Everything has its pros and cons... including the convenience of blogging from yahoo... Hmmm... tak kesahla.. janji buleh blog. 
I vanished from school for 2 days, wed n thurs.. which meant that i skipped my supposedly micro-p lab scheduled on thurs morning, and i'd probably get a helluva toungue lashing in the lab today.. but heck. I DONT CARE. I'm on 7th heaven. Nothing and no one can change that (for the time being). 
Tuesday, i was still feeling blue, a natural post-argument emotional state. Yeah.. we're a normal couple. There are times that we argue... Anyways, i wasn't feeling too sure abt seeing him in pen the next day.. but heck... i'd been planning to be with him in pen from the previous week. Can't stop when the day had finally arrived, can i?(thank god for that!) So, that night, i prepared some bolognese sauce to take to him the next day. It didnt taste as good as i wanted it to be, probably because of my emotional state..hehe.. alasan.
Then, i headed off early to bed.
Wednesday, prepared the spaghetti, had breakfast, showered and head for pen as soon as he messaged me telling that he'd arrived. Aiza called me while i was on the way.. and told me something i was really glad to hear. I'm so happy for her!!
Good for you girl!! And the news took my mind off my uneasy feeling for a bit.
When i reached pen and finally met him, he greeted me as normal, and again, he apologized and we made up. No more awkward feelings.
We had the spaghetti i brought for him, and later jalan2 at KBJ, as we hadnt done that for nearly 2 mths.. nearly forgotten what its like inside KBJ.. hehe.. and we raced each other at the arcade!! Never done that before.. Sure was fun! Konon nak lawan Daytona.. sadly none of the Daytona machines were connected, so we ended up racing against the computer. Tak syok!!!.. takpela... maybe we'll race each other next time, ok hon... (and i know i'll win
After having a good time at the arcade, we proceeded to Gurney. Had dinner at the newly-opened(i think) Secret Recipe... and rushed to GSC straight after dinner to catch The Incredibles. Yep... sure was incredible! The 3D graphic was amazing!!! So life-like!! And... the cutest was surely Jack Jack.. esp in the last part.. Hehe.. What a darling.
(See honey... we should have 3 kids, 2 boys and a girl.. heheheee)
The next day, we met again, went to the new Tesco to get some stuffs for his India flight and some stuffs for myself, had lunch at The Chicken Rice Shop... which was very dissappointing
. This shop is soo overrated!!! There's nothing really that good abt this place, really. i dunno if there's any difference in the branch in Pen, or KL.. but what we had was nothing compared to the chicken rice place in Bt Bintang. The soup was tasteless... rasa macam air paip. The chicken n rice was ok... but lacks the chilli and ginger relish. There was a fly or two in the vicinity which was very unappealing, and the service needs a good deal of improvising. At the end of the meal, we decided to go for nasi ayam Bukit Bintang the next time we meet in KL.. never again the chicken rice shop.. NEVER!
He had to leave at around 1800, so i did too. Before leaving, he said that he might not join me for his family gathering in Taiping this weekend. Isk.. hampeh betul.. His family gathering and i'd have to be there without him. I'll make sure you pay dearly for making me do this honey.. mark my words...
Okla... better stop now and do my work. Petang dahla kena gi lab micro-p.
Oh..oh... wish me luck for Dan's family gathering this weekend ok! I'll need a good deal of that.
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