Thursday, November 10, 2011


Was looking at my archives, saja cari date 11.11 dari tahun2 lepas, if i updated on what i did on my wedding anniversary. Almaklumla, semakin usia bertambah, the more your memory will fail you...

Tak banyak la pulak update anniversary. Huhu. Obviously we didn't really do much on our anniversary. Cuma this year, i was expecting a bit more. Kenapa ek? Mungkin sebab it's 11.11.11. Sayangnya, what i expected couldn't be realized becaus of circumstances. Sigh. Hubby kena kerja pulak, awal pagi esok baru sampai rumah. I had already asked for leave for tmrw, konon2 nak spend time with hubby. Dah kalau dia baru balik, mesti dia penat kan.. So takpela, i'll leave him to catch up on some rest at home, while i'll go about and do the things that i need to do on my leave. Sedih.. but, what to do, kan? Tapi emosional lebih la. Maybe its the pregnancy hormones. But really, i'm quite disappointed that tomorrow can't turn out like i want it to be. Sigh!~

Oleh yang demikian, pagi esok lepas hantar Sarah pergi sekolah, i'll go for my antenatal checkup, get me some frappucino that i so longed for for the last few weeks, grab lunch on the go, fetch Sarah from school, fetch hubby from the house and take Sarah for her first dentist appointment. So much for spending alone time with hubby. :( More like alone alone time on my own ada la. Huhu.. Dah la he's gotta go fly again on the weekend. Hmm...

Whatever it is, my life had never been fuller, merrier and happier now that i'm married to my dear husband. I thank him for all the time that he had been there for me, for being my pillar of strength, for believing in me, and for loving me just the way i am. I know i'm truly blessed to have a man like himself as my husband.

Honey, i love you always and forever more.

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