Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ermm.. Nope.. Still Not there..

Going into Week 39 now. One more week to due date. Still nothing yet. Just minor pre-labour symptoms: lower back ache, pelvic pressure, Braxton Hicks.. things like that.

Last check-up, again, obgyn reiterated that my baby has dropped (as in into the pelvic area). My weight has dropped too, he said common for mothers near labour in which the amniotic fluid would have lessened. He also did and internal on me, and said that although my uterus is already soft, it has yet to dilate. So, probably gonna take another week (or less) or so.

Personally, i think this baby will either come out on his due date or slightly later, but within 42 weeks. Hehe.. your guess is as good as mine. :p

Having said that, hubby dearest will have to go back to work next week. Luckily he's rostered to do only 2 flights, and both will be day flights. Alhamdulillah. He'll be around at night, and i sure hope that he'll be around when i'm in labour. Apapun, whatever that happens is for the best for all of us, kan?

Oklah.. I have another week of leave ahead of me. :)

Before i end the post, kepada sahabatku Nura yang jauh di perantauan, Happy Birthday dear friend! Semoga dipermudahkan urusan, dan diredhai Allah selalu. :)

1 comment:

m.e.m.e said...

Een..baru hari ni baca birthday wish dari ko...huhuh syahdu beb....sangat...rasa honoured...


Congratulations on your new born. Selamat berpantang.