The Second Child
Hmm.. macam mana nak garap posting ni ye.. Kang berbelit2 pulok.. Huhu..
Haritu, i was discussing with my hubby about having another baby. I've always wanted another one kan, and i try to coax my hubby whenever i can to accept the same idea. the last discussion made me wonder. How does it feel to have a second baby???
Macam.. right now i feel such an abundance of love towards sarah, rasa sayang sangat2, tak terbayang macam mana nak sayang kalau ada second baby pulak. Hmm.. faham ke apa aku ckp ni?? Aku argue, that love doesn't start whole and you divide it between the people you love like a piece of cake; instead love blossoms, when another baby arrives, a new bud of love blossoms and it grows by time. Macam pokok, sayang tu boleh bercambah macam dahan2 yang ada kat batang pokok tu... Tapi, betul ke macam tu??? Kalau macam tu, kenapa ada parents yang bersikap bias between siblings, and supposedly, the middle child syndrom tak berlaku la kan??
When i got married, i felt the same way towards my hubby. I feel that i love him so very much tht i can't love any other person the same way. But, come sarah, i love sarah as much as i love my hubby but of course, in a different way la kan. Kalau sarah ada adik pulak macam mana??? Will i feel as much love for the new baby as i feel for sarah??
Aku pun tak tau. Takde experience lagi la katakan. If my dear friends yang dah ada lebih dari satu baby, or sedang carry the 2nd baby boleh share how they feel about the second baby, mungkin it can shed some light for me on this matter.
On a totally unrelated note, siapa tengok House last night?? 2nd episode of the season finale. Huhu.. sedey sampai harini.. hehe.. boleh tak? Kesian wilson and amber. I hated amber at first coz she's such a be-atch but when she started dating wilson, she was ok. Sedih tgk the way they ended. Gosh.. what would it feel like to know that you're dying as soon as someone takes you off life support. To leave all your loved ones behind, uncertain of what will become of them, who'll take care of them... Huhu.. i get teary eyed whenever i think of that. Huhu.. wallahu'alam. elok jugak tgk House ni.. mengingatkan pada mati. :)
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