The Weekend Story
Part 1: A Family Affair in Taiping
I spent Friday night at tmn sempadan coz kakak wasnt around and i had to return late from silat. Woke up at around 0645 for subuh and headed home straightafter. Had butterflies in my tummy since the day before thinking of what the weekend in taiping had to offer
. Sampai rumah, boiled water, showered, packed my stuffs to bring to taiping, had a very relaxing breakfast (just to get myself prepared) and i was off to taiping by 0915.
It was easy finding Seri M'sia, thanx to K.Chik for the simple directions. When i reached there, aunty was outside, just back from her morning stroll, so she waited til i parked, salam2, kiss2 and then uncle came. We lepak at the lobby sekejap, before i went to follow aunty into their room so that aunty can shower and get ready for lunch.
The programme for that day was for us to go visit uncle azis in kamunting, who just had an accident where a motorcycle hits him(also on motorcycle) from behind. He had to go through 3 times of head operations, and according to his wife, he's not himself sometimes. Kesian kat acik bibah. Harap2 keluarga acik bibah bersabar.
After that, we headed to Uncle Mail's sister's house for lunch, also in Kamunting. Perrhhh...memang best nak mampus2, lauk kampung ler katakan, home-prepared lak tuh. Siap tambah nasik tuh... Haha... takde malu2..malu kalau, lapaq beb! Siap *mancakuk lak tuh! (mancakuk = ratah lauk in minang). Lauk simple, tapi mkn ngan nasik panash...iskk...sedap giler. Kari daging, kerabu toge+pucuk paku+kerang, sambal tumis udang petai, kacang botol dan yg paling kick n power sekali, sambal belacan.... Waduhh.. power giler ah... pedas!!!
Lepak jap at their place til 1430, then we headed back to the hotel, rehat kejap before the next event at scheduled at 1630, some meeting that aunty had to attend and she wanted me to follow. Sesambil melepak dlm blk tu, tlg aunty balut prezzies for cabutan bertuah the next day... So nice of her to let me have a room all to myself!
Tak payah share ngan sesape pun. Sgt besh!
1630, we went to the dewan at Ins. Kemahiran Telekom, Taiping to check on the place and the meeting. Tunggu punya tunggu, dah kol 1800 barula orang mula nak ramai. Hampeh. When ppl started coming, it marks the start of my introduction to aunty's relatives, close and distant... Nasib baik aunty yg buat all the introduction.. Aunty yg jawab bila orang tanya "ni siapa?" and pointed to me. Phew!~ Saves me some trouble. Ohh..tapi adala satu niece aunty nih kot... was being cynical towards me. Maybe dia niat gurau kot, but i dunno, maybe i was in PMS that i took heart of it. Whatever it is, i'll make it a point not to even go near her on any occasions.
1830, we left coz aunty dah penat sangat. Back to the hotel, uncle's brother, ayah Uda pulak datang with his wife, bawak rojak buah for the night's dinner. So berkenal2an la pulak dgn ayah uda ngan wife dia. Since it was nearly maghrib, i invited the wife to solat at my room, since there's only me, and she did. Borak la abt stuffs sementara nak menunggu time for dinner. When everyone was ready, we went for dinner. I helped ayah uda n wife gaulkan rojak buah tu, and stayed with them the whole night. Thank God for them being there. Kalau tak, i wouldnt know what to do. Really felt lost that night. Sedey semacam. Upset habis. So, after dinner, habis2kan wrap prezzies, ckp ngan Dan (not in a nice way), and went straight to bed, in tears. Don't get me wrong... everyone treated me nicely, but i dunno, i felt lost maybe because everyone were chatting, laughing and having a great time with their family members, and i was there all alone. Dahla Dan takde. Aunty and uncle were entertaining all the others, sbb aunty is the president of K-Jenaton, so it's only natural that she does that. I don't blame them la, It's just me, with my pms and all...
I woke up at 0600 when aunty came knowcking at my door. Dah bgn pun masa tu, just mintak tlg aunty kejut jugak, just in case. Confused jugak why she didnt ring me instead.
Anyways, lepas smayang, mandi, siap2, lepak jap sementara tunggu bfast. The cafe was only opened for bfast at 0730, so lepak jap kat lobby, aunty introduce me to this Tok, which i can't remember their names already, but i do remember them being very nice people. Later, aunty Yaya from Kuching joined us with her hubby. Pastu cafe bukak and we had bfast.
Habis bfast, we rushed to the dewan and reached there at 0815. I was late for my registration briefing. Aunty asked me to help Wan Chu for registration the day before. So, i was appointed to a table, and given personal briefing. Wan chu pun baik, tak marah2 pun eventho i lambat. Hehe. Pastu tunggu la sampai orang datang. Oh.. belom explain pun sebenarnya what this thingy is all about kan. Its actually a really huge family gathering... Besar gile, not like the one you have for raya which only involves 1st cousins and/or 2nd cousins. This occasion gathers the 5th generation to the younger (7/8th, not sure) generations of Dato' Jenaton. I looked at the family tree, and if i'm not mistaken, aunty punya tok is the 5th generation punya member, Tok Ishak. All the clans were given colored tags to identify themselves, the Ishak clans were given green tags, so i was given one myself
walaupun belum officially one kan. hehe. So, you can imagine the number of relatives i had to meet la kan. Hmm... terpikir gak.. ade ke orang lain yang buat kerja ni? Pergi bakal family punya gathering...? 
Ooo.. masa registration tu, berkenal2an ngan Dan's 2nd cousins, Mimi n her bro n his wife Shafia.
After registration, lepak jap in the hall with uncle Nanai. They were all sitting in a row, Uncle Nanai, Adik, aunty Ojah, Aunty Baby. Aunty baby came all the way from Germany to attend the gathering. After the doa, pergi tlg aunty Mena with children's drawing contest plak. Lepak sampai 11, sambung lepak in the hall ngan Aunty Anek adik beradik. (Aunty Anek, Aunty Ojah, Aunty Baby, Uncle Titi ni adik beradik Aunty. Adik n Chum anak aunty Ojah). Masa tu la baru nak berkenal2an ngan aunty Baby coz that was the 1st time jumpa2 aunty baby.
For lunch, duduk gak ngan adik beradik tu. Syok la. Borak2..
I didnt feel awkward anymore. Sedap je makan, takde control2. habis lunch, uncle Titi n wife, Aunty Anne came to our table sbb they're leaving already. Pastu.......
Uncle Titi : Haa.. ni kira dah confirm la nih.. So bila lagi??
Adik : Haa.. dah pakai tag hijau tu mesti confirm laaa.
Uncle Titi : Dah start panggil "mak" ke belum..
Me : Hehe.. mak kata kena tunggu habis belajar jugak. Camne??
Aunty Ojah : Haa..meh aunty cakap ngan mak...
Kuang3. Sengih jer laa.. kerang pun kerang laaaa...
Pas lunch, balik campus... berkejar sbb nak jumpa ustaz for ijazah pulak.
Part 2: Ijazah
Sampai campus around 1500, solat pastu gih tgk ijazah... Dah habis2 ijazah, biasala, ustaz borak sket2. Hmm.. bukan nak kata la.. slalunya, apa ustaz ckp tu mesti ada kena mengena ngan apa yg aku persoalkan dlm hati...and haritu, ustaz ckp pasal kawen... Adey... rasa macam kena dusyum dua-tga kali..
Ustaz kata, "Dah kenal tu, jgn tunggu lama2, 4-5 bln, kawen la. Ramai dah kawen masa belajar, tak masalah pun...? Belajar pun bukan lama sangat, 3 thn je." Adeh..dehh...
Hahahaa..cukupla tuh. Aunty br call td. Dan report lak kat dia that i was upset with the niece's comments haritu. Aunty ckp jgn amek hati ngan dia, mulut dia mmg camtu, tp hati dia baik.. Isk.. hampeh betul bf aku nih. Sume dia nak citer.
Tapi, yg best nya, he said that his mom said everyone was giving positive comments abt me... Heheheeeeeee
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