Tagged by Azno
Ooo.. macam nike bila kena taggg.. ish ish.. Lagging behind time nye aku nihss... Huhu..
SEVEN Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1 Taubat yang diterima
2 Family yang bahagia
(with 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl - mcm adik beradik azno)
3 Bukak family business - bridal boutique
4 Honeymooning around the world
- doesnt have to be continuous.. once in 2 yrs pun will suffice. :)
5 Jumpa kawan2 lama dari tadika kalau boleh..
-2- 3 nama member tadika yg aku ingat: ashrah, hassan ngn amir. Ashrah ni budak pompuan yg 1st tegur aku kat tadika.. sbb aku tersilap masuk toilet lelaki; hassan aku ingat nama dia sbb dia ada kes masa kat kelas.. kesian ada, klaka pun ada; si amir ni plak dok seblah aku kalau tak silap.
6 Slim up & shape up
- i dont want to die because of fat-related diseases :p
7 Mintak ampun maaf dgn org yg aku penah buat salah
- nnt jgn tarik aku kat kiamat sok ok..? (ewah mcm blh suruh2 plak)
SEVEN Things I Could Do:
(soklan ni aku tak berapa paham sgt.. things i could do to achieve yg atas tu ke, things yg aku boleh buat ke.. so aku rasa aku interpretasi soklan ni as 7 Things I'm Capable of Doing)
1 Sing...
well.. yeah.. i can sing you know... takla terer mcm Siti.. tp bolehla sikit2, esp witout the mic.. Bila dapat mic, tarikan suara tu jadik haru sket. :p
2 Pretend
-pretend to listen in lectures, pretend to be a good person :p, pretend to be a bad person, pretend to understand, pretend, pretend, pretend....
3 Cry for no reason
- usually happens during PMS
4 Easily irritated, sedangkan org tak buat pape pun kat aku
- also, during PMS
5 Talking rubbish while sleeping
- disahkan dan diwitness oleh kawan2 rapat.. siap kena gelak lagi :p (aku harap bila aku dah kawen nnt aku tak buat la lagi mende nih. Huhu.. teruk aku kene gelak ngan dan nnt)
7 Getting lost
- well.. easily put.. i'm hopeless with directions. Ada haritu nak pergi keje pun tersesat. Hehehe.. I'm so well known of my bad sense of directions.. ask Nura n azno. They KNOW. (I'll let you in a little secret: skang ni pergi keje jln lain, blk jln lain.. sbb nak blk ikut jln yg sama tak jumpe :p )
SEVEN Celebrity Crushes
1 Chad Lowe
- when i was 12 y.o kot.. bila dia berlakon cite Life Goes On
2 Joey Lawrence
- masa 14 y.o.. siap mimpi2 lagi
3 Jonathan Brandis
- the boy who played Lucas in Seaquest
4 Ben Afleck
- used to but since he started dating JLo, no more crush on him
5 Brad Pitt esp. in Mr & Mrs Smith
6 Prince William
- always dream of flying to the UK and have him notice me.. like that's gonna happen :p
7 Joe, the famous porn star - heheh... naahh.. i made that up :p
I used to have a crush on that famous tennis player.. Yg slalu menang Wimbledon
tu... which i cant remember his name anymore.. He's not famous anymore now..
SEVEN Often Repeated Words
1 Oo.. ye ke
2 Eh?
3 Macam mana ek?
4 Gile
5 Hampeh
6 Bengong
7 Bodoh gile(esp. on the road where stupid drivers roam free)
SEVEN Physical Traits I Look In The opposite Sex
1 Pert butt (heheheee)
2 Pleasant style - not over the top, not dont give a shit kinda thing..
3 Taller than myself
4 Have hands bigger than mine - pengaruh citer katun.. notice tak kalau cite katun
Disney tu, prince dia semua tgn besar2.. blh genggam kemas2 tgn princess.. haha..
5 Not wobbly (no offense) - my fiance tu tak wobbly tau.. dia firm :)
6 Dada agak bidang - blh sandar kat situ
7 Tak berbulu sangat, tapi takla sampai tak berbulu langsung (but no chest hair..
geli sket.. tp kalau ada yg bulu start dr bwh pusat tu all the way tu the
southern zone.. tu mcm sexy.. heheh.. tp bukan lebat2 sgt la.. (err.. am i being
too forward??)
All of these traits ada kat Dan plus a few other non-physical traits.. except for trait number 7 which i'm bound to find out in less than a month.. Hihihiii...
SEVEN Victims I Can tag
Cant think of any. All my blog pals have been tagged by Azno. :p
Maybe a few if they come accross my site : Aiza's bf, Goe, My cuzin Siti Nor.. That's it.. i dont have any more blog pals... Hmm.. pathetic. :p
Ok.. dah setel mende tag nih.. Oh.. just free info.. do you know that it was so easy to get tested for HIV? Macam pregnancy test kit je.. tp guna blood instead of urine. Amek darah cucuk kat jari je, bukan style amek darah kat pelipat siku or anything like that. Hehe.. Tau sbb tadi kena pergi HIV screening.. Almaklumlah.. dah berkuatkuasa utk pasangan yang akan bernikah di negeri Selangor. :)
Something interestingly funny
This is just something i found.. funny one:
A small amount of semen escapes from the penis prior to ejaculation. Withdrawal does not work because millions of sperm can be in the small amount that escapes.
Remember, ovulation occurs 14 days BEFORE your period. If you are only counting days, it's like playing roulette. It matters if you are a day off. Remember sperm live for up to FIVE DAYS.
Intercourse during Menstruation
If you have a long period and a short cycle, you can be ovulating at the end of your period. Not safe.
The First Time
Right - and birds don't fly.
Standing up immediately after sex
A chemical attraction stronger than gravity is at work here. Sorry, standing doesn't make it.
Prayer works for many things - pregnancy prevention isn't one of them.
Douching with Pepsi, Coke, etc.
"The Pause that Refreshes®", "The Real Thing®", and others may quench your thirst, but don't expect their secret formula to keep you from getting pregnant.
Doing nothing gives you an 85% chance of getting pregnant!!!
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