makan dah, n i'm still not done with the blood donation. Hampeh betul. Nurse tu kata urat tersasar sikit, tu yang sakit. Aku kata, takpela, takyah ubah.. nnt lagi sakit. Kosser sakit byk2 kali.
Hehe.. sambung citer last night. After Tesco, headed to the pesta. Boleh thn gak ramainya orang walaupun weekday. Anyways, gi tgk tudung, pastu headed for the rides. Oleh sbb masing2 pening2, naik 2 ride je... Satu buai pusing2 macam kat genting, another one, ferris wheel.. hehe. Nak naik yang lain tu kirim salam je la. :p
After the rides, terus sambung shopping. Ada yg beli baju, ada beli karpet,..hehe.. shop til you drop la..
Hadey..tak larat dah nak type.. tgn kanan nih dah sengal semacam. Hadeyy... pepun.. utk org2 yg masih belum menderma darah (hint! Hint!) pergila.. Selalunya, tak sakit, esp kalau yang buat tu org yg berpengalaman. Td maybe sbb dr tadi tu baru kot.. carik vein pun payah sikit. Anyways.. sapa yg belum try, pergila derma, digalakkan. Ramai orang yg perlukan darah kita ni.. bukan setakat orang accident, orang yg beranak pastu kurang darah, kanak2 penghidap thalassemia yang selalu kena tukar darah... kesian kat diorang. Jd, marilah kita derma darah. Nak derma duit mungkin tak mampu sgt, derma la apa yang kit amampu. Don't worry, tak sakit... utk yg pompuan, nak beranak sok jauh lagi sakit.. lagi kena byk amek darah. Baik experience dari sekarang. Lagipun, derma darah ni boleh bantu kita lose/maintain weight! So, what are ou waiting for? Donate blood, save lives! **This is a community service message** (hehe..macam iklan kat hitz plak).
Monday, December 20, 2004
Best weekend lepas.. Dua2 hari tu jam packed with activities. A lot funner than just lazing around at home la, for orang yang suka berjalan2 like me. Hehe.
Saturday morning, aznor n i went to Roziana's wedding near here. Apa nama tmpt tu ntah... lupa. Cool wedding sbb ada 2 pasang pengnatin. It was totally kampung syle, so sangat meriah. Siap ada lucky draw tuuuu... 1st time gi umah kenduri buat lucky draw. Siap pasang karaoke lagik.. Bebudak la ramai join joget lambak. Hehe.. Rasanya lucky draw tu utk penanggah2 kot (penanggah tu org yg keja2 masa kenduri, ikut kata org penang, bentara kot kalau tak silap), sebab kitorang tak dapat nombor pun? Dapat pot pourri comel je. :) Tima kasih roziana n family sbb jemput kami mkn kenduri. :D
Balik from kenduri, tunggu aznor n cikD siap, bergegas pulak ke Penang, jumpa kak salmi. Teman kak salmi carik baju, sesambil kitorang pun jugak jamu mata, carik apa yg patut. Hisy.. dalam takde duit tu kan, dapat gak baju selai.. hampes betul. :p Round2 kat KBJ tu dah sampai tak larat nak jalan, last2 me n CikD lepak kat uncle mango juice sampai diorang habis shopping kat cosmart. Pastu, balik ke halaman areka, nak solat maghrib.
Dah freshen up n solat, gih teluk tempoyak nak layan ikan bakar pulak. Perhhh... ramai giler... Ye la, hujung minggu, tambah plak lagi orang br dpt bonus kan. Meriah sungguh la. Azno tunjuk kat brader tu nak ikan kim-chu sbb dia kata masa dia mkn ngan abg long n ruza, sedap.. sbb ikan ni kacukan siakap ngan ikan apa ntah.. tp sedapla.. Akak lak tunjuk ikan kerapu sbb teringat ke'best'an makan ikan kerapu sweet n sour masa buka puasa arituh. So.. sbb brader tu melayan ramai orang sgt, kena la buat gimmick sket kasik brader tu pay attention kat permintaan kitorang kan. So, laung la kat brader tu.. "Nake ikan kim-chu ni ngan ikan keparu".. Berkesan!! Terus brader tu toleh. "Ikan keparu?" kata dia. Kitorang pun tersengih sengih... dan brader tu amek ikan2 yang kitorang nak, tambah udang sket atas request akak dan menimbang mende2 tu semua seblom dibakar untuk santapan kitorang mlm tu.
Pas order ikan, masing2 bertebaran lak carik air, order sotong, tunngu meja.. semua air 9kecuali air akak) licin seblom ikan siap.. sbb lama sangat nunggu nye. So, kitorang pun order la lagi satu jag air kelapa... Akibatnya, bial dah makan nasik n ratah ikan sumer, balas plak ngan air... sengkak ler memasing mlm tu.
Habis makan, gi plak ke sg nibong.. PESTAAAAA!!! Hehe.. camnela bley tercampak ke pesta lak nih. Ader la orang tu nak sgt2 naik rides... ada sorang tu plak beriyer nak carik kebaya nyonya.. macamla byk duitnya. Anyways, pergi jugakla kan, jam giler!!! Seb baik akak drive keta auto... tp kesianla kat akak.. sah2 penat, tp diikut gak perngai adik2 nih. Muehehe... best betul akak ni. :) Caayang akak. Parking gilo jauh.. sempat la bakar balik nasik yg kitorang mkn sblm tu kan. Park kat area perumahan... mmg pandai org kat situ buat duit. Parking kat situ kena carge 3 hengget tu. Isk..
Masuk pesta, waduhhh... ramainya umatttt!!! Jalan punya jalan, jumpa karpet murah.. adela org teringin beli karpet pulak... Jalan lagi, jumpa pulak kebaya nyonya, excited la minah sorang tu nak2 beli kebaya nyonya kaler pink.. pastu barula jumpe ride and excited giler la minah sorang ni nak naik ride. Malangnya, dia pergi ngan orang2 yang seriau kena lambung2 ni, dahla lepas makan kan, so.. takde orang nak teman dia naik ride, terpaksala kitorang meninggalkan kawasan ride tu dgn sorang member yang hampa tak dapat naik ride... tapi kitorang ckp kat dia, nnt pegi lagi ek... so dia pun kata oke n senyum balik. Muehehee.. sape dia ek? ;)
Pusing pesta sampai abes, pastu blk.. Tak larat dah kaki nak menanggung. Teman dulu akak balik umah, pastu br la kitorg blk ke umah masing2. Penat, tp sangat best. Selasa ni, kalau takde aral, insyaAllah, sampaila lagi kitorang ke pesta tu. Berjaya la pesta mengutip rm8 sorang dr kami utk entrance fee... dan dapatla kawan sorang tu naik ride, n yg sorang lagi tu kalau ada duit, dapat la dia kebaya nyonya yang dia teringin sangat2 tu. Termakan hasutan tv3 sungguh. Isk.. nih la.. effects of effective advertising. Tahik betul. :p
Sunday, 11.30 pagi kena ada kat campus, nak naik bas kol 12 nak pergi padang MPSP utk demo silat sempena KArnival Silat Nusantara 2004. Kena jemur sepetang kat padang tu. Bayangkanla, dok kat tenagh padang time tengahari rembang tu.. Kol 2.30 beridri kat tgh panas sampai habis semua kol 5.45 lebih kurang. Dah tak tau nak kata rasa macam mana. Masa demo, mcm kalut sket sbb masing2 tak berpeluang nak practice beramai2... practice dlm cawangan je kan, jadi, hasilnya tak begitu memuaskan la. Macam mana pun, kitorang dah cuba buat yang terbaik (sampai ada yg terkoyak2 seluar), jadik, apa yg jadi tu, redha je la. Baik ke buruk ke, ada la hikmah kejadiannya tu.
Blk dlm kol 6 ptg, tak habis lagi keinginan nak berjalan tu.. oleh sbb member suka berjalan pun ada kan. Gih megamall pulak.. azeno yg ajak.. (heheh) Lepak solat asar n maghrib, ada gak hati nk tgk ocean's 12, tp timing tak sesuai.. so, scrap the idea. LAst2 gi makan n jenjln carik menda2. Balun roti beberapa bijik (malu nak sebut berapa bijik sbb byk sgt), sambung lak ngan belasah ayam kat mcD.. pastu jenjln, tgk kasut, carik birthday card, carik jeans, last2, yang dapatnya, small make-up case, sorang satu.. sbb menda tu plg murah.. rm5 dapat 2 bijik. Ooo.. yang minah sorang ni plak sempat beli barney kecik nk bagik kat bakal mak mertua dia n bantal tengkuk Jack2 from McD..tuh la.. dlm pada takde duit tu kan.. Isk.. (CikD: Hehehee.. aku dah ade jack2 yeay yeay!!! Nnt nak pakai utk tdo dlm bas!! :D )
Dah la tu... 2 hari punya menda posting berjela2.. Nak kena sambung tulis codes. Td jumpa Dr Os dah beriya2 ckp by March dah boleh tulis thesis... Dr pun pelik. Kuang3.. Cheers everyone!
Best weekend lepas.. Dua2 hari tu jam packed with activities. A lot funner than just lazing around at home la, for orang yang suka berjalan2 like me. Hehe.
Saturday morning, aznor n i went to Roziana's wedding near here. Apa nama tmpt tu ntah... lupa. Cool wedding sbb ada 2 pasang pengnatin. It was totally kampung syle, so sangat meriah. Siap ada lucky draw tuuuu... 1st time gi umah kenduri buat lucky draw. Siap pasang karaoke lagik.. Bebudak la ramai join joget lambak. Hehe.. Rasanya lucky draw tu utk penanggah2 kot (penanggah tu org yg keja2 masa kenduri, ikut kata org penang, bentara kot kalau tak silap), sebab kitorang tak dapat nombor pun? Dapat pot pourri comel je. :) Tima kasih roziana n family sbb jemput kami mkn kenduri. :D
Balik from kenduri, tunggu aznor n cikD siap, bergegas pulak ke Penang, jumpa kak salmi. Teman kak salmi carik baju, sesambil kitorang pun jugak jamu mata, carik apa yg patut. Hisy.. dalam takde duit tu kan, dapat gak baju selai.. hampes betul. :p Round2 kat KBJ tu dah sampai tak larat nak jalan, last2 me n CikD lepak kat uncle mango juice sampai diorang habis shopping kat cosmart. Pastu, balik ke halaman areka, nak solat maghrib.
Dah freshen up n solat, gih teluk tempoyak nak layan ikan bakar pulak. Perhhh... ramai giler... Ye la, hujung minggu, tambah plak lagi orang br dpt bonus kan. Meriah sungguh la. Azno tunjuk kat brader tu nak ikan kim-chu sbb dia kata masa dia mkn ngan abg long n ruza, sedap.. sbb ikan ni kacukan siakap ngan ikan apa ntah.. tp sedapla.. Akak lak tunjuk ikan kerapu sbb teringat ke'best'an makan ikan kerapu sweet n sour masa buka puasa arituh. So.. sbb brader tu melayan ramai orang sgt, kena la buat gimmick sket kasik brader tu pay attention kat permintaan kitorang kan. So, laung la kat brader tu.. "Nake ikan kim-chu ni ngan ikan keparu".. Berkesan!! Terus brader tu toleh. "Ikan keparu?" kata dia. Kitorang pun tersengih sengih... dan brader tu amek ikan2 yang kitorang nak, tambah udang sket atas request akak dan menimbang mende2 tu semua seblom dibakar untuk santapan kitorang mlm tu.
Pas order ikan, masing2 bertebaran lak carik air, order sotong, tunngu meja.. semua air 9kecuali air akak) licin seblom ikan siap.. sbb lama sangat nunggu nye. So, kitorang pun order la lagi satu jag air kelapa... Akibatnya, bial dah makan nasik n ratah ikan sumer, balas plak ngan air... sengkak ler memasing mlm tu.
Habis makan, gi plak ke sg nibong.. PESTAAAAA!!! Hehe.. camnela bley tercampak ke pesta lak nih. Ader la orang tu nak sgt2 naik rides... ada sorang tu plak beriyer nak carik kebaya nyonya.. macamla byk duitnya. Anyways, pergi jugakla kan, jam giler!!! Seb baik akak drive keta auto... tp kesianla kat akak.. sah2 penat, tp diikut gak perngai adik2 nih. Muehehe... best betul akak ni. :) Caayang akak. Parking gilo jauh.. sempat la bakar balik nasik yg kitorang mkn sblm tu kan. Park kat area perumahan... mmg pandai org kat situ buat duit. Parking kat situ kena carge 3 hengget tu. Isk..
Masuk pesta, waduhhh... ramainya umatttt!!! Jalan punya jalan, jumpa karpet murah.. adela org teringin beli karpet pulak... Jalan lagi, jumpa pulak kebaya nyonya, excited la minah sorang tu nak2 beli kebaya nyonya kaler pink.. pastu barula jumpe ride and excited giler la minah sorang ni nak naik ride. Malangnya, dia pergi ngan orang2 yang seriau kena lambung2 ni, dahla lepas makan kan, so.. takde orang nak teman dia naik ride, terpaksala kitorang meninggalkan kawasan ride tu dgn sorang member yang hampa tak dapat naik ride... tapi kitorang ckp kat dia, nnt pegi lagi ek... so dia pun kata oke n senyum balik. Muehehee.. sape dia ek? ;)
Pusing pesta sampai abes, pastu blk.. Tak larat dah kaki nak menanggung. Teman dulu akak balik umah, pastu br la kitorg blk ke umah masing2. Penat, tp sangat best. Selasa ni, kalau takde aral, insyaAllah, sampaila lagi kitorang ke pesta tu. Berjaya la pesta mengutip rm8 sorang dr kami utk entrance fee... dan dapatla kawan sorang tu naik ride, n yg sorang lagi tu kalau ada duit, dapat la dia kebaya nyonya yang dia teringin sangat2 tu. Termakan hasutan tv3 sungguh. Isk.. nih la.. effects of effective advertising. Tahik betul. :p
Sunday, 11.30 pagi kena ada kat campus, nak naik bas kol 12 nak pergi padang MPSP utk demo silat sempena KArnival Silat Nusantara 2004. Kena jemur sepetang kat padang tu. Bayangkanla, dok kat tenagh padang time tengahari rembang tu.. Kol 2.30 beridri kat tgh panas sampai habis semua kol 5.45 lebih kurang. Dah tak tau nak kata rasa macam mana. Masa demo, mcm kalut sket sbb masing2 tak berpeluang nak practice beramai2... practice dlm cawangan je kan, jadi, hasilnya tak begitu memuaskan la. Macam mana pun, kitorang dah cuba buat yang terbaik (sampai ada yg terkoyak2 seluar), jadik, apa yg jadi tu, redha je la. Baik ke buruk ke, ada la hikmah kejadiannya tu.
Blk dlm kol 6 ptg, tak habis lagi keinginan nak berjalan tu.. oleh sbb member suka berjalan pun ada kan. Gih megamall pulak.. azeno yg ajak.. (heheh) Lepak solat asar n maghrib, ada gak hati nk tgk ocean's 12, tp timing tak sesuai.. so, scrap the idea. LAst2 gi makan n jenjln carik menda2. Balun roti beberapa bijik (malu nak sebut berapa bijik sbb byk sgt), sambung lak ngan belasah ayam kat mcD.. pastu jenjln, tgk kasut, carik birthday card, carik jeans, last2, yang dapatnya, small make-up case, sorang satu.. sbb menda tu plg murah.. rm5 dapat 2 bijik. Ooo.. yang minah sorang ni plak sempat beli barney kecik nk bagik kat bakal mak mertua dia n bantal tengkuk Jack2 from McD..tuh la.. dlm pada takde duit tu kan.. Isk.. (CikD: Hehehee.. aku dah ade jack2 yeay yeay!!! Nnt nak pakai utk tdo dlm bas!! :D )
Dah la tu... 2 hari punya menda posting berjela2.. Nak kena sambung tulis codes. Td jumpa Dr Os dah beriya2 ckp by March dah boleh tulis thesis... Dr pun pelik. Kuang3.. Cheers everyone!
Friday, December 17, 2004
Had been feeling rather crappy these past few days la... Dunno why la. Very edgy, sometimes rather emotional, sometimes ntah-hapa-hapa-ntah. Aiyaaa...
Anyways, nasib baik join demo for this Sunday. Seronok practice demo, dapat release all the negative energies (perrhh... rasa mcm yoga guru pulak). Di samping tu dapat gak tambah2 kan lebam kat lutut, kat dada, kat lengan.. hehe.. brutal sket. Pastu lak kena jadik crook utk serangan pisau. Perhh.. the very the brutal gitu.
Two days ago chat ngan cuz Awin on Yaho... Isk.. macam2 cerita la minah tu. Dia tanya, nak risik tanak risik.? Ntah.. tak tau nak kata. Kalau ikutkan hati, nak buat yg wajib aje (hehe.. ELOPE!).. lagipun, kalau dgn risik, tunang lagi, byk sgt dapat cinicn. Jari cincin ada 2 je.. kang nikah dapat cincin lagi, nak letak kat mana pulak kan. Cukupla cincin tunang jer... Byk2 cincin ni pening la.. Kang berat sangat tak larat angkat tangan pulok. :p
Anyways, finally discussed the wedding thingy with Dan, tp bukanla discuss habis2an pun. We're currently very flexible about the actual date, tp macam mana pun, insyaAllah, next yr jadikla. Bila tu tak sure, kena tgk Dan punya schedule sbb dia bz, line check, base check, sim, training lagi kalau aircraft baru smpi... Hehe.. kalau tetiba dapat tau kitorg dah kawen, tp tak sorang pun dpt kad.. maknanya kitorg elope dah la tu..hehe.. kawen lari.. ;) Kidding. :)
Updates on Nura : Called her last night. She sounded quite allright. Still in the hospital, tp tukar ward. Her blood test results will be ready on tuesday. Hopefully everything will be ok for her la. jangan la sbb mmg darah dia ada problem... biarla apa yg jadik ni sbb effects from premature birth haritu je, not more than that. Kesian dgr dia kena cucuk everyday, amek darah lagi, cucuk ubat lagi, sbb nak kena make sure darah dia pada kepekatan/kecairan yang sesuai. Dahla minah tu allergic sikit amek2 darah ni. kalau amek kat pelipat lengan tu ok gak.. Ni kena amek kat urat yg atas tangan tu... sakit tuuu!! Sian kat dia. Pepun, hope she gets well soon.
Pk.. enough posting. Harini ada byk keje, slps berhari2 mcm blurr tak tau nak buat apa. Cheers peeps.
Anyways, nasib baik join demo for this Sunday. Seronok practice demo, dapat release all the negative energies (perrhh... rasa mcm yoga guru pulak). Di samping tu dapat gak tambah2 kan lebam kat lutut, kat dada, kat lengan.. hehe.. brutal sket. Pastu lak kena jadik crook utk serangan pisau. Perhh.. the very the brutal gitu.
Two days ago chat ngan cuz Awin on Yaho... Isk.. macam2 cerita la minah tu. Dia tanya, nak risik tanak risik.? Ntah.. tak tau nak kata. Kalau ikutkan hati, nak buat yg wajib aje (hehe.. ELOPE!).. lagipun, kalau dgn risik, tunang lagi, byk sgt dapat cinicn. Jari cincin ada 2 je.. kang nikah dapat cincin lagi, nak letak kat mana pulak kan. Cukupla cincin tunang jer... Byk2 cincin ni pening la.. Kang berat sangat tak larat angkat tangan pulok. :p
Anyways, finally discussed the wedding thingy with Dan, tp bukanla discuss habis2an pun. We're currently very flexible about the actual date, tp macam mana pun, insyaAllah, next yr jadikla. Bila tu tak sure, kena tgk Dan punya schedule sbb dia bz, line check, base check, sim, training lagi kalau aircraft baru smpi... Hehe.. kalau tetiba dapat tau kitorg dah kawen, tp tak sorang pun dpt kad.. maknanya kitorg elope dah la tu..hehe.. kawen lari.. ;) Kidding. :)
Updates on Nura : Called her last night. She sounded quite allright. Still in the hospital, tp tukar ward. Her blood test results will be ready on tuesday. Hopefully everything will be ok for her la. jangan la sbb mmg darah dia ada problem... biarla apa yg jadik ni sbb effects from premature birth haritu je, not more than that. Kesian dgr dia kena cucuk everyday, amek darah lagi, cucuk ubat lagi, sbb nak kena make sure darah dia pada kepekatan/kecairan yang sesuai. Dahla minah tu allergic sikit amek2 darah ni. kalau amek kat pelipat lengan tu ok gak.. Ni kena amek kat urat yg atas tangan tu... sakit tuuu!! Sian kat dia. Pepun, hope she gets well soon.
Pk.. enough posting. Harini ada byk keje, slps berhari2 mcm blurr tak tau nak buat apa. Cheers peeps.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Hmm.. 2nd posting of the day. Tadi tgh buat kerja, pastu rasa cam lapar pulak, eventhough had a huge breakfast this morning.. ish ish.. Anyways, sbb taknak fikir abt food sangat, carik listing utk boutiques/tailors yang boleh buat nyonya kebaya in penang(Kalau ada sesapa yang tau, tlg post msg bitau kat mana ek?Tq.). Ada satu site ni kata there's one in komtar yang oleh buat nyonya kebaya for rm220. Hmm.. a little pricey la pulak. Budget around rm 150 je. Kena carik lain la pulak.
So, continued browsing.. pastu jumpa this site, a married lady with kids. Baca weblog dia, terus rasa sedey sangat2, sebak sungguh. Why? Dr apa yang ditulis, menampakkan yang sekarang dia tgh face dgn satu masalah, yang utk org yg dah kawen, kira besarla. Her husband's having an affair, and tgh pujuk dia utk terima kehadiran the other person in their married life. Tak taula.. mungkin pada orang lain, cerita tu biasa. Tapi, ntahla... it struck me really hard. Buat aku rasa cam risau pulak. Bukannya aku nak buruk sangka kat my other half... but the future is not ours to tell kan... jadi, risau tu tetap ada.
Terasa kesedihan lady tu. Diorang dah kawen 8 thn, dah ada anak pun. Sedihnya, dia cuba fahami suami dia, cuba cari mana kesalahan dia, berharap agar suami dpt sayangi dia dan hanya dia... tapi husband dia boleh ckp try to view it with an open mind. Tahik tak? Dia kata hati dia hancur bila dgr hubby ckp mcm tu. Kalau aku pun, hati aku akan hancur. Even sekarang, dlm keadaan belum kawen ni aku dah sedey, apa pulak bila dah kawen, bila segalanya dah dikongsi bersama. Tak terbayang sedihnya. Bukan setakat hancur je... dah takde perkataan nak describe apa akan jadik kat hati aku kalau terima nasib macam tu.
Kadang2 macam tak paham. Kenapa ada perempuan yang sampai hati nak buat benda macam ni kat perempuan lain. Diorang tak fikir ke kalau benda tu jadik kat diorang balik. Aku pernah tanya kat sorang kakak ni dulu, masa aku keje. Dia ada affair ngan laki orang. Dia kata, kalau dia tak buat dulu, orang lain akan buat kat dia. Entahla. Pendapat orang macam2. Adakalanya, memang takdir tuhan... Tapi, kadang2, orang tuding jari kat takdir, walaupun sebenarnya diorang sendiri yang carik penyakit. It really takes two to tango. Kalau sebelah pihak je yang nak, tapi yang satu lagi tak layan, takkan ke mana. Tapi, aku sedar, perlakuan hati ni tak dapat nak diagak. Kalau hati nak suka, dia suka, kalau dia nak sayang, dia sayang. Tak dapat kita nak tegah. Tapi, tuhan anugerahkan kita akal. Akal memandu hati. Perasaan hati tak boleh dicontrol, tapi perlakuan kita boleh dicontrol oleh akal. Kalau kita dah tau yang kita nak sayang tu milik orang lain, korbankanla sayang yang baru nak berputik tu untuk kasih sayang yang dah lama terjalin. Kumbang bukan sekor... Lelaki pun bukannya sorang. Kalau rasa pengorbanan camtu pun dah teramat besar, bayangkanla pulak pengorbanan si isteri tu, berkali2 ganda lebih besar. Bukan cakap takbur. Na'uzubillah. tak niat pun. Tapi, bila baca cerita2 abt men who strays, aku rasa sedey n takut. sangat takut kalau ia terjadi pada aku. Aku tak rasa aku cukup kuat utk hadapi. sebab tu aku rasa sedey sangat.
Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya. (Mereka berdoa): "Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri ma'aflah kami; ampunilah kami; dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir".
-Al Baqarah, 286
So, continued browsing.. pastu jumpa this site, a married lady with kids. Baca weblog dia, terus rasa sedey sangat2, sebak sungguh. Why? Dr apa yang ditulis, menampakkan yang sekarang dia tgh face dgn satu masalah, yang utk org yg dah kawen, kira besarla. Her husband's having an affair, and tgh pujuk dia utk terima kehadiran the other person in their married life. Tak taula.. mungkin pada orang lain, cerita tu biasa. Tapi, ntahla... it struck me really hard. Buat aku rasa cam risau pulak. Bukannya aku nak buruk sangka kat my other half... but the future is not ours to tell kan... jadi, risau tu tetap ada.
Terasa kesedihan lady tu. Diorang dah kawen 8 thn, dah ada anak pun. Sedihnya, dia cuba fahami suami dia, cuba cari mana kesalahan dia, berharap agar suami dpt sayangi dia dan hanya dia... tapi husband dia boleh ckp try to view it with an open mind. Tahik tak? Dia kata hati dia hancur bila dgr hubby ckp mcm tu. Kalau aku pun, hati aku akan hancur. Even sekarang, dlm keadaan belum kawen ni aku dah sedey, apa pulak bila dah kawen, bila segalanya dah dikongsi bersama. Tak terbayang sedihnya. Bukan setakat hancur je... dah takde perkataan nak describe apa akan jadik kat hati aku kalau terima nasib macam tu.
Kadang2 macam tak paham. Kenapa ada perempuan yang sampai hati nak buat benda macam ni kat perempuan lain. Diorang tak fikir ke kalau benda tu jadik kat diorang balik. Aku pernah tanya kat sorang kakak ni dulu, masa aku keje. Dia ada affair ngan laki orang. Dia kata, kalau dia tak buat dulu, orang lain akan buat kat dia. Entahla. Pendapat orang macam2. Adakalanya, memang takdir tuhan... Tapi, kadang2, orang tuding jari kat takdir, walaupun sebenarnya diorang sendiri yang carik penyakit. It really takes two to tango. Kalau sebelah pihak je yang nak, tapi yang satu lagi tak layan, takkan ke mana. Tapi, aku sedar, perlakuan hati ni tak dapat nak diagak. Kalau hati nak suka, dia suka, kalau dia nak sayang, dia sayang. Tak dapat kita nak tegah. Tapi, tuhan anugerahkan kita akal. Akal memandu hati. Perasaan hati tak boleh dicontrol, tapi perlakuan kita boleh dicontrol oleh akal. Kalau kita dah tau yang kita nak sayang tu milik orang lain, korbankanla sayang yang baru nak berputik tu untuk kasih sayang yang dah lama terjalin. Kumbang bukan sekor... Lelaki pun bukannya sorang. Kalau rasa pengorbanan camtu pun dah teramat besar, bayangkanla pulak pengorbanan si isteri tu, berkali2 ganda lebih besar. Bukan cakap takbur. Na'uzubillah. tak niat pun. Tapi, bila baca cerita2 abt men who strays, aku rasa sedey n takut. sangat takut kalau ia terjadi pada aku. Aku tak rasa aku cukup kuat utk hadapi. sebab tu aku rasa sedey sangat.
Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya. (Mereka berdoa): "Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri ma'aflah kami; ampunilah kami; dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir".
-Al Baqarah, 286
*Stretch* Habis lab for this morning. Monday morning lab session ni syok sikit. The students are more interactive as compared to Thursday morning punya bebudak. Macam bagus. Malas nak layan.
Anyways... got back from KL last night. The bus was delayed. It was supposed to depart from Duta at 1530 but it ended up departing at 1700. Hisy... Marah sungguh. Diorang kata bas rosak... and i overheard another lady talking to the trans ppl at the counter complaining abt her delayed bus or sth... and the trans fella used the pkn as their excuse. He said sth abt trans buses being charted to send off the pkn kids so there aren't enough busses. Stupid, ain't it? I mean.. if you know that you're gonna charter your bus for any occasions, you're supposed to make sure that you have enough busses to cater for that, as well as the normal routes. Ini tidak. Bengong betul. As a result, i only reached pbtr at 2015... 3 hours 15 mins upon departing from Duta. Damn fast wasnt it? Hell yeah. Non-stop lak tuh. Muka masing2 dah macam ayam berak kapur... dok menahan dr kena pegi toilet.
Nothing much happened in KL. Pergi hantar baju kat tailor. Had to re-measure. Hampeh.. naik around 0.5-1.0 inch at certain places. Kuang3. Expected. December is all-you-can-eat month. As the new year starts, my dieting will start as well. Nak try diet apa pulak ek?? hehehe... aci ak..bley main pilih2.
Went to this wedding on saturday night at the UTM hall in semarak. So, naturally everyone was talking abt weddings, my wedding, my cuz's wedding n stuffs. Tapi, pikir2 balik, betulla... bila sebenarnya nak kawen nih? Kak Long, if according to plan la kan, will get married early next year.. so i cant hold my wedding then. Zura's will be in august.. so august is off as well... My mom said not to hold it in december next yr since she's going for haj early 2006, so she wants to concentrate on haj preps in dec, so that mth is off for me as well. Habis tu bila nak kawennya?? I wouldnt want to hold it off for another year. Tak baik lambat2kan mende baik... Ngeh..ngeh..ngeh... :D
Oh... another thing. Nura messaged me yesterday. She's admitted to the hospital again because it was discovered that she has a blood clot in her vein at her neck. InsyaAllah, we're going to visit her tomorrow. Dear friends, please help to pray to God that she'll be well soon and that she'll have the strength to go through this difficult time. Thanks.
Anyways... got back from KL last night. The bus was delayed. It was supposed to depart from Duta at 1530 but it ended up departing at 1700. Hisy... Marah sungguh. Diorang kata bas rosak... and i overheard another lady talking to the trans ppl at the counter complaining abt her delayed bus or sth... and the trans fella used the pkn as their excuse. He said sth abt trans buses being charted to send off the pkn kids so there aren't enough busses. Stupid, ain't it? I mean.. if you know that you're gonna charter your bus for any occasions, you're supposed to make sure that you have enough busses to cater for that, as well as the normal routes. Ini tidak. Bengong betul. As a result, i only reached pbtr at 2015... 3 hours 15 mins upon departing from Duta. Damn fast wasnt it? Hell yeah. Non-stop lak tuh. Muka masing2 dah macam ayam berak kapur... dok menahan dr kena pegi toilet.
Nothing much happened in KL. Pergi hantar baju kat tailor. Had to re-measure. Hampeh.. naik around 0.5-1.0 inch at certain places. Kuang3. Expected. December is all-you-can-eat month. As the new year starts, my dieting will start as well. Nak try diet apa pulak ek?? hehehe... aci ak..bley main pilih2.
Went to this wedding on saturday night at the UTM hall in semarak. So, naturally everyone was talking abt weddings, my wedding, my cuz's wedding n stuffs. Tapi, pikir2 balik, betulla... bila sebenarnya nak kawen nih? Kak Long, if according to plan la kan, will get married early next year.. so i cant hold my wedding then. Zura's will be in august.. so august is off as well... My mom said not to hold it in december next yr since she's going for haj early 2006, so she wants to concentrate on haj preps in dec, so that mth is off for me as well. Habis tu bila nak kawennya?? I wouldnt want to hold it off for another year. Tak baik lambat2kan mende baik... Ngeh..ngeh..ngeh... :D
Oh... another thing. Nura messaged me yesterday. She's admitted to the hospital again because it was discovered that she has a blood clot in her vein at her neck. InsyaAllah, we're going to visit her tomorrow. Dear friends, please help to pray to God that she'll be well soon and that she'll have the strength to go through this difficult time. Thanks.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Huhu... Sedey. Caouldnt go back early. tu la, semlm suka2 sangat. Isk.. bosan betul. Nasib baik transnasional je bas yg ada from pbtr-kl... Kalau tak dah lama boycott. Unreliable. Menyampahnyaaaa...
So.. maybe karang kalau tak delay sampai around 2230... Tahik! That means spending time with my boo for maximum 2 hours only. Demmitz laaa... Huhuhuuuu.... The whole weekend he wont be around lak tuh. He'll be spending the weekend in India. Huhuuhu.. sedey.
Oh.. i think i can kiss Dubai/Abu Dhabi goodbye. My boo tak lepas min flight hrs/aircraft type requirements for both Etihad n Emirates. Takpela.. lain kali ek hon. Belum rezeki lagik kot.. Dia soh kita dok Mesia jaga parents kita la tu. :) Nanti kita g cuti je la kat sana ek.. kat Burj-El-Arab... hehe.. Sapa nak sponsor ek?
Cukupla tuh. Blog seblom balik. Melayan duka lara tak dapat balik cepat (chewah). Chiao. Have a good weekend everyone.
So.. maybe karang kalau tak delay sampai around 2230... Tahik! That means spending time with my boo for maximum 2 hours only. Demmitz laaa... Huhuhuuuu.... The whole weekend he wont be around lak tuh. He'll be spending the weekend in India. Huhuuhu.. sedey.
Oh.. i think i can kiss Dubai/Abu Dhabi goodbye. My boo tak lepas min flight hrs/aircraft type requirements for both Etihad n Emirates. Takpela.. lain kali ek hon. Belum rezeki lagik kot.. Dia soh kita dok Mesia jaga parents kita la tu. :) Nanti kita g cuti je la kat sana ek.. kat Burj-El-Arab... hehe.. Sapa nak sponsor ek?
Cukupla tuh. Blog seblom balik. Melayan duka lara tak dapat balik cepat (chewah). Chiao. Have a good weekend everyone.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Patutler connection laju giler.. dah upgrade rupanya. Thanks kak salmi for the info. :) Tak sampai2nya jugak nak beraya katumah akak kan? Nanti ek..
Hari Happy
Hari nih rasa happy. :) Byk faktor pendorong kehappyan hari ni. Pagi tadi berjaya jugak mengakses server Tomcat. Dulu dah jadik dah.. tp lepas java n tomcat tu mengalami proses install n uninstall berulang2 kali, jadik takleh access pulok. Nak access asyik2 error.. rupanya error nya keciput aje.. Nak setect nya makan 2 hari jugak. Hampehssss. Anyways, oleh sebab satu perkara dah setel, happy la. :D
Pastu tadi g telefon orang transnasional pbtr, mintak tukar masa balik. Aritu beli tiket 5.45.. sekali Dan kata dia tak keje lak boleyla blk awal sket. Tak la awal mana pun.. pastu orang tu kata wokey, bley dtg esok utk bas 3.30.. Hehehe.. Lagi kehappyan utk hari ini. :)
Pas tepon, gi library pulak.. renew buku yang dah dipinjam nak masuk 3 bulan, tapi baru selak 5 page awal.. Selak je pun, bukan baca sangat. Pastu encik librarian tu tegur plak, teguran2 yang menghappykan. :D Heeheee..
Librarian: Kenapa lambat hantar nih?
Me : Ala, terlupa la.
Librarian: Thn berapa?
Me : Err..master.
Librarian : (pandang semacam) Master? Isk.. tu la.. nampak muda sangat. Cuba nampak tua siket.
Me : Hehehe.. nak wat cane....
Kira okey la kan.. Young poreber. Agak2nya kalau aku ckp kat dia aku budak 1st year dia pecaye tak??? Kuang3...
Okela... takmo blk lmbt sgt arini. Nak kena bakar roti dr freezer tu nk buat berbuka. Esok raya!!! :D
OKes..malas dah nk blog.. Babai!! :)
Hari Happy
Hari nih rasa happy. :) Byk faktor pendorong kehappyan hari ni. Pagi tadi berjaya jugak mengakses server Tomcat. Dulu dah jadik dah.. tp lepas java n tomcat tu mengalami proses install n uninstall berulang2 kali, jadik takleh access pulok. Nak access asyik2 error.. rupanya error nya keciput aje.. Nak setect nya makan 2 hari jugak. Hampehssss. Anyways, oleh sebab satu perkara dah setel, happy la. :D
Pastu tadi g telefon orang transnasional pbtr, mintak tukar masa balik. Aritu beli tiket 5.45.. sekali Dan kata dia tak keje lak boleyla blk awal sket. Tak la awal mana pun.. pastu orang tu kata wokey, bley dtg esok utk bas 3.30.. Hehehe.. Lagi kehappyan utk hari ini. :)
Pas tepon, gi library pulak.. renew buku yang dah dipinjam nak masuk 3 bulan, tapi baru selak 5 page awal.. Selak je pun, bukan baca sangat. Pastu encik librarian tu tegur plak, teguran2 yang menghappykan. :D Heeheee..
Librarian: Kenapa lambat hantar nih?
Me : Ala, terlupa la.
Librarian: Thn berapa?
Me : Err..master.
Librarian : (pandang semacam) Master? Isk.. tu la.. nampak muda sangat. Cuba nampak tua siket.
Me : Hehehe.. nak wat cane....
Kira okey la kan.. Young poreber. Agak2nya kalau aku ckp kat dia aku budak 1st year dia pecaye tak??? Kuang3...
Okela... takmo blk lmbt sgt arini. Nak kena bakar roti dr freezer tu nk buat berbuka. Esok raya!!! :D
OKes..malas dah nk blog.. Babai!! :)
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Wowwww... the connection speed today is unexpectably smooth, and super-fast!!! Wonder if they'd upgraded the line or sth. Whatever it is, i sure can live with this speed of connection! Since morning tadi lajus gilers... Selalu mmg morning laju sket than the rest of the day.. Nih, dah nearly 4p.m, tp siap blogger pun boleh open in a few minutes. Amazing sungguh!
Tak niat pun nak blog today..just trying to test the server. Hehe. Dah masuk nih, blog jer la apa yg patut.
Kamis nak balik, petang, at 5.45, tak jadik kol 3.30 sbb takde org nak amek from Duta. Blk bas kol 5, Dan will be available to pick me up sbb dia blk from flight around 10p.m.. so sempat la nak gi amek. Kesian gak kat dia.. the next morning ada flight lagi kol 8.. But he insisted on picking me up and having a late dinner together.. Hehe... i've no objections to that.. naturally. :) Dah bitau mama that i'll be home rather late.. Tak la lewat mana pun, sbb dia nak balik cepat buat paperwork n prepare for flight.. Tp maybe menjangkau midnight. Isk.. kalau dah kawen kan senang... terus blk umah sesama... Huhu...
Tadik amek kesempatan server yg laju, tgk emirates nye website.. Dan mintak tlg tgkkan. It seems that they have vacancy for 1st officers. Hehe.. bley suh dia apply. Basic salary berganda2 dr kat transmile yg fucked up tu. I don't mind staying in Dubai. Really, really dont mind that. Bukan lama, buat duit kat sana, pastu balik aaa. Hmm... agak2nya dia nak apply tak? Kang pujuk la. :)
Okay.. dah lewat.. zuhur blom lagik. Kang trus smayang asar..pastu trus ada tutorial tekno. Gilo ramai sem ni. Apesal ntah. Kena jaga sampai 2 kelas. Mampui.. :p
Tak niat pun nak blog today..just trying to test the server. Hehe. Dah masuk nih, blog jer la apa yg patut.
Kamis nak balik, petang, at 5.45, tak jadik kol 3.30 sbb takde org nak amek from Duta. Blk bas kol 5, Dan will be available to pick me up sbb dia blk from flight around 10p.m.. so sempat la nak gi amek. Kesian gak kat dia.. the next morning ada flight lagi kol 8.. But he insisted on picking me up and having a late dinner together.. Hehe... i've no objections to that.. naturally. :) Dah bitau mama that i'll be home rather late.. Tak la lewat mana pun, sbb dia nak balik cepat buat paperwork n prepare for flight.. Tp maybe menjangkau midnight. Isk.. kalau dah kawen kan senang... terus blk umah sesama... Huhu...
Tadik amek kesempatan server yg laju, tgk emirates nye website.. Dan mintak tlg tgkkan. It seems that they have vacancy for 1st officers. Hehe.. bley suh dia apply. Basic salary berganda2 dr kat transmile yg fucked up tu. I don't mind staying in Dubai. Really, really dont mind that. Bukan lama, buat duit kat sana, pastu balik aaa. Hmm... agak2nya dia nak apply tak? Kang pujuk la. :)
Okay.. dah lewat.. zuhur blom lagik. Kang trus smayang asar..pastu trus ada tutorial tekno. Gilo ramai sem ni. Apesal ntah. Kena jaga sampai 2 kelas. Mampui.. :p
Monday, December 06, 2004
The Weekend Story
Part 1: A Family Affair in Taiping
I spent Friday night at tmn sempadan coz kakak wasnt around and i had to return late from silat. Woke up at around 0645 for subuh and headed home straightafter. Had butterflies in my tummy since the day before thinking of what the weekend in taiping had to offer
. Sampai rumah, boiled water, showered, packed my stuffs to bring to taiping, had a very relaxing breakfast (just to get myself prepared) and i was off to taiping by 0915.
It was easy finding Seri M'sia, thanx to K.Chik for the simple directions. When i reached there, aunty was outside, just back from her morning stroll, so she waited til i parked, salam2, kiss2 and then uncle came. We lepak at the lobby sekejap, before i went to follow aunty into their room so that aunty can shower and get ready for lunch.
The programme for that day was for us to go visit uncle azis in kamunting, who just had an accident where a motorcycle hits him(also on motorcycle) from behind. He had to go through 3 times of head operations, and according to his wife, he's not himself sometimes. Kesian kat acik bibah. Harap2 keluarga acik bibah bersabar.
After that, we headed to Uncle Mail's sister's house for lunch, also in Kamunting. Perrhhh...memang best nak mampus2, lauk kampung ler katakan, home-prepared lak tuh. Siap tambah nasik tuh... Haha... takde malu2..malu kalau, lapaq beb! Siap *mancakuk lak tuh! (mancakuk = ratah lauk in minang). Lauk simple, tapi mkn ngan nasik panash...iskk...sedap giler. Kari daging, kerabu toge+pucuk paku+kerang, sambal tumis udang petai, kacang botol dan yg paling kick n power sekali, sambal belacan.... Waduhh.. power giler ah... pedas!!!
Lepak jap at their place til 1430, then we headed back to the hotel, rehat kejap before the next event at scheduled at 1630, some meeting that aunty had to attend and she wanted me to follow. Sesambil melepak dlm blk tu, tlg aunty balut prezzies for cabutan bertuah the next day... So nice of her to let me have a room all to myself!
Tak payah share ngan sesape pun. Sgt besh!
1630, we went to the dewan at Ins. Kemahiran Telekom, Taiping to check on the place and the meeting. Tunggu punya tunggu, dah kol 1800 barula orang mula nak ramai. Hampeh. When ppl started coming, it marks the start of my introduction to aunty's relatives, close and distant... Nasib baik aunty yg buat all the introduction.. Aunty yg jawab bila orang tanya "ni siapa?" and pointed to me. Phew!~ Saves me some trouble. Ohh..tapi adala satu niece aunty nih kot... was being cynical towards me. Maybe dia niat gurau kot, but i dunno, maybe i was in PMS that i took heart of it. Whatever it is, i'll make it a point not to even go near her on any occasions.
1830, we left coz aunty dah penat sangat. Back to the hotel, uncle's brother, ayah Uda pulak datang with his wife, bawak rojak buah for the night's dinner. So berkenal2an la pulak dgn ayah uda ngan wife dia. Since it was nearly maghrib, i invited the wife to solat at my room, since there's only me, and she did. Borak la abt stuffs sementara nak menunggu time for dinner. When everyone was ready, we went for dinner. I helped ayah uda n wife gaulkan rojak buah tu, and stayed with them the whole night. Thank God for them being there. Kalau tak, i wouldnt know what to do. Really felt lost that night. Sedey semacam. Upset habis. So, after dinner, habis2kan wrap prezzies, ckp ngan Dan (not in a nice way), and went straight to bed, in tears. Don't get me wrong... everyone treated me nicely, but i dunno, i felt lost maybe because everyone were chatting, laughing and having a great time with their family members, and i was there all alone. Dahla Dan takde. Aunty and uncle were entertaining all the others, sbb aunty is the president of K-Jenaton, so it's only natural that she does that. I don't blame them la, It's just me, with my pms and all...
I woke up at 0600 when aunty came knowcking at my door. Dah bgn pun masa tu, just mintak tlg aunty kejut jugak, just in case. Confused jugak why she didnt ring me instead.
Anyways, lepas smayang, mandi, siap2, lepak jap sementara tunggu bfast. The cafe was only opened for bfast at 0730, so lepak jap kat lobby, aunty introduce me to this Tok, which i can't remember their names already, but i do remember them being very nice people. Later, aunty Yaya from Kuching joined us with her hubby. Pastu cafe bukak and we had bfast.
Habis bfast, we rushed to the dewan and reached there at 0815. I was late for my registration briefing. Aunty asked me to help Wan Chu for registration the day before. So, i was appointed to a table, and given personal briefing. Wan chu pun baik, tak marah2 pun eventho i lambat. Hehe. Pastu tunggu la sampai orang datang. Oh.. belom explain pun sebenarnya what this thingy is all about kan. Its actually a really huge family gathering... Besar gile, not like the one you have for raya which only involves 1st cousins and/or 2nd cousins. This occasion gathers the 5th generation to the younger (7/8th, not sure) generations of Dato' Jenaton. I looked at the family tree, and if i'm not mistaken, aunty punya tok is the 5th generation punya member, Tok Ishak. All the clans were given colored tags to identify themselves, the Ishak clans were given green tags, so i was given one myself
walaupun belum officially one kan. hehe. So, you can imagine the number of relatives i had to meet la kan. Hmm... terpikir gak.. ade ke orang lain yang buat kerja ni? Pergi bakal family punya gathering...? 
Ooo.. masa registration tu, berkenal2an ngan Dan's 2nd cousins, Mimi n her bro n his wife Shafia.
After registration, lepak jap in the hall with uncle Nanai. They were all sitting in a row, Uncle Nanai, Adik, aunty Ojah, Aunty Baby. Aunty baby came all the way from Germany to attend the gathering. After the doa, pergi tlg aunty Mena with children's drawing contest plak. Lepak sampai 11, sambung lepak in the hall ngan Aunty Anek adik beradik. (Aunty Anek, Aunty Ojah, Aunty Baby, Uncle Titi ni adik beradik Aunty. Adik n Chum anak aunty Ojah). Masa tu la baru nak berkenal2an ngan aunty Baby coz that was the 1st time jumpa2 aunty baby.
For lunch, duduk gak ngan adik beradik tu. Syok la. Borak2..
I didnt feel awkward anymore. Sedap je makan, takde control2. habis lunch, uncle Titi n wife, Aunty Anne came to our table sbb they're leaving already. Pastu.......
Uncle Titi : Haa.. ni kira dah confirm la nih.. So bila lagi??
Adik : Haa.. dah pakai tag hijau tu mesti confirm laaa.
Uncle Titi : Dah start panggil "mak" ke belum..
Me : Hehe.. mak kata kena tunggu habis belajar jugak. Camne??
Aunty Ojah : Haa..meh aunty cakap ngan mak...
Kuang3. Sengih jer laa.. kerang pun kerang laaaa...
Pas lunch, balik campus... berkejar sbb nak jumpa ustaz for ijazah pulak.
Part 2: Ijazah
Sampai campus around 1500, solat pastu gih tgk ijazah... Dah habis2 ijazah, biasala, ustaz borak sket2. Hmm.. bukan nak kata la.. slalunya, apa ustaz ckp tu mesti ada kena mengena ngan apa yg aku persoalkan dlm hati...and haritu, ustaz ckp pasal kawen... Adey... rasa macam kena dusyum dua-tga kali..
Ustaz kata, "Dah kenal tu, jgn tunggu lama2, 4-5 bln, kawen la. Ramai dah kawen masa belajar, tak masalah pun...? Belajar pun bukan lama sangat, 3 thn je." Adeh..dehh...
Hahahaa..cukupla tuh. Aunty br call td. Dan report lak kat dia that i was upset with the niece's comments haritu. Aunty ckp jgn amek hati ngan dia, mulut dia mmg camtu, tp hati dia baik.. Isk.. hampeh betul bf aku nih. Sume dia nak citer.
Tapi, yg best nya, he said that his mom said everyone was giving positive comments abt me... Heheheeeeeee
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Friday, December 03, 2004
Everything has its pros and cons... including the convenience of blogging from yahoo... Hmmm... tak kesahla.. janji buleh blog. 
I vanished from school for 2 days, wed n thurs.. which meant that i skipped my supposedly micro-p lab scheduled on thurs morning, and i'd probably get a helluva toungue lashing in the lab today.. but heck. I DONT CARE. I'm on 7th heaven. Nothing and no one can change that (for the time being). 
Tuesday, i was still feeling blue, a natural post-argument emotional state. Yeah.. we're a normal couple. There are times that we argue... Anyways, i wasn't feeling too sure abt seeing him in pen the next day.. but heck... i'd been planning to be with him in pen from the previous week. Can't stop when the day had finally arrived, can i?(thank god for that!) So, that night, i prepared some bolognese sauce to take to him the next day. It didnt taste as good as i wanted it to be, probably because of my emotional state..hehe.. alasan.
Then, i headed off early to bed.
Wednesday, prepared the spaghetti, had breakfast, showered and head for pen as soon as he messaged me telling that he'd arrived. Aiza called me while i was on the way.. and told me something i was really glad to hear. I'm so happy for her!!
Good for you girl!! And the news took my mind off my uneasy feeling for a bit.
When i reached pen and finally met him, he greeted me as normal, and again, he apologized and we made up. No more awkward feelings.
We had the spaghetti i brought for him, and later jalan2 at KBJ, as we hadnt done that for nearly 2 mths.. nearly forgotten what its like inside KBJ.. hehe.. and we raced each other at the arcade!! Never done that before.. Sure was fun! Konon nak lawan Daytona.. sadly none of the Daytona machines were connected, so we ended up racing against the computer. Tak syok!!!.. takpela... maybe we'll race each other next time, ok hon... (and i know i'll win
After having a good time at the arcade, we proceeded to Gurney. Had dinner at the newly-opened(i think) Secret Recipe... and rushed to GSC straight after dinner to catch The Incredibles. Yep... sure was incredible! The 3D graphic was amazing!!! So life-like!! And... the cutest was surely Jack Jack.. esp in the last part.. Hehe.. What a darling.
(See honey... we should have 3 kids, 2 boys and a girl.. heheheee)
The next day, we met again, went to the new Tesco to get some stuffs for his India flight and some stuffs for myself, had lunch at The Chicken Rice Shop... which was very dissappointing
. This shop is soo overrated!!! There's nothing really that good abt this place, really. i dunno if there's any difference in the branch in Pen, or KL.. but what we had was nothing compared to the chicken rice place in Bt Bintang. The soup was tasteless... rasa macam air paip. The chicken n rice was ok... but lacks the chilli and ginger relish. There was a fly or two in the vicinity which was very unappealing, and the service needs a good deal of improvising. At the end of the meal, we decided to go for nasi ayam Bukit Bintang the next time we meet in KL.. never again the chicken rice shop.. NEVER!
He had to leave at around 1800, so i did too. Before leaving, he said that he might not join me for his family gathering in Taiping this weekend. Isk.. hampeh betul.. His family gathering and i'd have to be there without him. I'll make sure you pay dearly for making me do this honey.. mark my words...
Okla... better stop now and do my work. Petang dahla kena gi lab micro-p.
Oh..oh... wish me luck for Dan's family gathering this weekend ok! I'll need a good deal of that.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Havent been posting for a while. Mourning, caught up with work, stressed out and depleted of good moods. Hell.. i need chocolates, ice cream, sugar n spice n everything nice!!!
Wasnt in the best of moods/health lately. My throat is constantly sore, some points underneath my jawline aches, on-off fever and headaches, endless phlegm and runny nose... everything contributed to my low moods. PMT kot. Huhu..entahla.. just have to bear with it laa.. G jumpe Dr.. he said the aches underneath my jawline is a sign of an infection on my lymph nodes. Whateverla doc.. Asal boleh baik, cukup.
There're so many things scheduled throughout this week and next.. well..perhaps the whole mth.
2 Dec - Jamuan Raya PSSCMUSM KKj
4/5 Dec - help aunty with jenaton gath in taiping
- Nasa, Jimmy's wedding
10 Dec - Dr's appointment
25 Dec - Zura's engagement
31 Dec - Aunty's bday dinner (kot?)
1 Dec - Surina's wedding (nak kawen dah minah tuh.)
To add to all of that, i'd have to help with micro-p + electrical tech subjects.. AGAIN!!! Huwarrgggghhh... menyampahnyaaa!!! :( tp nasib baik gak.. kena sama ngan azeno... so ade la member nak bgelak ketawa dlm lab. Lantokla nak kena marah ke sound ke ngan en N n S.
Life can be so stressful sometimes. Dahla fennie dah close aerobics center temporarily. Takde dah tmpt best utk aerobics. No where to channel out my stress. Benganggg + bengonggg...
Lantok..tinggal sume... esok nk tgk incredibles, alexander, the forgotten... apa2la yg boley ditgk... Harap2 bulehla... kalau sedare tu tak penat from flight... and dia dah ok sket. Haritu b4 leaving for india mood dia pun tak ok sangat. Harap2nya everything goes well for him la.. sbb mood dia sgt2 la mempengaruhi mood orang di sini. Huhu...
Cukup... sambung kerja!kerja..kerja!!
Wasnt in the best of moods/health lately. My throat is constantly sore, some points underneath my jawline aches, on-off fever and headaches, endless phlegm and runny nose... everything contributed to my low moods. PMT kot. Huhu..entahla.. just have to bear with it laa.. G jumpe Dr.. he said the aches underneath my jawline is a sign of an infection on my lymph nodes. Whateverla doc.. Asal boleh baik, cukup.
There're so many things scheduled throughout this week and next.. well..perhaps the whole mth.
2 Dec - Jamuan Raya PSSCMUSM KKj
4/5 Dec - help aunty with jenaton gath in taiping
- Nasa, Jimmy's wedding
10 Dec - Dr's appointment
25 Dec - Zura's engagement
31 Dec - Aunty's bday dinner (kot?)
1 Dec - Surina's wedding (nak kawen dah minah tuh.)
To add to all of that, i'd have to help with micro-p + electrical tech subjects.. AGAIN!!! Huwarrgggghhh... menyampahnyaaa!!! :( tp nasib baik gak.. kena sama ngan azeno... so ade la member nak bgelak ketawa dlm lab. Lantokla nak kena marah ke sound ke ngan en N n S.
Life can be so stressful sometimes. Dahla fennie dah close aerobics center temporarily. Takde dah tmpt best utk aerobics. No where to channel out my stress. Benganggg + bengonggg...
Lantok..tinggal sume... esok nk tgk incredibles, alexander, the forgotten... apa2la yg boley ditgk... Harap2 bulehla... kalau sedare tu tak penat from flight... and dia dah ok sket. Haritu b4 leaving for india mood dia pun tak ok sangat. Harap2nya everything goes well for him la.. sbb mood dia sgt2 la mempengaruhi mood orang di sini. Huhu...
Cukup... sambung kerja!kerja..kerja!!
Friday, November 26, 2004
This was supposed to be the day before yesterday's posting... Tapi tersilap address... so, i resend the posting.
Mmm.. blogger makin susah nak dibukak.. so, posting dr sini aje la.
Lmbt sket..but at least posted jugak.
Hmm... dah lupe lak apa nak di postkan. Td cam byk mende je, pastu gih kuar jap beli kain n g lunch...dah hilang lak apa nak dipost... jap...
Yesterday, we went to see nura in the hospital. She was still warded
after giving birth to a lovely baby girl. Sadly, the baby was premature,
and she didnt make it alive. I'm very sorry for your loss, both nura
and amir. She was supposed to be discharged yesterday, but she was asked
to stay longer when they found out that she has a very low platelets
count. Tension dah minah tu duduk kat hospital. Kesian, mlm2 kena duduk sorang. Mesti asyik teringat kat baby dia. The saddest part was when she told me that the baby had all the features we imagined she would have.... nura's fair complexion, amir's eyes and nose, nura's mouth. I'm sure she's a beauty.... but Allah loves her more. I pray to god that nura and amir will remain patient and strong through these difficult times.
Lmbt sket..but at least posted jugak.
Hmm... dah lupe lak apa nak di postkan. Td cam byk mende je, pastu gih kuar jap beli kain n g lunch...dah hilang lak apa nak dipost... jap...
Yesterday, we went to see nura in the hospital. She was still warded
after giving birth to a lovely baby girl. Sadly, the baby was premature,
and she didnt make it alive. I'm very sorry for your loss, both nura
and amir. She was supposed to be discharged yesterday, but she was asked
to stay longer when they found out that she has a very low platelets
count. Tension dah minah tu duduk kat hospital. Kesian, mlm2 kena duduk sorang. Mesti asyik teringat kat baby dia. The saddest part was when she told me that the baby had all the features we imagined she would have.... nura's fair complexion, amir's eyes and nose, nura's mouth. I'm sure she's a beauty.... but Allah loves her more. I pray to god that nura and amir will remain patient and strong through these difficult times.
Nura, i'm always here to support you. May Allah bless the soul of nura's
child, Siti Aishah bt Ahmad Hafizullah Amir. -Al Fatihah-
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Hey peeps!! Help me get freebies!! You can too!!! Just click this link:
Click tau...pleassseeeee!! Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download Messenger Now
Monday, November 15, 2004
This year is the worst raya ever!!!! Its so drabbbbb... nothing happened. Its like daym boring.. Huhuhu... bosan sungguh.
Days Before Raya
I got back to KL on wed afternoon, spent the whole day with my mom. sadly, athirah wasnt around.She was out shopping in sogo with her parents. My granma onmy dad's side inivited us for break fast that day. It was totally last minute. She came with my paksu to fetch us from home at around 1845... My mom and i were already starting prepare for buka puasa... uwan kata, tinggal je, just follow them. So.. we did la. Tak ikut cam kesian pulak kan. Tp cam berat nak g pun ada since dah beli mende semua for buka puasa... siap beli nasik kerabu lagik.. Takkan nak bawak nasik sebungkus tu gih berbuka ramai2 kan. sah2 tak cukup. So..simpan ler balik. Huhu.. but in the end, i did eat the nasik kerabu..dah beli kan, tak makan kang sayang, kalau tunggu sahur, sah2 makanla jugak. dah prepare dah, mmg tak mkn byk masa kat umah uwan.. prepare perut.heheheh...
The next day... jeng..jeng..jeng.. Tolong mak dan buat raya cookies!!! Takla banyak pun cookies nya, 2 macam je. Went there after going to the cemetery in the morning. drove to their place and went with them to the clinic for our appoinment. For the 1st time in so many months, kl traffic was s-m-o-o-t-h!! It was like so wowwww!!!!
After the appointment, we went to ampang supermarket to get some stuffs and heas back home to start making the cookies.
1st batch of cookies - peanut butter cookies. Senang je bahannya. Flour, peanut butter, corn oil, sugar. Crammed gak jari since tak biasa gaul biskut kan.. hehe.. Anyways.. it took us nearly 2 hrs gak nak siapkan bake all the adunan. After that it was the chocolate cookies for almas.. I had to go home before completingthe baking process sbb dah nak buka puasa... So, i had to go home. Kesian mama buka puasa sensorg kat umah kan...
Tp mmg bestlah buat kuih.. and when dan called me last night, he said t hat his mom told everyone that i baked the cookies.. Hehehe..ala2 kembang gituh.. Sebenarnya tolong aje.. isk..
Sangat bosannnn!!!! All i did was like sleep, watch tv, eat nasik impit, rendang, lemang (and all the the standard dishes that i'd mentioned in the previous posting).. watch tv, watch other ppl siap2 to go places, went raya to 2 houses in salak.. read "Why men dont listen and women cant read maps" .. sleep some more. Basically, i did NOTHING! My cuzs yg same gae pun takde.. semua blk kg lain. HUhuhuuu...tadek la sepupu kecik..toddler2 nih. Best gak.
Tomorrow, i'm going back to KL... finally!! So, tmrw nite bleh a gih beraya umah aunty. Gonna give the dress and a spiderman doll to almas.
gtg... prepaid internet paksu ni kang habis lak. So.. hope everyone's having a wayyy "Funner" raya than i am. Chiao!
Days Before Raya
I got back to KL on wed afternoon, spent the whole day with my mom. sadly, athirah wasnt around.She was out shopping in sogo with her parents. My granma onmy dad's side inivited us for break fast that day. It was totally last minute. She came with my paksu to fetch us from home at around 1845... My mom and i were already starting prepare for buka puasa... uwan kata, tinggal je, just follow them. So.. we did la. Tak ikut cam kesian pulak kan. Tp cam berat nak g pun ada since dah beli mende semua for buka puasa... siap beli nasik kerabu lagik.. Takkan nak bawak nasik sebungkus tu gih berbuka ramai2 kan. sah2 tak cukup. So..simpan ler balik. Huhu.. but in the end, i did eat the nasik kerabu..dah beli kan, tak makan kang sayang, kalau tunggu sahur, sah2 makanla jugak. dah prepare dah, mmg tak mkn byk masa kat umah uwan.. prepare perut.heheheh...
The next day... jeng..jeng..jeng.. Tolong mak dan buat raya cookies!!! Takla banyak pun cookies nya, 2 macam je. Went there after going to the cemetery in the morning. drove to their place and went with them to the clinic for our appoinment. For the 1st time in so many months, kl traffic was s-m-o-o-t-h!! It was like so wowwww!!!!
After the appointment, we went to ampang supermarket to get some stuffs and heas back home to start making the cookies.
1st batch of cookies - peanut butter cookies. Senang je bahannya. Flour, peanut butter, corn oil, sugar. Crammed gak jari since tak biasa gaul biskut kan.. hehe.. Anyways.. it took us nearly 2 hrs gak nak siapkan bake all the adunan. After that it was the chocolate cookies for almas.. I had to go home before completingthe baking process sbb dah nak buka puasa... So, i had to go home. Kesian mama buka puasa sensorg kat umah kan...
Tp mmg bestlah buat kuih.. and when dan called me last night, he said t hat his mom told everyone that i baked the cookies.. Hehehe..ala2 kembang gituh.. Sebenarnya tolong aje.. isk..
Sangat bosannnn!!!! All i did was like sleep, watch tv, eat nasik impit, rendang, lemang (and all the the standard dishes that i'd mentioned in the previous posting).. watch tv, watch other ppl siap2 to go places, went raya to 2 houses in salak.. read "Why men dont listen and women cant read maps" .. sleep some more. Basically, i did NOTHING! My cuzs yg same gae pun takde.. semua blk kg lain. HUhuhuuu...tadek la sepupu kecik..toddler2 nih. Best gak.
Tomorrow, i'm going back to KL... finally!! So, tmrw nite bleh a gih beraya umah aunty. Gonna give the dress and a spiderman doll to almas.
gtg... prepaid internet paksu ni kang habis lak. So.. hope everyone's having a wayyy "Funner" raya than i am. Chiao!
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Hmmm... 2 hours wait for blog-page to download. Tragic waste of time. :(
Ramadhan Buffet@Cititel Hotel
The initial plan was to have our buffet buka puasa at the Grand Continental. Aznor was driving. Scene: not-so-heavy traffic into the city, KOMTAR in the vicinity.
Me: Boleh aa kat situ..nanti bley jenjln kat prangin sementara nak tunggu. WALKING DISTANCE je."
Nura: Betui aa? Walking distance aa.. aku rasa jauh jugak nak jalan.
Me:Eh.. aku rasa kalau nak g prangin mesti lalu nye depan hotel tu. Haa..tu..nampak bgnn tinggi tu.
Everyone looked towards where i pointed.
Me:Uikss..pesal cam buruk ek? Slalu nampak cam lawa.
Aznor made a round towards prangin mall.
Me: Uuuu... seblah prangin nih Shangri-La ghupenye.... tipu tertipah la kire nih..
Others: Hang ni sungguh la loqlaq! :p
Theeheehee... soweeee... *maluk* Tersalah hotel maaa....
Verdict: NEVER rely on EEN for directions or locations. Me suck! I'd never find my way even if provided with a map and compass. Now y'all see why i need a pilot??? hehehe...
Anyways... after all the "cover-malu" parts, we decided to give other hotels a call.
Call 1: Shangri-La Hotel
Price: RM45
Call 2: City Bayview
Price: RM37.50nett
Call 3: Cititel
Price: RM25 nett.
Obviously we picked Cititel. :)
We were there rather early.. so we had to lepak to kill off the time. Lots of gossipping involved (hisshh..kurus lagi pahale puasa..itu pun kalau masih ada pahala nya la). 1830, cikD n i went to the coffee house to get our tables. Azeno n Nura decided to maghrib first (pastu dok teringat2 amende yg terhidang..hahaha). After sitting down, enjoying the view for a while, (sebenarnya cam segan nak start amek sbb sume orang lepak je) we headed to the buffet table. Too many people at the main dish area.. so we headed to the dessert table. Yummy... strawberry, orange and honeydew jelly, pastries, cakes, assorted malay kuihs... We took all of em... hhehe. Then i headed to the bubur section..been wanting moy for some time while diyana headed for the pasemboq. We hurriedly placed our max-filled bowl on our table. Headed back to the main-course table (rasa cam amazing race pun ada...hehe. Bukan tak biasa mkn camni..saje.. fun). We took everything except the rice and bee-hoon..eleh..mende2 nih kat pbtr pun melambak. Then off we went to the BBQ corner. Had to wait a while for the lamb and beef to be BBQed. We got one piece each..cukupla, ingat2 kat orang belakang kan. Satisfied, we return to the table, eyes gleaming at the tantalizing foods spread before us. Then the gong went. Baca doa and its makan time!! Tummy was already half full just by eating the moy and desserts... Cane nak makan lagik nih?? Too busy indulging the food to even look around... but when i finally did look around... i was kinda irritated to find that other non-fasting races there as well. Its not like they fast to go for break-fast buffets anyway. Tapi, tak kesah sangatla.
Minutes later, Nura n Azeno came. They got their food and when they sat, i glanced at the people at the table just beside us: non-fasting diners. I looked at their plates... maakkk aii.. mengalahkan orang puasa. Their plate was like filled with food maximum.... even more than what we had on our plate. Udang menimbun2..and as a result, we, the fasting ones don't get enough of the prawns. Bangang betul. So inconsiderate. dah la satu hari melantak..malam pun melantak tak ingat dunia. Harap2 mati cepat sbb kolestrol tinggi. Padan muka.
We continued to enjoy our food and when its already 1945, i went to pray with cikD. Funny.. i expected other people to be at the surau. Apa, sume pompuan yg tgh mkn tu cuti ke? I'm not saying that i'm the good, pious one.. but it amazed me. Puasa rukun islam ke-3 buat, solat rukun yang ke-2 tak buat? Ironic isn't it?
Anyways.. after prayers, we went back to the table. Approaching the table... the muka-tembok people at the other table were still stuffing their face with the main dishes. Memangla, we's want to get the most of our hard-earned money.. but this is just downright pathetic. Datang dari kaki bukit mana ntah. Maybe they've never in their lives dined in a hotel before kot. Jakunses nak mampos2. Nafsu makan mengalahkan orang tak makan seploh hari. So, all of us made a comment la.. we bet that they'll be the last to leave... I think we could be right... coz they're still stuffing their ugly faces when we left. Ugly pigs!!
Heh.. excuse the language. Marah nih. Its like.. c'mon la. We dont care if you wanna go for buffet ramadhan whatever even if you dont fast kan... but be considerate to those who're actually fasting la. Mangkuk hayun pun tak hayun macam diorg. I admit, there're considerate non-fasting ppl there... But those group of idiotic whack just makes me sick.
Puas hati... marah terluah. :p
Raya Greetings
Sempena Syawal yang mulia, Een ucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya, semoga diberkati dan diredhai Allah selalu. Mohon ampun dan maaf atas segala kesilapan dan kesalahan.. kalau terkasar bahasa terkecik hati, dari sekecik2 perkara sampaila ke segabak2 perkara kalau Een terbuat silap, harap dimaafkan... Sbb aku hanya manusia... tak berupaya nak puaskan hati semua orang.
Kepada sume kengkawan yag rapat dan sentiasa pinjam-meminjam, makan bersama, minum se-mug, harap halalkan makan minum..Kalau ada duit terpinjam ke, terguna dulu ke, yang belum dibayar lagik, bolehla claim kalau mau... kalau nak halalkan pun, alhamdulillah. :D
Semoga ibadah kita diterima, dan semoga Syawal membuka lembaran baru untuk semua.
Salam Aidilfitri.
PS: Sorry la ek.. takde kad raya la. Tak baik bazir kertas. Byk pokok kena tebang. E-greetings pun tak elok gak.. Sakit mata tgk pc lelame. Aku takmo korang2 rosak mata. (hehehe..bernaskah alasan2 ku?)
Ramadhan Buffet@Cititel Hotel
The initial plan was to have our buffet buka puasa at the Grand Continental. Aznor was driving. Scene: not-so-heavy traffic into the city, KOMTAR in the vicinity.
Me: Boleh aa kat situ..nanti bley jenjln kat prangin sementara nak tunggu. WALKING DISTANCE je."
Nura: Betui aa? Walking distance aa.. aku rasa jauh jugak nak jalan.
Me:Eh.. aku rasa kalau nak g prangin mesti lalu nye depan hotel tu. Haa..tu..nampak bgnn tinggi tu.
Everyone looked towards where i pointed.
Me:Uikss..pesal cam buruk ek? Slalu nampak cam lawa.
Aznor made a round towards prangin mall.
Me: Uuuu... seblah prangin nih Shangri-La ghupenye.... tipu tertipah la kire nih..
Others: Hang ni sungguh la loqlaq! :p
Theeheehee... soweeee... *maluk* Tersalah hotel maaa....
Verdict: NEVER rely on EEN for directions or locations. Me suck! I'd never find my way even if provided with a map and compass. Now y'all see why i need a pilot??? hehehe...
Anyways... after all the "cover-malu" parts, we decided to give other hotels a call.
Call 1: Shangri-La Hotel
Price: RM45
Call 2: City Bayview
Price: RM37.50nett
Call 3: Cititel
Price: RM25 nett.
Obviously we picked Cititel. :)
We were there rather early.. so we had to lepak to kill off the time. Lots of gossipping involved (hisshh..kurus lagi pahale puasa..itu pun kalau masih ada pahala nya la). 1830, cikD n i went to the coffee house to get our tables. Azeno n Nura decided to maghrib first (pastu dok teringat2 amende yg terhidang..hahaha). After sitting down, enjoying the view for a while, (sebenarnya cam segan nak start amek sbb sume orang lepak je) we headed to the buffet table. Too many people at the main dish area.. so we headed to the dessert table. Yummy... strawberry, orange and honeydew jelly, pastries, cakes, assorted malay kuihs... We took all of em... hhehe. Then i headed to the bubur section..been wanting moy for some time while diyana headed for the pasemboq. We hurriedly placed our max-filled bowl on our table. Headed back to the main-course table (rasa cam amazing race pun ada...hehe. Bukan tak biasa mkn camni..saje.. fun). We took everything except the rice and bee-hoon..eleh..mende2 nih kat pbtr pun melambak. Then off we went to the BBQ corner. Had to wait a while for the lamb and beef to be BBQed. We got one piece each..cukupla, ingat2 kat orang belakang kan. Satisfied, we return to the table, eyes gleaming at the tantalizing foods spread before us. Then the gong went. Baca doa and its makan time!! Tummy was already half full just by eating the moy and desserts... Cane nak makan lagik nih?? Too busy indulging the food to even look around... but when i finally did look around... i was kinda irritated to find that other non-fasting races there as well. Its not like they fast to go for break-fast buffets anyway. Tapi, tak kesah sangatla.
Minutes later, Nura n Azeno came. They got their food and when they sat, i glanced at the people at the table just beside us: non-fasting diners. I looked at their plates... maakkk aii.. mengalahkan orang puasa. Their plate was like filled with food maximum.... even more than what we had on our plate. Udang menimbun2..and as a result, we, the fasting ones don't get enough of the prawns. Bangang betul. So inconsiderate. dah la satu hari melantak..malam pun melantak tak ingat dunia. Harap2 mati cepat sbb kolestrol tinggi. Padan muka.
We continued to enjoy our food and when its already 1945, i went to pray with cikD. Funny.. i expected other people to be at the surau. Apa, sume pompuan yg tgh mkn tu cuti ke? I'm not saying that i'm the good, pious one.. but it amazed me. Puasa rukun islam ke-3 buat, solat rukun yang ke-2 tak buat? Ironic isn't it?
Anyways.. after prayers, we went back to the table. Approaching the table... the muka-tembok people at the other table were still stuffing their face with the main dishes. Memangla, we's want to get the most of our hard-earned money.. but this is just downright pathetic. Datang dari kaki bukit mana ntah. Maybe they've never in their lives dined in a hotel before kot. Jakunses nak mampos2. Nafsu makan mengalahkan orang tak makan seploh hari. So, all of us made a comment la.. we bet that they'll be the last to leave... I think we could be right... coz they're still stuffing their ugly faces when we left. Ugly pigs!!
Heh.. excuse the language. Marah nih. Its like.. c'mon la. We dont care if you wanna go for buffet ramadhan whatever even if you dont fast kan... but be considerate to those who're actually fasting la. Mangkuk hayun pun tak hayun macam diorg. I admit, there're considerate non-fasting ppl there... But those group of idiotic whack just makes me sick.
Puas hati... marah terluah. :p
Raya Greetings
Sempena Syawal yang mulia, Een ucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya, semoga diberkati dan diredhai Allah selalu. Mohon ampun dan maaf atas segala kesilapan dan kesalahan.. kalau terkasar bahasa terkecik hati, dari sekecik2 perkara sampaila ke segabak2 perkara kalau Een terbuat silap, harap dimaafkan... Sbb aku hanya manusia... tak berupaya nak puaskan hati semua orang.
Kepada sume kengkawan yag rapat dan sentiasa pinjam-meminjam, makan bersama, minum se-mug, harap halalkan makan minum..Kalau ada duit terpinjam ke, terguna dulu ke, yang belum dibayar lagik, bolehla claim kalau mau... kalau nak halalkan pun, alhamdulillah. :D
Semoga ibadah kita diterima, dan semoga Syawal membuka lembaran baru untuk semua.
Salam Aidilfitri.
PS: Sorry la ek.. takde kad raya la. Tak baik bazir kertas. Byk pokok kena tebang. E-greetings pun tak elok gak.. Sakit mata tgk pc lelame. Aku takmo korang2 rosak mata. (hehehe..bernaskah alasan2 ku?)
Monday, November 08, 2004
Sebelum kelmarin
Jumaat petang, bergegas balik umah dalam kol 4.30 nak bersiap2 ke kulim... berbuka puasa ngan encik ali n nurul. Lama gak kitorg tak jumpa en. ali nih. Bape bulan ntah. Either dia bz.. atau kitorg yg bz. Hehe..anyways, dia bwk la kitorg g mkn all the way to Lunas. Tmpt tu dekat, tp oleh sbb tak mkn lagi dan perut dah main lagu rap, rasa tak sampai2 la pulak. Isk... Bila sampai, nasib baik gak order sampai cepat. Takdela rasa nak menyumpah2 kat situ kan. Heheh...
Lepak2 sampai kol 9... en. ali nih pun join lepak jugak.. hehe.. padahal patut kena masuk keje kol 8.30. Tak ingat dunia betul... tapi, akhirnya masing2 dapatla jugak menggerakkan diri untuk beredar dari tempat makan tu (tak ingat nama dia). Lepas en. ali pergi keje, kitorang menuju lak ke pelita juru... sesi chatting 2nd round.. all-girls' talk sesambil mengadap almond cheesecake, raspberry cheesecake, banana chocolate cake ngan brownie. Belasah laaa... diet pun berat tak turun. Baik takyah diet..wahahahaaa... lepak punya lepak, borak punya borak, sampai ada yg dah seram sejuk, ada yang jantung nak terkeluar.. hehe.. balik dlm kol 12.15.. Konon nak balik awal... sangatla awalnya.. awal pagi. Hehehe.. sampai umah kol 1... nasib baik tak terlajak sahur.
Pepun, memang best bila dapat duduk2, lepak2 dan borak2 dengan kawan2. Manusia ni, walau macam mana independant pun, tetap perlukan kawan2...untuk berkongsi cerita, berkongsi rasa, berkongsi pengalaman. Kawan2 mewarnakan hidup kita... tanpa kawan, hidup ni umpama kanvas kosong... tak menarik langsung untuk diharungi.. dengan hadirnya kawan2, kanvas tu menjadi berseri, diwarnai dengan pelbagai warna2 indah... oleh itu, hidup kita jadi exciting dan ceria, takdela mandom aje. Sebab tu la penting kita value friendship. Tanpa kawan2, hidup kita tak bermakna. To all my dearest friends, i'm glad that we are friends, and i'll treasure our friendship always. :)
Kelmarin hari Sabtu... duduk rumah, tak pergi mana. Study jugakla sesiket ttg Java, nak memahami lagi codes yang ditulis dgn lebih mendalam. hehe.. dapatla nota 2-3 muka surat. Ntah apa yg dicoreng kat dalam buku nota tu pun ntahla.
By petang, lepas masak2 utk buka, rasa cam boring duk terperuk kat rumah sehari suntuk. Hisyy.. camnela agaknya orang lain yang boleh lepak kat umah berhari2 tak keluar2... diorang tak tension ke? Rasa cam terkurung je kalau tak keluar2. Otak pun tak berkembang. :p
Anyways... buka puasa dgn keadaan yg tak begitu ada mood dgn kak lina dan kak yang. Bila takde mood tu, mulala, tekak pun loya je. Mende yang dah masuk rasa nak terkeluar balik.. isy..pelik betul skang nih..hehe. Pastu rasa cam nak mkn ice cream. Ajak azeno, diorg nak kuar mkn plak.. Hmm.. lain kali je la mkn ais krim.. huhu...
Smalam siang, projek baut kek batik ngan azeno. Azeno datang umah, projek kek batik dijalankan di rumah kak lina sbb dia baru kemas2 dapur. Dia kata, kalau tak masak, siap hangpa.. Hehe.. Jadik, lepas lepak2 tgk Ed, mula la masak kek tu... Baunya masa masak...perhhhhhh.... memang cam sedap giler la.. Hehhe...
Kejap je masak dia... setengah jam je. Pastu kak Harsa lak datang nak tunjuk akak cane operate mende2 aquarium. Segan lak ngan dia.. sbb tgh menyeksi..hehe..biasala..dok umah kan.. Oleh sbb masak kek batik dlm keadaan camtu, kitorag bg nama kek tu kek batik seksi. ;)
Pas masak, lepak2 dlm blk sambil azno meledor atas tilam n aku jahit baju raya (hehe..macam best je bunyi..tapi takla sehebat tu sebenarmye..gimik je) Borak lagi..hehe..pantang jumpe... ada je ceritanya. prong prang prong prang, dah kol 2.30, smayang, pastu g umah Kak Teh... belajar jaga diri.. kuang3... Perhh.. adela rasa cam org lepas bersalin. :) Bestnya kak teh ni, dia tak lokek, sume yg dia tau dia share. Cayaang kat kak teh. :D
Petang, lepak umah azeno nunggu berbuka.. Sblm tu gih teman azeno pulangkan penyapu sawang abg shapie. Pastu dia bagik plak tangga ngan mi kuah. Perhh.. pulang satu brg, dpt 2 brg..lain kali boleh buat lagi. Lepas maghrib, siap2 pulak untuk jumpa kak salmi kat sg bakap untuk sesi makan besaq. waaa..
Bila sampai tu, akak dah tunggu... hidangannya pulak sepanjang2 meja bersusun. Ada ayam paprik, sayur campur, tom yam campur, ikan besar sweet sour, telur bungkus. memang sangat Perrhhhhh la.. Pas mkn nasik, akak order lak kerang rebus. Tak muat dah perut.. terpaksa bungkus bawak balik. Sengkak perut tak terkira. Tima kasih bebyk akak, murah rezeki orang yang jamu anak2 yatim berbuka nih (chewah!.. kira cam anak yatim jugakla.. sbb family jauh.. hidup kat sini sendiri kan..? err..boleh ke camtuh?)
Pepun, akak mmg best... kalau akak selalu bwk kitorg kuar makan, ada harapan pasni kena resize baju ke satu atau dua size lagi besar. heheh... Lagik skali.. Tima kasih akak!!
Balik, lepak kat umah aku kejap... dlm sengkak2 tu, teringin jugak nak rasa kek batik siang tadi... Rasa dia..... Perhhhhh.. sedap giler... hehe... bukan puji diri snirik.. tapi puji resepi tu.. diambil dari kalau tak silap. Mmg bestla.. Lain kali kalau nak buat mmg pakai resepi tuh la. Mesra!~ (ckp ikut gaya bob... uwek!)
Hari Ini
Harini tepon mama, confirm balik hari Rabu.. dgn diyana, konvoi dgn azeno. Athirah angkat... dia kata dia demam.
Aku: Adik buat apa tu?
Adik: Adik demam ni.. adik makan ubat. (gaya dia ckp macam orang besar!)
Aku:Ooo.. adik demam ke. Ni along yeen la dek.
Adik: Ya Allah!! Along "jin"!!!
Tergezut aku..pastu dgr mama gelak.. kelakar la budak kenit tu. Hahha.. macam terkejut giler. Kiut sungguh.
Pastu tadik dah buat reservation ngan Hotel Grand Continental Penang utk buka puasa ptg ni.. Nyam!Nyam!... get ready perut.. sessi menyengkakkan perut akan berlaku lagi!
Balik nanti, ada appt. ngan dr ruben hari jumaat. Pastu ingat nak singgah sogo, last minute shopping. Ingat nak carik court shoes la instead of strappy sandal. Saja nak surprise Dan. Dia cukup suka kalau aku pakai court shoes. tgkla.. kalau ada yg cantik n murah.. n berkenan di hati. Kalau ada duit lebih, teringin gak sambar handbag satu..yg murah je la.. pastu nak carik shirt hijau. Heheh... :) Kena shopping cecepat..sbb dah janji ngan aunty nak tlg dia buat peanut butter cookies utk Dan n chocolate cookies utk almaz. Kesian kat dia, nak buat sorang tak larat.. takleh suruh maid tlg.. sbb baru dapat tau maid tu ada Hepatitis B. Hari ni nak g buat 2nd blood test utk confirmation. huhuhu.. seriau lak. kesian kat amy tu. Dia pandai buat keje, baik pulak... isk...
Okehla.. kena buat keje nih. Nanti blk raya dlm keadaan haru biru plak.
Jumaat petang, bergegas balik umah dalam kol 4.30 nak bersiap2 ke kulim... berbuka puasa ngan encik ali n nurul. Lama gak kitorg tak jumpa en. ali nih. Bape bulan ntah. Either dia bz.. atau kitorg yg bz. Hehe..anyways, dia bwk la kitorg g mkn all the way to Lunas. Tmpt tu dekat, tp oleh sbb tak mkn lagi dan perut dah main lagu rap, rasa tak sampai2 la pulak. Isk... Bila sampai, nasib baik gak order sampai cepat. Takdela rasa nak menyumpah2 kat situ kan. Heheh...
Lepak2 sampai kol 9... en. ali nih pun join lepak jugak.. hehe.. padahal patut kena masuk keje kol 8.30. Tak ingat dunia betul... tapi, akhirnya masing2 dapatla jugak menggerakkan diri untuk beredar dari tempat makan tu (tak ingat nama dia). Lepas en. ali pergi keje, kitorang menuju lak ke pelita juru... sesi chatting 2nd round.. all-girls' talk sesambil mengadap almond cheesecake, raspberry cheesecake, banana chocolate cake ngan brownie. Belasah laaa... diet pun berat tak turun. Baik takyah diet..wahahahaaa... lepak punya lepak, borak punya borak, sampai ada yg dah seram sejuk, ada yang jantung nak terkeluar.. hehe.. balik dlm kol 12.15.. Konon nak balik awal... sangatla awalnya.. awal pagi. Hehehe.. sampai umah kol 1... nasib baik tak terlajak sahur.
Pepun, memang best bila dapat duduk2, lepak2 dan borak2 dengan kawan2. Manusia ni, walau macam mana independant pun, tetap perlukan kawan2...untuk berkongsi cerita, berkongsi rasa, berkongsi pengalaman. Kawan2 mewarnakan hidup kita... tanpa kawan, hidup ni umpama kanvas kosong... tak menarik langsung untuk diharungi.. dengan hadirnya kawan2, kanvas tu menjadi berseri, diwarnai dengan pelbagai warna2 indah... oleh itu, hidup kita jadi exciting dan ceria, takdela mandom aje. Sebab tu la penting kita value friendship. Tanpa kawan2, hidup kita tak bermakna. To all my dearest friends, i'm glad that we are friends, and i'll treasure our friendship always. :)
Kelmarin hari Sabtu... duduk rumah, tak pergi mana. Study jugakla sesiket ttg Java, nak memahami lagi codes yang ditulis dgn lebih mendalam. hehe.. dapatla nota 2-3 muka surat. Ntah apa yg dicoreng kat dalam buku nota tu pun ntahla.
By petang, lepas masak2 utk buka, rasa cam boring duk terperuk kat rumah sehari suntuk. Hisyy.. camnela agaknya orang lain yang boleh lepak kat umah berhari2 tak keluar2... diorang tak tension ke? Rasa cam terkurung je kalau tak keluar2. Otak pun tak berkembang. :p
Anyways... buka puasa dgn keadaan yg tak begitu ada mood dgn kak lina dan kak yang. Bila takde mood tu, mulala, tekak pun loya je. Mende yang dah masuk rasa nak terkeluar balik.. isy..pelik betul skang nih..hehe. Pastu rasa cam nak mkn ice cream. Ajak azeno, diorg nak kuar mkn plak.. Hmm.. lain kali je la mkn ais krim.. huhu...
Smalam siang, projek baut kek batik ngan azeno. Azeno datang umah, projek kek batik dijalankan di rumah kak lina sbb dia baru kemas2 dapur. Dia kata, kalau tak masak, siap hangpa.. Hehe.. Jadik, lepas lepak2 tgk Ed, mula la masak kek tu... Baunya masa masak...perhhhhhh.... memang cam sedap giler la.. Hehhe...
Kejap je masak dia... setengah jam je. Pastu kak Harsa lak datang nak tunjuk akak cane operate mende2 aquarium. Segan lak ngan dia.. sbb tgh menyeksi..hehe..biasala..dok umah kan.. Oleh sbb masak kek batik dlm keadaan camtu, kitorag bg nama kek tu kek batik seksi. ;)
Pas masak, lepak2 dlm blk sambil azno meledor atas tilam n aku jahit baju raya (hehe..macam best je bunyi..tapi takla sehebat tu sebenarmye..gimik je) Borak lagi..hehe..pantang jumpe... ada je ceritanya. prong prang prong prang, dah kol 2.30, smayang, pastu g umah Kak Teh... belajar jaga diri.. kuang3... Perhh.. adela rasa cam org lepas bersalin. :) Bestnya kak teh ni, dia tak lokek, sume yg dia tau dia share. Cayaang kat kak teh. :D
Petang, lepak umah azeno nunggu berbuka.. Sblm tu gih teman azeno pulangkan penyapu sawang abg shapie. Pastu dia bagik plak tangga ngan mi kuah. Perhh.. pulang satu brg, dpt 2 brg..lain kali boleh buat lagi. Lepas maghrib, siap2 pulak untuk jumpa kak salmi kat sg bakap untuk sesi makan besaq. waaa..
Bila sampai tu, akak dah tunggu... hidangannya pulak sepanjang2 meja bersusun. Ada ayam paprik, sayur campur, tom yam campur, ikan besar sweet sour, telur bungkus. memang sangat Perrhhhhh la.. Pas mkn nasik, akak order lak kerang rebus. Tak muat dah perut.. terpaksa bungkus bawak balik. Sengkak perut tak terkira. Tima kasih bebyk akak, murah rezeki orang yang jamu anak2 yatim berbuka nih (chewah!.. kira cam anak yatim jugakla.. sbb family jauh.. hidup kat sini sendiri kan..? err..boleh ke camtuh?)
Pepun, akak mmg best... kalau akak selalu bwk kitorg kuar makan, ada harapan pasni kena resize baju ke satu atau dua size lagi besar. heheh... Lagik skali.. Tima kasih akak!!
Balik, lepak kat umah aku kejap... dlm sengkak2 tu, teringin jugak nak rasa kek batik siang tadi... Rasa dia..... Perhhhhh.. sedap giler... hehe... bukan puji diri snirik.. tapi puji resepi tu.. diambil dari kalau tak silap. Mmg bestla.. Lain kali kalau nak buat mmg pakai resepi tuh la. Mesra!~ (ckp ikut gaya bob... uwek!)
Hari Ini
Harini tepon mama, confirm balik hari Rabu.. dgn diyana, konvoi dgn azeno. Athirah angkat... dia kata dia demam.
Aku: Adik buat apa tu?
Adik: Adik demam ni.. adik makan ubat. (gaya dia ckp macam orang besar!)
Aku:Ooo.. adik demam ke. Ni along yeen la dek.
Adik: Ya Allah!! Along "jin"!!!
Tergezut aku..pastu dgr mama gelak.. kelakar la budak kenit tu. Hahha.. macam terkejut giler. Kiut sungguh.
Pastu tadik dah buat reservation ngan Hotel Grand Continental Penang utk buka puasa ptg ni.. Nyam!Nyam!... get ready perut.. sessi menyengkakkan perut akan berlaku lagi!
Balik nanti, ada appt. ngan dr ruben hari jumaat. Pastu ingat nak singgah sogo, last minute shopping. Ingat nak carik court shoes la instead of strappy sandal. Saja nak surprise Dan. Dia cukup suka kalau aku pakai court shoes. tgkla.. kalau ada yg cantik n murah.. n berkenan di hati. Kalau ada duit lebih, teringin gak sambar handbag satu..yg murah je la.. pastu nak carik shirt hijau. Heheh... :) Kena shopping cecepat..sbb dah janji ngan aunty nak tlg dia buat peanut butter cookies utk Dan n chocolate cookies utk almaz. Kesian kat dia, nak buat sorang tak larat.. takleh suruh maid tlg.. sbb baru dapat tau maid tu ada Hepatitis B. Hari ni nak g buat 2nd blood test utk confirmation. huhuhu.. seriau lak. kesian kat amy tu. Dia pandai buat keje, baik pulak... isk...
Okehla.. kena buat keje nih. Nanti blk raya dlm keadaan haru biru plak.
Friday, November 05, 2004
Hmm.. kejap je.. dah tinggal kurang 10 hari nak raya. Seperti raya2 beberapa thn kebelakangan nih, kemeriahan raya dah tak begitu terasa. Tak macam maa budak2 dulu. Ingat lagi, seblom blk kg, mama n baba bwk shopping kat area chow kit (dulu tmpt ni blom jadik little jakarta). On the way nak bali, rasa penat and dahaga gila2, mintak mama belikan air..hehe.. bukak pose seblom masuk maghrib ler jawabnya. Pastu nanti, 2-3 hari seblom raya, kitorg bertiga (me, mama, fadzlee) akan naik bas utk balik kg. Baba tak ikut.. dia biasa dtg lewat sket..masa raya.. or slalu kena ourstation masa tuh. Dia slalu akan hantar kitorg ke puduraya. Gilo byk org... pastuh, b4 naik bas, mama akan beli kek kat aunty jual kek kat puduraya tuh, buat bekal kitorg adik beradik dlm bas. Nanti sampai kg, arwah atuk amek naik keta ford hijau dia. Pastu, sehari seblom raya, nenek sibuk tangkap ayam, atuk sembelih ayam, nenek buat rendang n lemang, amek daun kelapa buat ketupat. Semuala buat sendiri.. takde pun lemang/ketupat "tunjuk" macam skarang. Syok sungguh.. ada sekali tu, kebetulan baba ikut skali balik tlg preparation raya kat kampung.. Ada dia buat magic amende ntah pakai api.. telan api ke macam mana ntah...Macam dlm tv woo.. perhhh!!!
Skarang, dah takde kemeriahan macam tu. Penat ada. Nak balik kg, kalau dulu bolehlepak aje dlm bas or keta, skang kena drive. Tgh2 pose nih, org pun bwk keta mcm orang gila. Menguji sungguh! Jam plak tu... kat highway jam.. isk.. seksa betul. Nenek pun skang dah tak daya nak buat lemang.. takde sapa nak tlg carikkan buluh pun.. so, mmg every year pak uteh belikan lemang 2-3 batang. mahal woo lemang.. at least rm8 sebatang harga dia. Bukan tentu masak ke tak pun isi dia lagik. :p Yang mmg konfem nenek buat, nasi himpit, rendang daging, ayam masak merak, kuah kacang, kuah lodeh dan yg best skalik, TAPAI.. umm.. sodapnyooo... Tapi tu lah..pendek katanya, mmg raya skang tak semeriah dulu, sbb umur dah lanjut kot. Mungkin nanti bila dah ada anak sendiri, kemeriahan tu datang balik, dlm caranya tersendiri.
Bulan ramadhan yg hanpir berlalu nih.. tak taula macam mana prestasi thn ni nak berbanding ngan thn lepas. Mengikut firasat sendiri, rasanya ok kot banding ngan thn lepas. Hehe..ok sket la kalau tak byk pun. Macam mana pun, semoga Allah pjgkan usia semoga dapat bertemu lagi dgn ramadhan thn hadapan... (berdua..hehe) insyaAllah.
Cerita Kawen
Excited cerita pasal nak kawin nih. Terbayang nanti pakai baju spesel la dr orang lain.. mekap pun 2-3 inci lebih dari org lain.. (hehehe..) pastu tepuk dahi bila bil2 sampai. Hadushhh.. kenapa la kawen nih mahal sangat? Huhu..
Tak tau la.. skang ni sebenarnya jiwa raga berkecamuk bila fikir pasal kawin. Memula bila pk pasal kahwin, seronok sangat, sbb akan berkongsi hidup dgn org yg amat kita sayang dan org tu jugak sudi untuk hidup bersama dan menyayangi kita sepenuh hati. Baru nak berangan pergi honeymoon kejap (hehe...angan2 itu penting!), mmenatang projek masters ni pulak enter frame. Isk.. mula la rasa menyampah, bengang dan stressed nak mampus2. Takut2 kalau tak dapat nak siapkan ikut perancangan. Huhuhu.. camne pun, walau apa pun yang jadik, kena redha. Sbb Allah maha mengetahui apa yg terbaik utk hambanya. *pujuk hati spy bersabau byk*.
tapi tu la, bila fikir masters yg tak nampak lagi penghujungnya, kolam mata nih pun makin penuh, selalunya tak dapat nak ditampung airnya, dan selalunya, mmg berguguran ler air mata membasahi pipi, bantal, baju, telekung.. apa2 je lah yg tgh pakai masa rasa syahdu camtuh. Sedey, tertekan.. semua bercampur. Rasa satu beban yg berat. Macam everyone is counting on me, pressuring me to complete my work. I do want to complete it as soon as i can... but my search for the end of the line is not successful just yet. Its a whirlwinding road for me.
Masa ni, terpikir..kalau la pernah pada satu masa buat keputusan yang paling tak tepat, inilah dia... keputusan utk buat masters by research. Pengajaran utk aku buat masa depan. Jangan ikut cakap orang. (bukan salahkan sesiap yg mungkin telah influence aku utk amek masters ingatkan diri sendiri utk ukur baju di badan snirik). Tp, oleh sbb mende nih dah jadik, kena harung jugakla walaupun sekuat mana ribut yang melanda. Orang islam hatinya kena teguh. Takpe.. i can do this, Allah will help me. Aku yakin pada kekuasaanNya. *kesat air mata* Feeling very fragile at this moment. (Thanks honey for being there for me, supporting me and being the wind beneath my wings.)
Oleh sbb master nih jugakla.. tak dpt buat keputusan lagi bila nak balik raya.. Huhu.. :(
Dah...malas nak blog lagik.. keje menimbun lagi.. Tp nk kuar jap g pekan ngan azno.. redakan kemarahan dan kestressan sambil carik tudung. :|
Hmm.. kejap je.. dah tinggal kurang 10 hari nak raya. Seperti raya2 beberapa thn kebelakangan nih, kemeriahan raya dah tak begitu terasa. Tak macam maa budak2 dulu. Ingat lagi, seblom blk kg, mama n baba bwk shopping kat area chow kit (dulu tmpt ni blom jadik little jakarta). On the way nak bali, rasa penat and dahaga gila2, mintak mama belikan air..hehe.. bukak pose seblom masuk maghrib ler jawabnya. Pastu nanti, 2-3 hari seblom raya, kitorg bertiga (me, mama, fadzlee) akan naik bas utk balik kg. Baba tak ikut.. dia biasa dtg lewat sket..masa raya.. or slalu kena ourstation masa tuh. Dia slalu akan hantar kitorg ke puduraya. Gilo byk org... pastuh, b4 naik bas, mama akan beli kek kat aunty jual kek kat puduraya tuh, buat bekal kitorg adik beradik dlm bas. Nanti sampai kg, arwah atuk amek naik keta ford hijau dia. Pastu, sehari seblom raya, nenek sibuk tangkap ayam, atuk sembelih ayam, nenek buat rendang n lemang, amek daun kelapa buat ketupat. Semuala buat sendiri.. takde pun lemang/ketupat "tunjuk" macam skarang. Syok sungguh.. ada sekali tu, kebetulan baba ikut skali balik tlg preparation raya kat kampung.. Ada dia buat magic amende ntah pakai api.. telan api ke macam mana ntah...Macam dlm tv woo.. perhhh!!!
Skarang, dah takde kemeriahan macam tu. Penat ada. Nak balik kg, kalau dulu bolehlepak aje dlm bas or keta, skang kena drive. Tgh2 pose nih, org pun bwk keta mcm orang gila. Menguji sungguh! Jam plak tu... kat highway jam.. isk.. seksa betul. Nenek pun skang dah tak daya nak buat lemang.. takde sapa nak tlg carikkan buluh pun.. so, mmg every year pak uteh belikan lemang 2-3 batang. mahal woo lemang.. at least rm8 sebatang harga dia. Bukan tentu masak ke tak pun isi dia lagik. :p Yang mmg konfem nenek buat, nasi himpit, rendang daging, ayam masak merak, kuah kacang, kuah lodeh dan yg best skalik, TAPAI.. umm.. sodapnyooo... Tapi tu lah..pendek katanya, mmg raya skang tak semeriah dulu, sbb umur dah lanjut kot. Mungkin nanti bila dah ada anak sendiri, kemeriahan tu datang balik, dlm caranya tersendiri.
Bulan ramadhan yg hanpir berlalu nih.. tak taula macam mana prestasi thn ni nak berbanding ngan thn lepas. Mengikut firasat sendiri, rasanya ok kot banding ngan thn lepas. Hehe..ok sket la kalau tak byk pun. Macam mana pun, semoga Allah pjgkan usia semoga dapat bertemu lagi dgn ramadhan thn hadapan... (berdua..hehe) insyaAllah.
Cerita Kawen
Excited cerita pasal nak kawin nih. Terbayang nanti pakai baju spesel la dr orang lain.. mekap pun 2-3 inci lebih dari org lain.. (hehehe..) pastu tepuk dahi bila bil2 sampai. Hadushhh.. kenapa la kawen nih mahal sangat? Huhu..
Tak tau la.. skang ni sebenarnya jiwa raga berkecamuk bila fikir pasal kawin. Memula bila pk pasal kahwin, seronok sangat, sbb akan berkongsi hidup dgn org yg amat kita sayang dan org tu jugak sudi untuk hidup bersama dan menyayangi kita sepenuh hati. Baru nak berangan pergi honeymoon kejap (hehe...angan2 itu penting!), mmenatang projek masters ni pulak enter frame. Isk.. mula la rasa menyampah, bengang dan stressed nak mampus2. Takut2 kalau tak dapat nak siapkan ikut perancangan. Huhuhu.. camne pun, walau apa pun yang jadik, kena redha. Sbb Allah maha mengetahui apa yg terbaik utk hambanya. *pujuk hati spy bersabau byk*.
tapi tu la, bila fikir masters yg tak nampak lagi penghujungnya, kolam mata nih pun makin penuh, selalunya tak dapat nak ditampung airnya, dan selalunya, mmg berguguran ler air mata membasahi pipi, bantal, baju, telekung.. apa2 je lah yg tgh pakai masa rasa syahdu camtuh. Sedey, tertekan.. semua bercampur. Rasa satu beban yg berat. Macam everyone is counting on me, pressuring me to complete my work. I do want to complete it as soon as i can... but my search for the end of the line is not successful just yet. Its a whirlwinding road for me.
Masa ni, terpikir..kalau la pernah pada satu masa buat keputusan yang paling tak tepat, inilah dia... keputusan utk buat masters by research. Pengajaran utk aku buat masa depan. Jangan ikut cakap orang. (bukan salahkan sesiap yg mungkin telah influence aku utk amek masters ingatkan diri sendiri utk ukur baju di badan snirik). Tp, oleh sbb mende nih dah jadik, kena harung jugakla walaupun sekuat mana ribut yang melanda. Orang islam hatinya kena teguh. Takpe.. i can do this, Allah will help me. Aku yakin pada kekuasaanNya. *kesat air mata* Feeling very fragile at this moment. (Thanks honey for being there for me, supporting me and being the wind beneath my wings.)
Oleh sbb master nih jugakla.. tak dpt buat keputusan lagi bila nak balik raya.. Huhu.. :(
Dah...malas nak blog lagik.. keje menimbun lagi.. Tp nk kuar jap g pekan ngan azno.. redakan kemarahan dan kestressan sambil carik tudung. :|
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
All Smiles
It was a great weekend for me last week. I may have felt a little blue at some point, but all in all, it's been great, all smiles weekend.
Pie Making & Vistana KL
I went out on Saturday to aunty's place to learn make the apricot pie. Uncle fetched me at A.Park lrt station before sending aunty and myself home. Then he shoot off to Bt jalil to help Dan get a new battery for his car, coz his battery had gone k.o after 2 years of usage... While they were doing all the boys thing there, aunty and i went out to get stuffs for the pie. The ingredients were easy, except for the apricot and the cream.. so damn hard to find them!! However, we managed to find 'em at a supermarket in ampang which is definitely where i'll go find apricots and cream when i plan to bake a pie in the future. Leceh betul. :p
Anyways, after getting the stuffs, we went home, solat zuhur and started baking. I had to do it la kan coz i wanted to learn to make it. Aunty weighed the different items and i mix teh ingredients together. Sorry.. cant share the recipe though. Aunty had stated it's a secret family recipe. :)
Dan and uncle arrived when we're busy with pie making. Hmm... missed him so much. I wish i could just fling my arms around him there n then. heheh... sabar..sabar.. tak lama lagi.. :D
Spent nearly all day at aunty's place to wait for te pie to bake and stuffs... We left the house at 1800 for the 2nd event for the day... my family's buka puasa.
We arrived at Vistana KL at around 1830 and waited for my mom, my bro(the one paying!)and his gf as well as Athirah. They arrived a little late coz it was jammed. Not as many food were spread on the buffet table as in Vistana Penang. They don't even serve ice cream! :( So sad... Anyways, we had a great time. Had plenty to eat... brownies, jelly, cakes, swiss rolls, nyonya kueh, chicken, fish, lamb, nasi bukhari, cockerels... (there goes my low carb!) I've to say i enjoyed myself a lot coz i could spend my time with the 2 people whom i love the most in this world... My mom and Dan. So happy!! :)
Sunday Shopping
Went out with Dan on Sunday to do some shopping. Decided to go to MV... Ya Allahh... gile byk orang!! The traffic was really bad outside of MV.. were caught in traffic for almost half an hour. But it wasnt so difficult to find parking though. So we went in, looking for a dress for almaz untl it was nearly buka puasa time. Couldnt find any that satisfy my taste and budget... (tapi girl's dresses in Metro were really nice and sweet.. but a tad too xpensive!)...
At around 1730, we went up to the food court to reserve a place for ourself there. I couldnt seem to decide on what to eat.. so Dan said better go somewhere else. So we went to chilli's instead. Ordered and waited for our food while looking at other people there. We saw some celebrities.. hehe.. real celebs as well as wannabes. Saw ajai n nurul.. and Sean Connery-Lingam and Craig David-arumugam. Lols... why cant these ppl just be themselves? Sibuk nak jadik orang lain. Indians wannabe blacks, chinese wannabe japanese, malays wannabe arabs... for god's sakes.. the ppl that these ppl try to immitate arent any better anyway! Duh!~
After dinner, went by to aunty's place for dessert.. The apricot pie.. YUMMY! lepak a while before Dan sent me home. He said something i was really glad to hear when we were on the way to my place.
"Think of it hon, this will be the last raya we'll spend apart."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
" year we'll spend it together."
"Yeah, insyaAllah"
Errr... I think i just heard the wedding bells!May everything go well for us both. *winks*
Monday Blues
Went shopping again for the last time on monday morning with my mom before going back to pbtr. This time to Carrefour n alpha angle. Found a cute pink dress for almaz (which Dan said was too pink) but heck.. i'm gonna give it to her anyway. Athirah followed and she was throwing tantrums coz she was sleepy. Isk.. geram betui kat dia. My mom had to bring her to the kid's world section coz she wanted to go on the rides. When it was time to go home, she didnt want to. Geramm.. rasa nak cubit. We eventually got back home by noon.
Back at home, i packed my stuffs and the pies, waited for my mom to make some pisang goreng for my buka puasa on-the-bus and waited for Dan to pick me up at around 1500. Hang out for a while before he had to send me to Duta at 1715. So sad. :(
Said our bye-byes and i went up on the bus.. and saw Diyana on the same bus! Ahaks.. kantoi di situ nampaknyer! :D Thee hee heee....
Cant wait to see him again for raya. He's flying off to jakarta this saturday for a week.. so he'll only be back on raya's eve. Daym.. were supposed to go for the dr's apptmt together. What to do la... i'll have to til raya ke-3 or k3-4 to see him. :(
Gotta go... havent got anything for buka puasa today... and its raining catz and dawgz outside.... Darn!
It was a great weekend for me last week. I may have felt a little blue at some point, but all in all, it's been great, all smiles weekend.
Pie Making & Vistana KL
I went out on Saturday to aunty's place to learn make the apricot pie. Uncle fetched me at A.Park lrt station before sending aunty and myself home. Then he shoot off to Bt jalil to help Dan get a new battery for his car, coz his battery had gone k.o after 2 years of usage... While they were doing all the boys thing there, aunty and i went out to get stuffs for the pie. The ingredients were easy, except for the apricot and the cream.. so damn hard to find them!! However, we managed to find 'em at a supermarket in ampang which is definitely where i'll go find apricots and cream when i plan to bake a pie in the future. Leceh betul. :p
Anyways, after getting the stuffs, we went home, solat zuhur and started baking. I had to do it la kan coz i wanted to learn to make it. Aunty weighed the different items and i mix teh ingredients together. Sorry.. cant share the recipe though. Aunty had stated it's a secret family recipe. :)
Dan and uncle arrived when we're busy with pie making. Hmm... missed him so much. I wish i could just fling my arms around him there n then. heheh... sabar..sabar.. tak lama lagi.. :D
Spent nearly all day at aunty's place to wait for te pie to bake and stuffs... We left the house at 1800 for the 2nd event for the day... my family's buka puasa.
We arrived at Vistana KL at around 1830 and waited for my mom, my bro(the one paying!)and his gf as well as Athirah. They arrived a little late coz it was jammed. Not as many food were spread on the buffet table as in Vistana Penang. They don't even serve ice cream! :( So sad... Anyways, we had a great time. Had plenty to eat... brownies, jelly, cakes, swiss rolls, nyonya kueh, chicken, fish, lamb, nasi bukhari, cockerels... (there goes my low carb!) I've to say i enjoyed myself a lot coz i could spend my time with the 2 people whom i love the most in this world... My mom and Dan. So happy!! :)
Sunday Shopping
Went out with Dan on Sunday to do some shopping. Decided to go to MV... Ya Allahh... gile byk orang!! The traffic was really bad outside of MV.. were caught in traffic for almost half an hour. But it wasnt so difficult to find parking though. So we went in, looking for a dress for almaz untl it was nearly buka puasa time. Couldnt find any that satisfy my taste and budget... (tapi girl's dresses in Metro were really nice and sweet.. but a tad too xpensive!)...
At around 1730, we went up to the food court to reserve a place for ourself there. I couldnt seem to decide on what to eat.. so Dan said better go somewhere else. So we went to chilli's instead. Ordered and waited for our food while looking at other people there. We saw some celebrities.. hehe.. real celebs as well as wannabes. Saw ajai n nurul.. and Sean Connery-Lingam and Craig David-arumugam. Lols... why cant these ppl just be themselves? Sibuk nak jadik orang lain. Indians wannabe blacks, chinese wannabe japanese, malays wannabe arabs... for god's sakes.. the ppl that these ppl try to immitate arent any better anyway! Duh!~
After dinner, went by to aunty's place for dessert.. The apricot pie.. YUMMY! lepak a while before Dan sent me home. He said something i was really glad to hear when we were on the way to my place.
"Think of it hon, this will be the last raya we'll spend apart."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
" year we'll spend it together."
"Yeah, insyaAllah"
Errr... I think i just heard the wedding bells!May everything go well for us both. *winks*
Monday Blues
Went shopping again for the last time on monday morning with my mom before going back to pbtr. This time to Carrefour n alpha angle. Found a cute pink dress for almaz (which Dan said was too pink) but heck.. i'm gonna give it to her anyway. Athirah followed and she was throwing tantrums coz she was sleepy. Isk.. geram betui kat dia. My mom had to bring her to the kid's world section coz she wanted to go on the rides. When it was time to go home, she didnt want to. Geramm.. rasa nak cubit. We eventually got back home by noon.
Back at home, i packed my stuffs and the pies, waited for my mom to make some pisang goreng for my buka puasa on-the-bus and waited for Dan to pick me up at around 1500. Hang out for a while before he had to send me to Duta at 1715. So sad. :(
Said our bye-byes and i went up on the bus.. and saw Diyana on the same bus! Ahaks.. kantoi di situ nampaknyer! :D Thee hee heee....
Cant wait to see him again for raya. He's flying off to jakarta this saturday for a week.. so he'll only be back on raya's eve. Daym.. were supposed to go for the dr's apptmt together. What to do la... i'll have to til raya ke-3 or k3-4 to see him. :(
Gotta go... havent got anything for buka puasa today... and its raining catz and dawgz outside.... Darn!
Friday, October 29, 2004
Hmm.. convenient la boleh blog from email nih. 
Tak sehat!
Hari ni tak sehat lagi! Kalu smlm dah mcam hampir sehat dr sakit tekak n demam, hari ni rasa macam kena food poisoning pulak. Dari lepas sahur kena diarrhea, pastu the whole day rasa mual...
Series rasa nak muntah. Tgh thn jer nih sbb puasa. Try tak fikir menda2 yg boleh membuatkan lagi rasa mual.. cthnya... sup sayur.. Blueekkk!!
Pelik gak.. masa bukan bln puasa takde punkena sakit2 ginih. Hmm.. rezeki bln puasa la gamaknya kan. Bila sakit tak sehat sket nih, mmg rasa tak berapa nak best... tapi apalah sgt rasa tak best tu bila dibandingkan dgn rasa seronoknya bila ingat Allah ingat gak kat kita dan sudi gak nak mengkifarahkan dosa kita dengan memberikan kita penyakit. Alhamdulillah.
Asam Podeh
Smlm 1st try masam asam pedas utk sahur. Tepon mama tanya cane nak buat kasik kaw2 punya. Bila dah masak mlm tadik, rasa cam tak sedap la pulak. Semua dah letak.. tapi rasa cam off sket, mungkin sbb letak ayam instead of ikan. Slalu mama buat ikan. Pastu akak kata, kalau asam pedas ayam, elok letak jintan manis sket... so letakla... Kira okla pastu. Akak pun kata sodap. Wahaha.. pas.. Dan leh masuk meminang dah. Tapi takleh la masak asam pedas kat Dan... perut dia too sensitive. takleh mkn anything yg too masam or too pedas.
Bedal punya syok pagi tadik.. skang kalau teringat balik asam pedas tu.. rasa nak terkeluar segala isi perut (puasa2 nih tinggal asid gaster je la kot?) Tak tau pesal... Nak kata rasa asam pedas tu giler2 tak sedap.. takla pulak. Dah dicertify sedap oleh akak..huhuu... uwekk.. takmo fikir.. loya tokak den.
Suka + Duka
Suka - nak balik esok,
Duka - program tak setel lagi;
Suka - Dan nak balik esok,
Duka - takleh jumpa dia lagi sampai sabtu;
Suka - nak shopping ngan Dan,
Duka - takleh nak peluk, cium dia utk lepas rindu sbb blom kawen
Suka - boleh balik umah, jumpa mama, jumpa adik,
Duka - boley balik 2 hari aje!
Tu la kan.. Namanya manusia... tak penah cukup. Iskk.. sekeh gak kang budak nih.
Cheers fellas! Slmt buka puasa kepada yg berpuasa.
Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download Messenger Now
Hmmm.. sedey.. Smlm punya posting baru je puji2 on blogging from yahoo.. Apesal tak terpost sampai hari ni? Message was sent but not published. Vyyyy????
Halloween Ramadhan
Trick or treats! Hehhe... camne ek Halloween. Thn ni halloween jatuh dlm bulan ramadhan. Err... kan ke hantu sume dah kena ikat??? Hmmm...
okeh.. malas nak post panjang2. Nak balik umah. Singgah pbtr jap amek spek. Pastu lepak2 kat umah, tgk tv, kot2la ada rerun Simple Life smlm.. Nak tgk kerenah 2 budak kaya hollywood masuk kampung. Cam bengong jer paris hilton ngan kawan dia tuh. :p Sesambil nunggu nak siap leh tgk2 balik article ttg codes. Isk.. blank betul aa. :p Baik balik.
Have a great weekend y'all... and Happy Halloween!!!!
Halloween Ramadhan
Trick or treats! Hehhe... camne ek Halloween. Thn ni halloween jatuh dlm bulan ramadhan. Err... kan ke hantu sume dah kena ikat??? Hmmm...
okeh.. malas nak post panjang2. Nak balik umah. Singgah pbtr jap amek spek. Pastu lepak2 kat umah, tgk tv, kot2la ada rerun Simple Life smlm.. Nak tgk kerenah 2 budak kaya hollywood masuk kampung. Cam bengong jer paris hilton ngan kawan dia tuh. :p Sesambil nunggu nak siap leh tgk2 balik article ttg codes. Isk.. blank betul aa. :p Baik balik.
Have a great weekend y'all... and Happy Halloween!!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Blogger is getting from bad to worse!! Kalau dulu, at least boleh masuk dashboard.. Nih dashboard pun tak nampak bayang! Hampehs.. Nasib baik boleh blog from yahoo. :)
</u>Balik lagi!</u>
Asyik2 balik, asyik2 bali... heh.. sukati la.. Bukannya mintak duit korg beli tiket bas.
Hehe.. sebenarnya, balik ni sbb Fadzlee nak ajak buka posa reramai.. heh.. satu invitation utk memperkenalkan gf baru dia. Tapi.. she already had bad records with me la. I've met her, and she did faaarr from impressing me. So i dont like her... and i told my mom so.. and she doesnt like her.. Mwahahah... The very the mami jarum! 
Tadik browse kat mana tempat2 yg ada buka puasa buffet kt kl.. yang ada reasonable price la. Kira2 ada 12 tempat yg price bwh rm40.. okla.. takdela pengsan adik aku nak bayar bil nanti. Hehe. Whatever it is, hopefully jadikla, coz this will be the 1st time we all go out for dinner together... including Dan!!! Tlg la jadik!
Oh.. another thing..nk balik sbb nk blaja buat apricot pie. Takleh la tak buat. Kesian kat nura yg pregnant tu.. Kang meleleh lak air liur baby dia. You better remember you aunty een dearest well baby! 
Byk gile menda nak kena buat.. shopping lagik, buat pie lagik, isk.. tak lekat kat umah... haha.. sah2 kena ngomel ngan mama... Nak wat cane... anak dia long-distance love. Bila dapat chance jumpa, jumpa la pepuas! Tak gitu? hehehe..gitu, gitu...
</u>Cerita kartun</u>
Tadi lepas sahur tgk al-kulliyah. Ustaz tu cite, dia baca satu kartun ttg perjumpaan ahli syurga ngan ahli neraka. Pakat punya pakat, diorg agree nak jumpa kat tgh2 antara syurga n neraka.
Lepas bincang2 (tak sure apa motif perjumpaan tu initially sbb tgh karang intro, so tak dgr sgt)... diorg pun stujulah utk buat jambatan dari neraka, sambung terus ke syurga. Org neraka buat separuh, org syurga buat separuh. Bila org neraka dah siapkan bhg dia, jamabatan dr syurga tak jugak nampak bayangnya. Jadik org neraka ni persoal aa
"mcm mana korang ni boleh masuk syurga.. kata nak buat jambatan.. tak buat pun? camni pun boley masuk syurga ke?"
Jadik org syurga pun jawab,
"Kami mmg nak buat.. tapi puas dah carik keliling syurga carik kontraktor.. takde sorang kontraktor pun kat syurga.. Semua dah masuk neraka"
Hehehe... apa yg nk disampaikan kat sini, nnt jgnla kat syurga takde kontraktor, takde pegawai kerajaan, takde polis, takde kastam dan semua yg lain2 sbb masing2 tak jlnkan amanah masing2. Kerja masuk kol 8, mmg masuk kol 8.. tpi pastu lepak minum berjam2.. org dtg kaunter, foerever satu kaunter je yang operate. Kerja saman org sbb buat salah, nisaman org utk dapat duit kopi. Kerja membenteras jenayah, dia lagi hantu dr penjenayah. Kerja utk didik anak bangsa.. dia mintak rokok kat anak murid. Kerja suh buat master, ida sibuk nak kawen... Uiks.. hehe... kawen lagi penting. WAJIBBBB!!!
Pepun, pesanannya, ingatla kerja tu amanah kpd kita. Apa pun keje kita buat, mesti kena amanah... sbb cerita hidup kita tak habis bila kita mati. Sok nak berjumpa tuhan... akan ditanya balik apa yg kita dah buat semasa hidup. Peringatan utk diri sendiri dan sesiapa yg rasa2 nak diingatkan. Kalau sape rasa dia takmo diingatkan, dah terbaca pun... so nak wat cane.
Dulu masa belajar kat KMK, ada sorang kawan.. sgt rapat pada masa tu. Time2 bln puasa ni la yg sgt2 mengingatkan aku kat dia. Masa bln posa, kitorg sama turun sahur pepagi buta kat DS yang boleh tahan jauh.. pastu terus sambung solat subuh jemaah.. nanti bila turn hidang buka, pegi sesame... byk la benda yg dishare masa tu.
Pastu, masa kami masuk uni, dia tmpt lain, aku tmpt lain, masih jugak contact, cuma makin jarang. So.. aku tak tau sgt perkembangan dia, vice versa. Tiba2, kami jadik jauh sbb aku menjauhkan diri dari dia... atas sebab yang sangat tak worth it kalau difikirkan sekarang. Menyesal? Tak.. aku tak menyesal dgn apa yg berlaku. dah jadi, apa nak nyesal pulak kan... Tapi, kalau boleh, nak baik balik la.. Takla kalau berjumpa pun hati tak berapa nak berada di tempat yang sama. Nak buang isu lama jauh2 supaya boleh bukak lembaran baru. Mungkin tak serapat dulu... at least masih bersahabat. skang nih, we're more like acquaintances than friends.
Ntahla.. sebenarnye tak tau nak harap apa... Nak jadik kawan rapat balik ke.. ape ke.. ntah. Terpulangla pada takdir. Nyatanya, aku rasa aku dah sedia nak terima dia balik dalam hidup aku sbg sahabat.. sbb dia sahabat yg baik, cuma keadaan masa tu yg menutupi kebaikannya. Lantakla... let the past be left behind. Dont wanna live in the shadows of the past.
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Monday, October 25, 2004 Radio Icon
Congrats Pietro for winning the 1st ever radio icon. Not that i follow the thingy down to bits but yeah, i listen to some of the icons a few times. Thank God all the other "beggers" didnt win. For god's sakes.. why do they have to beg? They didnt have to if they know they're good enough and ppl will naturally vote for them. Gee whiz.. for future icons, please, drop the begging part. Its downright pathetic.
Out with buddies
Went out with Azeno, Di n Nurul on Friday. Met at Carrefour and had buka puasa there. Jalan2 and did some shopping... mostly protein packed food items and a sweet checked smocking dress for Athirah. There were also pink ones and i think it'll look nice on almas. Havent bought it yet. Let her uncle see the dress first. If he says ok, i'll get one for her. :)
After shopping, went out for minum2 session. Went to a nasi kandar place in Bdr Perda. Had one helluva chat session. Syok giler coz lama tak lepak mlm2 camtuh. Sedar2 je dah kol 11+, so we sent nurul home and off we go.. sampai rumah agak lewat n tdo pun lewat.. so, some ppl couldnt get up the next morning for sahur. Sempat minum air je.. Cian diorg yg berkenaan tu.
Sabtu, pergi umah Nura for buka puasa. Aunty n uncle were out to buy food when we reached there. Memang diorg dah ckp, kalau dtg nak beli mcm2... and... mmg betullah.. Sgt byk menda yg perlu dihabiskan.. Lauk ayam, angsa, ayam piru (turkey), putu mayam beriyani, aunty masak nasik beriyani.. Belum masuk kuih.. kuih cucur, ketayap and puding roti yg kitorg bawak.. Perhhh.. sengkak seyyy... Pas smayang masing2 terjelepuk kat guest's room... Mata dah berat sbb kenyang sgt.. tapi mulut tak berenti mengomel gaks.. Wahahahaa...
Smlm lak (Ahad) pergi umah Mak Tam utk tujuan yg sama. Kali ni menu mee kuah, nasi himpit + rendang ayam yg baru disembelih (mmg sedap nak mampos2), jemput2, agar2, sup ayam azeno buat n agar2 susu yg jadik tau foo fah sbb terlalu byk air.. HUhuuu.. (tu aku ler yg buat. 1st try - FAIL! Tapi rasa tak fail sgt.. rupa je fail.) Sengkak lagi untuk mlm yg kedua. Dlm pada sengkak2 tu, masa lepak2 kat depan layan si kecik suhaila tgk citer putih, kudapan kerepek yg mak tam saji tuh licin jugak. Kuang3... hebats sey... Dua hari straight perut penuh mengalahkan bulan2 tak puasa.. Isk.. habis dayet. :( Takpe... rezeki. :)
Dlm keghairahan nak g skul cepat arini, tetinggal phone ler pulok kat umah. Huhuhu... dah la tgh charging tadik. Hmm.. nak g amek jauh ler pulak. Rasa2nya takpe kot kan? Tinggal tercharge lama sket. Takut kang battery dia cam kong sket la. Isk.. teruk betui... :p Hope ok la mende tuh... Huhuhu.. Br ingat nak call aunty, nak mintak dia ajar buat apricot pie blk nnt... sbb nura mengidam nak makan home baked pie pulok. Tak buat, tak sampai hati.. kempunan lak anak buah dlm perut tuh karang. Hissyyy... nnt when its my turn, siap hang.. balas balik.. nak hang masak kat aku. kalau tak sedap suh buat lain.. Nanti aku nak megidam mkn kek lapis asam senipis2nya... hang yang kena buat... takmo tebal2 mcm aritu...Wahahahaha... ]:D
Congrats Pietro for winning the 1st ever radio icon. Not that i follow the thingy down to bits but yeah, i listen to some of the icons a few times. Thank God all the other "beggers" didnt win. For god's sakes.. why do they have to beg? They didnt have to if they know they're good enough and ppl will naturally vote for them. Gee whiz.. for future icons, please, drop the begging part. Its downright pathetic.
Out with buddies
Went out with Azeno, Di n Nurul on Friday. Met at Carrefour and had buka puasa there. Jalan2 and did some shopping... mostly protein packed food items and a sweet checked smocking dress for Athirah. There were also pink ones and i think it'll look nice on almas. Havent bought it yet. Let her uncle see the dress first. If he says ok, i'll get one for her. :)
After shopping, went out for minum2 session. Went to a nasi kandar place in Bdr Perda. Had one helluva chat session. Syok giler coz lama tak lepak mlm2 camtuh. Sedar2 je dah kol 11+, so we sent nurul home and off we go.. sampai rumah agak lewat n tdo pun lewat.. so, some ppl couldnt get up the next morning for sahur. Sempat minum air je.. Cian diorg yg berkenaan tu.
Sabtu, pergi umah Nura for buka puasa. Aunty n uncle were out to buy food when we reached there. Memang diorg dah ckp, kalau dtg nak beli mcm2... and... mmg betullah.. Sgt byk menda yg perlu dihabiskan.. Lauk ayam, angsa, ayam piru (turkey), putu mayam beriyani, aunty masak nasik beriyani.. Belum masuk kuih.. kuih cucur, ketayap and puding roti yg kitorg bawak.. Perhhh.. sengkak seyyy... Pas smayang masing2 terjelepuk kat guest's room... Mata dah berat sbb kenyang sgt.. tapi mulut tak berenti mengomel gaks.. Wahahahaa...
Smlm lak (Ahad) pergi umah Mak Tam utk tujuan yg sama. Kali ni menu mee kuah, nasi himpit + rendang ayam yg baru disembelih (mmg sedap nak mampos2), jemput2, agar2, sup ayam azeno buat n agar2 susu yg jadik tau foo fah sbb terlalu byk air.. HUhuuu.. (tu aku ler yg buat. 1st try - FAIL! Tapi rasa tak fail sgt.. rupa je fail.) Sengkak lagi untuk mlm yg kedua. Dlm pada sengkak2 tu, masa lepak2 kat depan layan si kecik suhaila tgk citer putih, kudapan kerepek yg mak tam saji tuh licin jugak. Kuang3... hebats sey... Dua hari straight perut penuh mengalahkan bulan2 tak puasa.. Isk.. habis dayet. :( Takpe... rezeki. :)
Dlm keghairahan nak g skul cepat arini, tetinggal phone ler pulok kat umah. Huhuhu... dah la tgh charging tadik. Hmm.. nak g amek jauh ler pulak. Rasa2nya takpe kot kan? Tinggal tercharge lama sket. Takut kang battery dia cam kong sket la. Isk.. teruk betui... :p Hope ok la mende tuh... Huhuhu.. Br ingat nak call aunty, nak mintak dia ajar buat apricot pie blk nnt... sbb nura mengidam nak makan home baked pie pulok. Tak buat, tak sampai hati.. kempunan lak anak buah dlm perut tuh karang. Hissyyy... nnt when its my turn, siap hang.. balas balik.. nak hang masak kat aku. kalau tak sedap suh buat lain.. Nanti aku nak megidam mkn kek lapis asam senipis2nya... hang yang kena buat... takmo tebal2 mcm aritu...Wahahahaha... ]:D
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Almas was admitted to the hosp last night of some viral infection in her stomach. Poor baby! Aunty sed she got it from one of the kids in school. Called aunty just now to ask her abt almas' condition.. but no one answered. Hmm.. i do hope that she'll be ok. Still not sure whether or not to tell Dan abt it. Nanti he'll get too worried pulak (it's soo like him). Then he'll get stressed out. Maybe i'll leave it to his mom to tell him. Lagipun he didn't call me.. so.. if i'm telling pun, i'll wait til he calls la.. News like this is easier to tell thru speaking instead of texting messages, rite?
Bad dream!!
Uhuhuuu... had a bad dream..err.. not last night.. this morning... Padan muka.. tdo lagik lepas subuh! It was abt me getting married to dan and having a jolly good time.. The only catch was... he was married (and still married) to not one.. but TWO other women!! Boleh tak???? nasib baik la mimpi je kan. phew!~
But then kan, kinda have a nice feeling after the dream... not because i was being the 3rd wife in the dream... but because of the things i shared and did with him in the dream.. sweet things.. Ehehee... :) I love you honey... :)
Err... tapi..mimpi lepas subuh ni keje setan kan? tapi setan dah kene ikat... Huhuhu... tak betul kan mimpi tuh?? kan?
Hmm.. tak.. memang tak betul. :)
Almas was admitted to the hosp last night of some viral infection in her stomach. Poor baby! Aunty sed she got it from one of the kids in school. Called aunty just now to ask her abt almas' condition.. but no one answered. Hmm.. i do hope that she'll be ok. Still not sure whether or not to tell Dan abt it. Nanti he'll get too worried pulak (it's soo like him). Then he'll get stressed out. Maybe i'll leave it to his mom to tell him. Lagipun he didn't call me.. so.. if i'm telling pun, i'll wait til he calls la.. News like this is easier to tell thru speaking instead of texting messages, rite?
Bad dream!!
Uhuhuuu... had a bad dream..err.. not last night.. this morning... Padan muka.. tdo lagik lepas subuh! It was abt me getting married to dan and having a jolly good time.. The only catch was... he was married (and still married) to not one.. but TWO other women!! Boleh tak???? nasib baik la mimpi je kan. phew!~
But then kan, kinda have a nice feeling after the dream... not because i was being the 3rd wife in the dream... but because of the things i shared and did with him in the dream.. sweet things.. Ehehee... :) I love you honey... :)
Err... tapi..mimpi lepas subuh ni keje setan kan? tapi setan dah kene ikat... Huhuhu... tak betul kan mimpi tuh?? kan?
Hmm.. tak.. memang tak betul. :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Welcome home
Yeps... hehe.. welcome back to campus to myself after a 6-days break. Was the break worth it? You bet! Worth every minute!
Had to go back earlier than scheduled to attend aunty's kenduri. It was a really small kenduri.. There were aunty's siblings and the imam, and uncle, and Dan, and of course, myself. Aunty's siblings pun tak la semua datang. Only uncle Titi and Aunty Ojah came. Aunty Ojah came with Uncle Baharom while uncle Titi came with his son and maid. Aunty Anne tak sihat katanya. Aunty Mena (aunty's cousin from Spore) came as well... So.. there it went.. i met everyone now.. :) Aunty Anek + hubby + sons (excepth Effy) + menantu + granchildren, Aunty Ojah + hubby + Chum (adik not yet), Uncle Titi + wife + one of their sons + maid,Aunty Mena... the rest, aunty Baby and aunty Umi.. belum jumpa since they're living overseas. Tgkla.. if i go to the Jenaton clan family gathering this year, ada harapan la jumpa kot... Hmmmm.... Takottt!! :p ahahahaa...
So far.. kenduri was okay la jugak. Tolong2 aunty sket2 (mostly tlg tgk + tlg berdiri kat dapur.. duh!), borak2 with aunty Mena and aunty Ojah (abt rumput mutiara.. of all topics! Nasib baik jugakla kenal rumput tu sbb kat umah sinih akak tanam rumput tuh.. phew!~) Ahahaa... after that, lepak kejap baca newspaper until Dan joined me... Muahahaha... tak tau cane nak join org tua2.. everyone was sitting at the table.. kang join kang kata menyampuk lak kan? So..lepak la sensorang kat sofa.. Lols.. sampai la dessert time... Had the royal pudding.. Waaa.... sedapnye... puasa2 nih.. teringin la pulokkkk!! Haritu blk ingat nak carik resipi lupa plak... Kalau tak bley buat... Huaaaa... :p
Dr's apptmt
This time round, jumpa dr memang paling meriah la.. Everyone went in the consultation room at once like one big happy family. I went first (kantoi kat Dan sbb kena bukak tudung).. nasib baik tak kena jab.. kalau tak soheh malu nak mampos2! Dan was looking fwd to the prospect of me getting jabbed so that he can laugh at me if i let out a shout of any kind.. Jahat betul! :P After me it was Dan's turn. He had some kind of dried skin on his left hand. The dr said HE himself caused it and it had to be jabbed.. Hahahahaa... padan muka.. THe dr said "That's for laughing at your sister" Pastu Dan blurr... "Sister?" he said. "That's my girlfriend!" Hahahaa.... Kitorg sume bantai gelak. Dr plak tersorry2 la.. nak buat cane. Dia ingat aunty was my mom.. tak perasan kot bin n binti lain2. :p
Balik, again had the royal pudding sbb aunty buat byk.. 3 trays.. Memang sedap.. Konon nak control.. amek one serving only. Hehe.. habis sekali, tolak bowl kat Dan suh dia letak lagik.. Hahaha... (kalau malu kempunan beb!) So.. Dan letakla.. sikit.. and he was scooping a piece of prune.. i thought he was gonna put it into my bowl, so i waited.. Sekali dia masuk dlmn bowl dia la pulok.. The very the hampehs! Uncle gelak terbahak2... Uhuhukk... maluk! Cover malu... cubit Dan.. jahat! Pastu aunty bising suh amek lagi... sbb byk lagik prune dlm pudding tu.. Uhuhuhu...
Ahaha.. balik nih Athirah mmg banyak perangai. Mulut bising, gaya ckp macam org tua. Pandai nyanyi lagu "senyumlah.. senyumlah" yg Zahid nyanyi tu, twinkle2 little star (although it didnt quite sound like it) and yg plg terkejut, dia nyanyi lagu pulangkan! Perhhh!
Took her shopping.. dapat la dua dresses. Susah carik old-fashioned-sweet girls' dresses skarang. Kebanyakan style skang ni funky 2-piece punya baju. Nice, but no as sweet as the girly gowns with smockings and such. Macam mana pun, dapatla 2 helai kat dia.. Gila penat bawak dia shopping, nasib baik bukan bulan puasa. Lari sini, lari sana.. Try baju takmo.. so main agak2 la.. acu kat badan dia, rasa2 kena amek. Pastu mama beli kat dia Elmo sekor... Memula nak belikan patung Barbie.. tapi dia macam tak minat.. so suh dia pilih, nak Elmo ke, Barbie ke, Cookie Monster... Dia tunjuk Elmo... Heehe..
Balik shopping, she was tired and sleepy, and always, kalau time2 mcm tuh, sah2 nak mengamuk.. Apesal ntah.. nak tdo, tdo je la.. mesti nak mengamuk dulu. So i kinda scolded her la konon2... Pastu dia nangih... suh dia senyap, trying to maintain muka garang. Ahahaha.. gagal! Tergelak terus.. kesian pun ada. Mama pun datang la pujuk dia while i landed myself on the day bed nearby. She ran towards me and laid herself beside me.. alahai.. kesian la pulok... rasa cam nyesal lak marah dia. Seriously, i've never had that kind of feeling before. Agaknya because i'm too fond of her kot.. and i've never scolded her before sampai dia nangis camtu.. slalu marah jokingly je.. Kesian dia.. tapi skang dah ok... Yesterday when she followed us to Duta to send me back, mengais2 nak ikut. Isk.. kesian betul anak awang nih.
Rumah baru
Saturday, bwk mama blk kg sbb dah lama tak blk and teringin berbuka kat kg. Before blk, berjalan gi jln TAR dulu dgn mak skalik sbb nk carik tudung. Aku pun mmg nak g gak, carik tudung + brooch kat First Lady... Heheh.. sakan tempat tu, macam puasa dah berminggu2! Anyways... dapatla.. tudung 3 helai, brooch 3 bijik. Hehehe.. puasa hati, poket pun koyak. Nasib baik bln puasa.. kurang sket expenses lain (kononnya!)
Blk kg, jenguk rumah baru. Keciwa!!! Mcm tu la dr dulu smpi skang. Flooring tak jugak berbuat2. Pak Uteh blk kejap.. dia pun dah bising2 apesal la si Man contractor lembab sgt buat keje. Eiii... rasa nak sekeh2 si Man tuh.. Hopefully cecepat la dia menyiapkan umah tu, sbb dah tak sabar2 lagi nak hias umah ala2 casa impian.. hahahaha... Impian tinggi melangit!
Yeps... hehe.. welcome back to campus to myself after a 6-days break. Was the break worth it? You bet! Worth every minute!
Had to go back earlier than scheduled to attend aunty's kenduri. It was a really small kenduri.. There were aunty's siblings and the imam, and uncle, and Dan, and of course, myself. Aunty's siblings pun tak la semua datang. Only uncle Titi and Aunty Ojah came. Aunty Ojah came with Uncle Baharom while uncle Titi came with his son and maid. Aunty Anne tak sihat katanya. Aunty Mena (aunty's cousin from Spore) came as well... So.. there it went.. i met everyone now.. :) Aunty Anek + hubby + sons (excepth Effy) + menantu + granchildren, Aunty Ojah + hubby + Chum (adik not yet), Uncle Titi + wife + one of their sons + maid,Aunty Mena... the rest, aunty Baby and aunty Umi.. belum jumpa since they're living overseas. Tgkla.. if i go to the Jenaton clan family gathering this year, ada harapan la jumpa kot... Hmmmm.... Takottt!! :p ahahahaa...
So far.. kenduri was okay la jugak. Tolong2 aunty sket2 (mostly tlg tgk + tlg berdiri kat dapur.. duh!), borak2 with aunty Mena and aunty Ojah (abt rumput mutiara.. of all topics! Nasib baik jugakla kenal rumput tu sbb kat umah sinih akak tanam rumput tuh.. phew!~) Ahahaa... after that, lepak kejap baca newspaper until Dan joined me... Muahahaha... tak tau cane nak join org tua2.. everyone was sitting at the table.. kang join kang kata menyampuk lak kan? So..lepak la sensorang kat sofa.. Lols.. sampai la dessert time... Had the royal pudding.. Waaa.... sedapnye... puasa2 nih.. teringin la pulokkkk!! Haritu blk ingat nak carik resipi lupa plak... Kalau tak bley buat... Huaaaa... :p
Dr's apptmt
This time round, jumpa dr memang paling meriah la.. Everyone went in the consultation room at once like one big happy family. I went first (kantoi kat Dan sbb kena bukak tudung).. nasib baik tak kena jab.. kalau tak soheh malu nak mampos2! Dan was looking fwd to the prospect of me getting jabbed so that he can laugh at me if i let out a shout of any kind.. Jahat betul! :P After me it was Dan's turn. He had some kind of dried skin on his left hand. The dr said HE himself caused it and it had to be jabbed.. Hahahahaa... padan muka.. THe dr said "That's for laughing at your sister" Pastu Dan blurr... "Sister?" he said. "That's my girlfriend!" Hahahaa.... Kitorg sume bantai gelak. Dr plak tersorry2 la.. nak buat cane. Dia ingat aunty was my mom.. tak perasan kot bin n binti lain2. :p
Balik, again had the royal pudding sbb aunty buat byk.. 3 trays.. Memang sedap.. Konon nak control.. amek one serving only. Hehe.. habis sekali, tolak bowl kat Dan suh dia letak lagik.. Hahaha... (kalau malu kempunan beb!) So.. Dan letakla.. sikit.. and he was scooping a piece of prune.. i thought he was gonna put it into my bowl, so i waited.. Sekali dia masuk dlmn bowl dia la pulok.. The very the hampehs! Uncle gelak terbahak2... Uhuhukk... maluk! Cover malu... cubit Dan.. jahat! Pastu aunty bising suh amek lagi... sbb byk lagik prune dlm pudding tu.. Uhuhuhu...
Ahaha.. balik nih Athirah mmg banyak perangai. Mulut bising, gaya ckp macam org tua. Pandai nyanyi lagu "senyumlah.. senyumlah" yg Zahid nyanyi tu, twinkle2 little star (although it didnt quite sound like it) and yg plg terkejut, dia nyanyi lagu pulangkan! Perhhh!
Took her shopping.. dapat la dua dresses. Susah carik old-fashioned-sweet girls' dresses skarang. Kebanyakan style skang ni funky 2-piece punya baju. Nice, but no as sweet as the girly gowns with smockings and such. Macam mana pun, dapatla 2 helai kat dia.. Gila penat bawak dia shopping, nasib baik bukan bulan puasa. Lari sini, lari sana.. Try baju takmo.. so main agak2 la.. acu kat badan dia, rasa2 kena amek. Pastu mama beli kat dia Elmo sekor... Memula nak belikan patung Barbie.. tapi dia macam tak minat.. so suh dia pilih, nak Elmo ke, Barbie ke, Cookie Monster... Dia tunjuk Elmo... Heehe..
Balik shopping, she was tired and sleepy, and always, kalau time2 mcm tuh, sah2 nak mengamuk.. Apesal ntah.. nak tdo, tdo je la.. mesti nak mengamuk dulu. So i kinda scolded her la konon2... Pastu dia nangih... suh dia senyap, trying to maintain muka garang. Ahahaha.. gagal! Tergelak terus.. kesian pun ada. Mama pun datang la pujuk dia while i landed myself on the day bed nearby. She ran towards me and laid herself beside me.. alahai.. kesian la pulok... rasa cam nyesal lak marah dia. Seriously, i've never had that kind of feeling before. Agaknya because i'm too fond of her kot.. and i've never scolded her before sampai dia nangis camtu.. slalu marah jokingly je.. Kesian dia.. tapi skang dah ok... Yesterday when she followed us to Duta to send me back, mengais2 nak ikut. Isk.. kesian betul anak awang nih.
Rumah baru
Saturday, bwk mama blk kg sbb dah lama tak blk and teringin berbuka kat kg. Before blk, berjalan gi jln TAR dulu dgn mak skalik sbb nk carik tudung. Aku pun mmg nak g gak, carik tudung + brooch kat First Lady... Heheh.. sakan tempat tu, macam puasa dah berminggu2! Anyways... dapatla.. tudung 3 helai, brooch 3 bijik. Hehehe.. puasa hati, poket pun koyak. Nasib baik bln puasa.. kurang sket expenses lain (kononnya!)
Blk kg, jenguk rumah baru. Keciwa!!! Mcm tu la dr dulu smpi skang. Flooring tak jugak berbuat2. Pak Uteh blk kejap.. dia pun dah bising2 apesal la si Man contractor lembab sgt buat keje. Eiii... rasa nak sekeh2 si Man tuh.. Hopefully cecepat la dia menyiapkan umah tu, sbb dah tak sabar2 lagi nak hias umah ala2 casa impian.. hahahaha... Impian tinggi melangit!
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