Monday, November 28, 2011

Under the Weather

Kurang sihat harini. Had been like this since yesterday actually. Had the sniffles half the day yesterday. It didn't get any better today. Petang tadi, i popped a clarinase tablet. Dr cakap boleh makan. So i took one, Alhamdulillah, sniffles is gone, but i feel lightheaded and feverish. Tapi so far temperature tak la naik. Wish for the best. Kalau demam sikit2 elok jugak kan? Boleh dapat mc. Hehe.

I'll be in week 32 next week. Persiapan? Entahla. I guess you;ll never know if you're really ready until after the baby comes. I'm about to pack my hospital bag, insyaAllah, weekend ni boleh pack la kot. Satu benda yang hampeh terjadi hari ini. Dulu, masa aku masuk 6 months, aku cari baju pregnant lama tak jumpa langsung. Harini, dah masuk 31 minggu baru jumpa!! Hnsss!!!.. MArah betul. Tapi takpe, at least ada gak la baju lain dari yang asyik2 dipakai tu, kan?

Back to persiapan. Huhu.. stokin i takde lagi. Baru teringat. Semalam dah beli tummy binder kat Jusco. Ala, yang murah n biasa2 tu.. bukan la bengkung moden etc. Ni untuk pakai masa malam (chehh.. planning beriya nih!) Siang, bengkung yang makcik R buat nanti. Makcik R akan jaga i masa dalam confinement. Alhamdulillah, haritu tanya dia nak kena beli jamu apa untuk lepas bersalin. Dia kata tak payah. Pergi beranak je. Lain-lain semua dia uruskan, herba mandi, jamu, minyak urut, barut segala bagai. Lauk pun dia akan masakkan. Tak la banyak, tapi ada la lauk orang postpartum. Dia kata tak kisah la nak ambil berapa hari pun. Dia suggest, first 10 days untuk pemulihan, pastu towards the end, ikut la nak berapa hari, untuk kecantikan. Hehe. I urut2 ni memang la feveret kan??

Numbness kat hujung jari ni makin teruk la rasanya. Pagi2 bangun tidur, mesti sakit tangan and jari2 semua. Nak pegang berus gigi / getah paip masa kat toilet pun rasa sakit. Takpe.. sabaq naa.. Tak lama dah. :)

Lagi satu cabaran masa ni ialah... panas!! Dok dalam aircond pun panas. Tadi masa masak, baju lencun, sambil peluh mencurah2. Macam la masak pakai kawah api besaq. Tapi, elok gak peluh2 tadi. Kurang sikit lightheadedness.

Bakal kakak nih, tiap2 hari banyak mulut. Ada je dia nak cakap. And sometimes benda yang dia cakap tu, menggeramkan. Grrr... Semalam, dia nak makan telur rebus yang kitorang dapat dari rumah kenduri. Aku kupas la, dan bagi dia. Dia makan yang putih, kuning letak tepi. Dia cakap "I don't want to eat the yolk mommy." Aku pun ok je la. Tak nak makan takpe, aku tak paksa. Pastu, dia makan gak yang kuning tu. Aku tanya la dia balik, "I thought you said that you didn't want to eat the yolk?" Dia punya reply yang buat aku rasa nak gigetttt je pipi dia. Iskk... Dia kata "Well, sometimes you have to do what you have to do right??"
HIsyy.. pandai plak cakap camtu kat aku kannn?? Geram i!

Semalam gi lawat babies, sambil hadiri kenduri aqiqah + cukur jambul. Kenduri cucu mak ngah, cucu pertama tahun 2011. Tahun ni, dia murah rezeki, dapat 3 cucu! Angah beranak, pastu kak Long, and baru2 ni Zura. Keluarga besar Hj. Rosli dapat 4 ahli baru tahun ni. Anak aku, tahun depan. So far, takde lagi yang lain preknen. Anyways, kakak Sarah sangat la suka dan teruja tengok babies2 sekalian. Bila baby nak mandi, dia la paling sibuk. Awal2 dok tepi, habis proses mandi baby, sleeves dia dah basah.. apehal?? Huhu.. Sibuk nak bagi baby2 tu puting la, isk.. macam2. Dah tu asyik la nak mencium baby kenit2 tu. Hadey. MAcam mana la dia ada adik nanti. Mesti aku stress!!

Okla.. kena tidur awal. Rest to get better. Esok kena gi office pulok. Huhu.. Malas sudah. Rasa nak duduk rumah sahaja adanya. Huhu..

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Caca Marba

Alhamdulillah, lepas sorang, sorang orang yang aku kenal selamat bersalin. In September it was kLong, giving birth to baby Zara. In October, my statistician, Cik Pah gave birth to a baby girl (not named yet when i went to see her at the hospital).. and recently, my cousin Zura gave birth to a long-awaited baby girl, Baby Majdiyya. Lepas ni.. it's gonna be my turn.. Jeng.. Jeng.. Jeng... Kalau tak end January, early February (I personally prefer the latter, senang buat birthday sekali dengan kakak dia).

My anniversary wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. At least i got to spend some time alone with my hubby. The day was really productive though. I had my antenal check-up, got my IC renewed along with hubby's and Sarah's MyKid and finally got my Stemlife kit ready! That thing had been bothering me for the longest time! Now, Alhamdu lillah, i've got the kit with me and i'll be ready to pack my hospital bag soon. :) We also got to have dinner together, the three of us of course, with Sarah always asking "What's anniversary?" We went to this steak house, where hubby had a premium wagyu steak, and i had the angus beef. It just melts in the mouth!!

I'm now in my 30th week. 10 minggu je lagi. Macam tak lama kan? Huhu. My feet are really swollen today. No idea why the extra swelling. This time around, i'm also plagued with the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, especially at night, masa tidur and masa bangun pagi. It is caused by water retention which narrows the carpal tunnel in the wrist, therefore restricting blood flow to the fingers. So, sometimes the tip of the fingers can get really numb, and sometimes it hurts all the way til the elbow. So the dilemma is that, i can really sleep on my back so as not to restrict oxygen to the baby, but at the same time i can't sleep on my side coz i'll be resting on my arms and that will worsen the CTS. Hmmm.. takpe. 10 (or 11 or less) more weeks to go only.

Baby seems to be quite active malam ni. I guessed the baby enjoyed the dinner that i had. Hehe. Mee goreng mamak. Baby was tossing and turning until my tummy was visibly moving up and down as well!.. Pastu dah senyap kejap, ingat dah tidur.. Then when hubby came down closer to me and chat, dia gerak2 balik. Belum tidur rupanya.

Okie.. now me have togo and retire for the night. Esok kena bangun awal sikit coz i need to prepare some tuna sandwiches for my daughter to bring to school. Esok kan last day of school, so they're having a party day. Bawak la munchies sikit so that dia boleh share dengan kawan2 kat sekolah. Nak buat benda berat2 eg. meehoon ke, spaghetti ke, i amatla tak larat kan. Sandwich pun ok la.. :)

Alreity.. good night y'all..

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Was looking at my archives, saja cari date 11.11 dari tahun2 lepas, if i updated on what i did on my wedding anniversary. Almaklumla, semakin usia bertambah, the more your memory will fail you...

Tak banyak la pulak update anniversary. Huhu. Obviously we didn't really do much on our anniversary. Cuma this year, i was expecting a bit more. Kenapa ek? Mungkin sebab it's 11.11.11. Sayangnya, what i expected couldn't be realized becaus of circumstances. Sigh. Hubby kena kerja pulak, awal pagi esok baru sampai rumah. I had already asked for leave for tmrw, konon2 nak spend time with hubby. Dah kalau dia baru balik, mesti dia penat kan.. So takpela, i'll leave him to catch up on some rest at home, while i'll go about and do the things that i need to do on my leave. Sedih.. but, what to do, kan? Tapi emosional lebih la. Maybe its the pregnancy hormones. But really, i'm quite disappointed that tomorrow can't turn out like i want it to be. Sigh!~

Oleh yang demikian, pagi esok lepas hantar Sarah pergi sekolah, i'll go for my antenatal checkup, get me some frappucino that i so longed for for the last few weeks, grab lunch on the go, fetch Sarah from school, fetch hubby from the house and take Sarah for her first dentist appointment. So much for spending alone time with hubby. :( More like alone alone time on my own ada la. Huhu.. Dah la he's gotta go fly again on the weekend. Hmm...

Whatever it is, my life had never been fuller, merrier and happier now that i'm married to my dear husband. I thank him for all the time that he had been there for me, for being my pillar of strength, for believing in me, and for loving me just the way i am. I know i'm truly blessed to have a man like himself as my husband.

Honey, i love you always and forever more.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Wisdom Tooth?

My baby girl had officially lost her first tooth today.. It's quite worrying because she's not even 5 yet! Huh.. Is this worry baseless??

As far as i remember, i think i lost my first tooth when i was around 6! (agaknya la). Isn't it a little too soon for my dear daughter to be losing her milk teeth already? Ah.. kaget gue!

Anyways.. perhaps i'll take her to the dentist this weekend to have it checked, takut la ada tertinggal coz the expelled-naturally tooth looked kinda broken. Mungkin perasaan saya sahaja, but better be safe and take her to the dentist. I did see some bit of tooth bud already erupting at the site of the lost tooth. Sigh. She's so grown up now!!

Next year she'll be five already. Nak tukar sekolah. So upset with the school that she goes to now. Did i rant about it already? Lupa la.. The school used to be good, until the management changed the principal. THe level dropped tremendously. The English language level of the principal herself is atrocious!! Ada ka pronounce colleagues as "ko-le-jes" and enthusiasm as "en-tu-si-zem"? WTF? Woy... kalau principal punya English macam haram, apa kes nak run so-called English medium kindy? We discovered this during Sarah's school concert a couple of weeks ago. Another principal from another centre was the emcee, and she had the guts to say "Please upstanding for the Negaraku." Upstanding? Seriously? That level of English for English-medium kindy principal????? You must be kidding! Patut la my daughter's language is getting worse instead of improving.

Upset, we intend to change her school beginning next year. Tengah cari lagi calon2 sekolah yang bagus. Don't know which yet. Hisy.. Lepas tu, fikir jugak mana nak register dia untuk primary school. Economy not so good. Hubby's work place pun macam tak sure if it will still be around in this challenging economic outlook. So, international school and private school is kind of out of the question. Lagipun, kalau Sarah masuk sekolah2 tu, teruk peer pressure nanti. Ye la, yang pergi sekolah macam tu orang yang berada, poket berkepuk2 kan... Kitorang tak macam tu. We just want to give her the best that we can. Tapi rasanya, kat mana-mana sekolah pun akan ada isu cikgu, student etc, tak kirala govn school or private school. Sigh.

On pregnancy. I'm in my 7th month. Kalau tak silap now dah masuk minggu 29 kot? Next checkup next week. Lately kadang2 ada rasa macam berpusing sikit bila berdiri. Tak tau la kalau BP naik ke apa. Harapnya tak. Berat memang confirm la naik. Tak tau la dah terlebih or sama dengan last pregnancy. Rempah / jamu bersalin tak tau lagi nak guna yang mana nih.. Haihhh...

Ok la.. serabut rasa. Nak pi solat and tidur.

Looking forward to 11.11.11. :D Our 6th wedding anniversary. ^.^