Alhamdulillah, lepas sorang, sorang orang yang aku kenal selamat bersalin. In September it was kLong, giving birth to baby Zara. In October, my statistician, Cik Pah gave birth to a baby girl (not named yet when i went to see her at the hospital).. and recently, my cousin Zura gave birth to a long-awaited baby girl, Baby Majdiyya. Lepas ni.. it's gonna be my turn.. Jeng.. Jeng.. Jeng... Kalau tak end January, early February (I personally prefer the latter, senang buat birthday sekali dengan kakak dia).
My anniversary wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. At least i got to spend some time alone with my hubby. The day was really productive though. I had my antenal check-up, got my IC renewed along with hubby's and Sarah's MyKid and finally got my Stemlife kit ready! That thing had been bothering me for the longest time! Now, Alhamdu lillah, i've got the kit with me and i'll be ready to pack my hospital bag soon. :) We also got to have dinner together, the three of us of course, with Sarah always asking "What's anniversary?" We went to this steak house, where hubby had a premium wagyu steak, and i had the angus beef. It just melts in the mouth!!
I'm now in my 30th week. 10 minggu je lagi. Macam tak lama kan? Huhu. My feet are really swollen today. No idea why the extra swelling. This time around, i'm also plagued with the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, especially at night, masa tidur and masa bangun pagi. It is caused by water retention which narrows the carpal tunnel in the wrist, therefore restricting blood flow to the fingers. So, sometimes the tip of the fingers can get really numb, and sometimes it hurts all the way til the elbow. So the dilemma is that, i can really sleep on my back so as not to restrict oxygen to the baby, but at the same time i can't sleep on my side coz i'll be resting on my arms and that will worsen the CTS. Hmmm.. takpe. 10 (or 11 or less) more weeks to go only.
Baby seems to be quite active malam ni. I guessed the baby enjoyed the dinner that i had. Hehe. Mee goreng mamak. Baby was tossing and turning until my tummy was visibly moving up and down as well!.. Pastu dah senyap kejap, ingat dah tidur.. Then when hubby came down closer to me and chat, dia gerak2 balik. Belum tidur rupanya.
Okie.. now me have togo and retire for the night. Esok kena bangun awal sikit coz i need to prepare some tuna sandwiches for my daughter to bring to school. Esok kan last day of school, so they're having a party day. Bawak la munchies sikit so that dia boleh share dengan kawan2 kat sekolah. Nak buat benda berat2 eg. meehoon ke, spaghetti ke, i amatla tak larat kan. Sandwich pun ok la.. :)
Alreity.. good night y'all..
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