Kuih oh kuih
Kejap je, its already towards the end of Ramadhan... for sure, i havent been doing something that i'd really wanted to do since the start of Ramadhan.. adela satu mende tu.. Harap2, sempat jugakla menunaikannya sebelum syawal menjelma....
Dekat2 nak raya ni, even since the start of fasting mth dulu, sibuk the whole office.. ada yg promote kuih raya, promote kek raya.. And me.. being a sucker for kuih raya... bought at least 6 different types!! (plus another 2 which i had bought even earlier on.. bought and finished! hihi!)
Let see.. so far i've bought 2 containers of pineapple tart, one of which i bought in august, and gobbled everything up by end of september.. (ooohhh.. that explains the extra pounds!! right!~ :p ) Then i bought another batch of those in mid september, and there're only 2 pieces left at home (out of 50 pieces).. i didnt intend to keep those yummy cookies for raya anyway.. Recently i ordered 2 kuih raya from a colleague; one container of cookies that taste a little too buttery to my liking (haritu masa sample rasa cam best je :p ) and another container of mini popiah. Then i bought another 2 from my friend from school... which i havent gotten yet... and then i bought yet another 2 from the gerai jualan at the ministry's lobby.. kuih semperit with choc rice on top and kuih cereal drops with lots of multicolored edible beads on top.. Sedap gile kuih tu! *Drool* Lastly (as of today) i ordered 2 cakes for raya (hopefully it'll last that long) You know.. the lapis2 type.. the one yg famous as kek lapis sarawak. Sedap wey!!
Waaa.... i love kuih raya!! I really, really love kuih raya.. but they're all very fattening!! How can i enjoy my kuih raya and not gain weight??? i Cant gain weight this raya coz the wedding is just right after it. I need professional help! :p (still remember last years trauma.. gained nearly 5 kilos right after raya which was a total bommer! :p Still fighting off the gain even as i type demmit!)
hehe.. sorry.. i went berserk for a while there.. all for the love of kuih raya.. *lipsmack* yummy.
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