Friday, December 30, 2011

The Day Is Getting Closer!!

Alhamdulillah, just got back from the obgyn's clinic. I'm now in week 36, all is well. Baby's head is partially engaged. He's currently head down, facing sideways, but the Dr said that he'll turn internally come labour. Hope that he'll turn his face towards my spine instead of looking up. If he looks up, it'll mean more back pain for me during labour.

Baby's weight is currently 2.7kg. If born now, he'll escape being in NICU for being underweight. But then again, the figure is just an estimate. It could be a little less, or a little more than that. Hopefully his birthweight tak la berat sangat. Maximum pun around 3.4kg sudah la.. Hehe.. Tadi the obgyn said that if the first born was overdue, the second may likely be overdue as well. So far the due date is around the 25th of next month. So, we'll see how it goes.

So far, tak ada rasa contractions pun. Braxton Hicks sometimes, especially when i walk a lot. Nesting instincts? Not really kot. Ada la rasa macam nak berkemas2, tapi, rasa macam tak larat laa.. Huhu...

Yesterday, last shopping for stuffs (kononnya). I got me a nursing pillow. :) Dulu masa Sarah tak beli. This time around, try la pakai. Hoping that my breastfeeding experience will be better this time around (no cracked/sore nipples etc.) and hope that the baby enjoys breastfeeding and we will be successful at it. Truly hoping to exclusively breastfeed with this baby. :)

Ok.. gonna lie down and nap... So good to be on leave. :D

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Skim Baru - To Sign OR Not to Sign?

Two days ago we were handed our option forms for SBPA. First look, memang macam nak sign je terus. But then, when you think about it, there are a lot of grey areas that may bite you in the ass should you sign it... begitu kah?

Kenaikan gaji ada la sikit, dalam RM300 dari current pay. Tapi, kalau kira ikut T (PxTx) rasanya a lot less than that. Berbeza la dengan kumpulan premier (so called) yang dapat kenaikan dengar2nya sehingga 60%. Come to think of it kan, banyak tu je ke diorang value kerja yang group P&P ni buat? Not to say la, tapi berapa kerat je group so called premier ni yang boleh deliver? Nak make decision pun banyak yang tak boleh. Jangan kan make decision, some don't even know what they want. Tau minit je kat jr ofcrs.. "untuk tindakan". How to amek tindakan, sukahati ko la kan... none of their business. Janji meja diorang clear and konon2 tak ada benda pending. But to be fair, memang ada Jusa yang betul2 intan terpilih, ada intelligence dan merupakan aset kepada negara. Tapi, berapa kerat sangat la kan?

On exit policy, i really don't mind kalau it is done properly, without fear or favor. Question is, macam mana nak ensure fair implementation without fear or favour tu? Penilaian bergantung kepada human factor. How fair and objective can human beings be? Kalau equal terms on exit policy applies across the board, ok la. Jangan la apply kat golongan bawah je. If you notice, dalam circular tu tak elaborate pun on the mechanism of exit policy nih.

And, kalau notice jugak, a list of perkara2 bawah pekeliling ni teta akan terpakai kalau kita tak terima skim. So why bother asking people to choose in the first place? Buat la wajib je kat semua orang. Doesn't make sense, does it?

Haih.. Dunno la. Rasanya kalau ikut kawan2 seperjuangan, ramai yang sign terima opsyen ni. Me? Masih mempertimbangkan. Heh.

Ok.. let's just sleep on it for now...

Monday, December 19, 2011


Next week i'll be in week 36!.. Cukup dah sembilan bulan. All systems go and ready for D-Day. Nervous? Of course! Excited too, to finally have the baby in my arms and start to breastfeed again. Cuma harapnya, this time around, breastfeeding will be a lot less painful *Gasp*. Teringat nipple berdarah etc masa zaman bf sarah dulu. Huhu.

Last week was my 34th week check. Alhamdulillah, baby ok. Aku yang ada problem sikit masa check-up tu. I had food poisoning, so i had been purging form more than 10 times in 12 hours. I read online that diarrhea can also be a sign of labor. Tapi, in this case tak la kot?? Just food poisoning. Entah apa yang aku makan agaknya. Aku pun tak ingat.

At the end of the checkup, the Dr asked me if i still remember the signs of labor. I giggled and told him no, coz the last time i was induced. Tak experience pun pergi hospital sebab ada tanda2 nak beranak. :D Last time pergi hospital sebab Dr suruh masuk, labor signs or not.

Simptoms sekarang ni - sleepy, penat, kaki bengkak, jari numb, frequent toilet visits.. dan aku rasa, aku dah start rasa Braxton Hicks. Tak la sakit sangat, cuma bila tenga berjalan2 tu, rasa uncomfortable la sikit.

Oklah.. dah ngantuk. Better rest now. Nite!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

31 Weeks

Alhamdulillah, yesterday went for my monthly antenatal check. Baby sihat2 aje. Mummy je tak berapa nak sihat. Runny nose and a very chesty cough. Dok wheezing since Sunday.

Baby kalau ikut agak2, weight dah 1.88kg.. (and mommy had gone beyond the 20kg weight gain point.. boo-hoo-hoo!), kalau ikut scan, my due date have shifted to 30th January instead of 24th, masih berharap untuk beranak on 2nd February. :) Everything else is ok. Since mommy rasa lightheaded, mommy asked for mc from the doc to rest at home. Pastu daddy tolong mintakkan lagi sehari mc, so the Dr gave me two days off, yesterday and today. Esok, kena gi keje. Uhuk! Malam semalam, makan ubat batuk, pengsan terus. Harini makan lagi. Tengah tunggu it takes effect. Kakak Sarah dah tidur. Dia pun dok runny nose bergilir2 dengan mummy. Dia start, mummy ok, mummy kena dia ok.. Ni mummy dah ok, dia start balik. Haih...

My fingers still feel numb once in a while throughout the day. The whole hand hurts in the morning after i wake up. The Dr said it's normal for some women to get the Carpal Tunnel Syndrom. Kena kurangkan makanan bergaram and banyakkan minum air. Haih... Minum air ok. Kurangkan makanan bergaram tu macam payah sikit. :p So, suffer lah the consequences ye...

Masa checkup haritu jugak dah settlekan urusan cord blood banking untuk baby. Alhamdulillah, dah bayar jugak storage fee untuk 20 years, dapat discount 50%!! :) Tinggal nak pack bag. Diaper pun dah beli dah tadi. Hehe. Lama tak beli diaper, punya la lama dok melangut kat tempat diaper tu. Baby kecik2 tak payah beli diaper mahal. Bukan tahan pun. Kejap kang poop, kejap kang poop.. so tunggu la tiga bulan ke baru pakai diaper yang ok sikit. Tadi beli diaper cap Whoopee? Tak pernah dengar pun sebelum ni. Tapi tengok sample cam ok. Dia punya pelekat pun macam huggies punya, so kira ngam la. Harga RM27 je, kalau size S, dapat 75 keping. Untung kang? Apa yang tak ada lagi sekarang, sterilizer untuk botol dengan breast pump. Dulu pakai Avent yang microwave, peninggalan Almaz. Tapi dah lama sangat, nak kena ganti. Ingat this time around nak amek electric punya instead of microwave. Kalau gi mana-mana tempat takde microwave, boleh pakai gak,kan? Ni tengah survey la nih. Avent punya mahal la, sampai 300+. Rugi lak kalau lepas ni tak beranak dah??? Ingat nak beli either Little Bean or Jingle Jungle. Tengah cari la nih sape manufacturernya. Mana datangnya ini dua brand. Tak jumpa2 lorr..

Haih... Amende nak pack untuk gi hospital ni? Series dah tak hengat ok... Rasanya dulu bawak baju baby segala bagai, bukan pakai pun. Pakai baju sepital jek. Bila dah discharge baru pakai baju dari rumah. Hehe. Aiyah.. konfius!

Aiyak.. sakit perut pula. Asyik memerut je harini. Tapi, Alhamdulillah, muntah2 sejak diberi mc ni, takde jadi pulak. Mungkin haritu sebab phlegm banyak kot? Entahla ye. Tak pe la. I wanna go memerut now. After that sleep. Tmrw keje. :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Under the Weather

Kurang sihat harini. Had been like this since yesterday actually. Had the sniffles half the day yesterday. It didn't get any better today. Petang tadi, i popped a clarinase tablet. Dr cakap boleh makan. So i took one, Alhamdulillah, sniffles is gone, but i feel lightheaded and feverish. Tapi so far temperature tak la naik. Wish for the best. Kalau demam sikit2 elok jugak kan? Boleh dapat mc. Hehe.

I'll be in week 32 next week. Persiapan? Entahla. I guess you;ll never know if you're really ready until after the baby comes. I'm about to pack my hospital bag, insyaAllah, weekend ni boleh pack la kot. Satu benda yang hampeh terjadi hari ini. Dulu, masa aku masuk 6 months, aku cari baju pregnant lama tak jumpa langsung. Harini, dah masuk 31 minggu baru jumpa!! Hnsss!!!.. MArah betul. Tapi takpe, at least ada gak la baju lain dari yang asyik2 dipakai tu, kan?

Back to persiapan. Huhu.. stokin i takde lagi. Baru teringat. Semalam dah beli tummy binder kat Jusco. Ala, yang murah n biasa2 tu.. bukan la bengkung moden etc. Ni untuk pakai masa malam (chehh.. planning beriya nih!) Siang, bengkung yang makcik R buat nanti. Makcik R akan jaga i masa dalam confinement. Alhamdulillah, haritu tanya dia nak kena beli jamu apa untuk lepas bersalin. Dia kata tak payah. Pergi beranak je. Lain-lain semua dia uruskan, herba mandi, jamu, minyak urut, barut segala bagai. Lauk pun dia akan masakkan. Tak la banyak, tapi ada la lauk orang postpartum. Dia kata tak kisah la nak ambil berapa hari pun. Dia suggest, first 10 days untuk pemulihan, pastu towards the end, ikut la nak berapa hari, untuk kecantikan. Hehe. I urut2 ni memang la feveret kan??

Numbness kat hujung jari ni makin teruk la rasanya. Pagi2 bangun tidur, mesti sakit tangan and jari2 semua. Nak pegang berus gigi / getah paip masa kat toilet pun rasa sakit. Takpe.. sabaq naa.. Tak lama dah. :)

Lagi satu cabaran masa ni ialah... panas!! Dok dalam aircond pun panas. Tadi masa masak, baju lencun, sambil peluh mencurah2. Macam la masak pakai kawah api besaq. Tapi, elok gak peluh2 tadi. Kurang sikit lightheadedness.

Bakal kakak nih, tiap2 hari banyak mulut. Ada je dia nak cakap. And sometimes benda yang dia cakap tu, menggeramkan. Grrr... Semalam, dia nak makan telur rebus yang kitorang dapat dari rumah kenduri. Aku kupas la, dan bagi dia. Dia makan yang putih, kuning letak tepi. Dia cakap "I don't want to eat the yolk mommy." Aku pun ok je la. Tak nak makan takpe, aku tak paksa. Pastu, dia makan gak yang kuning tu. Aku tanya la dia balik, "I thought you said that you didn't want to eat the yolk?" Dia punya reply yang buat aku rasa nak gigetttt je pipi dia. Iskk... Dia kata "Well, sometimes you have to do what you have to do right??"
HIsyy.. pandai plak cakap camtu kat aku kannn?? Geram i!

Semalam gi lawat babies, sambil hadiri kenduri aqiqah + cukur jambul. Kenduri cucu mak ngah, cucu pertama tahun 2011. Tahun ni, dia murah rezeki, dapat 3 cucu! Angah beranak, pastu kak Long, and baru2 ni Zura. Keluarga besar Hj. Rosli dapat 4 ahli baru tahun ni. Anak aku, tahun depan. So far, takde lagi yang lain preknen. Anyways, kakak Sarah sangat la suka dan teruja tengok babies2 sekalian. Bila baby nak mandi, dia la paling sibuk. Awal2 dok tepi, habis proses mandi baby, sleeves dia dah basah.. apehal?? Huhu.. Sibuk nak bagi baby2 tu puting la, isk.. macam2. Dah tu asyik la nak mencium baby kenit2 tu. Hadey. MAcam mana la dia ada adik nanti. Mesti aku stress!!

Okla.. kena tidur awal. Rest to get better. Esok kena gi office pulok. Huhu.. Malas sudah. Rasa nak duduk rumah sahaja adanya. Huhu..

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Caca Marba

Alhamdulillah, lepas sorang, sorang orang yang aku kenal selamat bersalin. In September it was kLong, giving birth to baby Zara. In October, my statistician, Cik Pah gave birth to a baby girl (not named yet when i went to see her at the hospital).. and recently, my cousin Zura gave birth to a long-awaited baby girl, Baby Majdiyya. Lepas ni.. it's gonna be my turn.. Jeng.. Jeng.. Jeng... Kalau tak end January, early February (I personally prefer the latter, senang buat birthday sekali dengan kakak dia).

My anniversary wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. At least i got to spend some time alone with my hubby. The day was really productive though. I had my antenal check-up, got my IC renewed along with hubby's and Sarah's MyKid and finally got my Stemlife kit ready! That thing had been bothering me for the longest time! Now, Alhamdu lillah, i've got the kit with me and i'll be ready to pack my hospital bag soon. :) We also got to have dinner together, the three of us of course, with Sarah always asking "What's anniversary?" We went to this steak house, where hubby had a premium wagyu steak, and i had the angus beef. It just melts in the mouth!!

I'm now in my 30th week. 10 minggu je lagi. Macam tak lama kan? Huhu. My feet are really swollen today. No idea why the extra swelling. This time around, i'm also plagued with the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, especially at night, masa tidur and masa bangun pagi. It is caused by water retention which narrows the carpal tunnel in the wrist, therefore restricting blood flow to the fingers. So, sometimes the tip of the fingers can get really numb, and sometimes it hurts all the way til the elbow. So the dilemma is that, i can really sleep on my back so as not to restrict oxygen to the baby, but at the same time i can't sleep on my side coz i'll be resting on my arms and that will worsen the CTS. Hmmm.. takpe. 10 (or 11 or less) more weeks to go only.

Baby seems to be quite active malam ni. I guessed the baby enjoyed the dinner that i had. Hehe. Mee goreng mamak. Baby was tossing and turning until my tummy was visibly moving up and down as well!.. Pastu dah senyap kejap, ingat dah tidur.. Then when hubby came down closer to me and chat, dia gerak2 balik. Belum tidur rupanya.

Okie.. now me have togo and retire for the night. Esok kena bangun awal sikit coz i need to prepare some tuna sandwiches for my daughter to bring to school. Esok kan last day of school, so they're having a party day. Bawak la munchies sikit so that dia boleh share dengan kawan2 kat sekolah. Nak buat benda berat2 eg. meehoon ke, spaghetti ke, i amatla tak larat kan. Sandwich pun ok la.. :)

Alreity.. good night y'all..

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Was looking at my archives, saja cari date 11.11 dari tahun2 lepas, if i updated on what i did on my wedding anniversary. Almaklumla, semakin usia bertambah, the more your memory will fail you...

Tak banyak la pulak update anniversary. Huhu. Obviously we didn't really do much on our anniversary. Cuma this year, i was expecting a bit more. Kenapa ek? Mungkin sebab it's 11.11.11. Sayangnya, what i expected couldn't be realized becaus of circumstances. Sigh. Hubby kena kerja pulak, awal pagi esok baru sampai rumah. I had already asked for leave for tmrw, konon2 nak spend time with hubby. Dah kalau dia baru balik, mesti dia penat kan.. So takpela, i'll leave him to catch up on some rest at home, while i'll go about and do the things that i need to do on my leave. Sedih.. but, what to do, kan? Tapi emosional lebih la. Maybe its the pregnancy hormones. But really, i'm quite disappointed that tomorrow can't turn out like i want it to be. Sigh!~

Oleh yang demikian, pagi esok lepas hantar Sarah pergi sekolah, i'll go for my antenatal checkup, get me some frappucino that i so longed for for the last few weeks, grab lunch on the go, fetch Sarah from school, fetch hubby from the house and take Sarah for her first dentist appointment. So much for spending alone time with hubby. :( More like alone alone time on my own ada la. Huhu.. Dah la he's gotta go fly again on the weekend. Hmm...

Whatever it is, my life had never been fuller, merrier and happier now that i'm married to my dear husband. I thank him for all the time that he had been there for me, for being my pillar of strength, for believing in me, and for loving me just the way i am. I know i'm truly blessed to have a man like himself as my husband.

Honey, i love you always and forever more.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Wisdom Tooth?

My baby girl had officially lost her first tooth today.. It's quite worrying because she's not even 5 yet! Huh.. Is this worry baseless??

As far as i remember, i think i lost my first tooth when i was around 6! (agaknya la). Isn't it a little too soon for my dear daughter to be losing her milk teeth already? Ah.. kaget gue!

Anyways.. perhaps i'll take her to the dentist this weekend to have it checked, takut la ada tertinggal coz the expelled-naturally tooth looked kinda broken. Mungkin perasaan saya sahaja, but better be safe and take her to the dentist. I did see some bit of tooth bud already erupting at the site of the lost tooth. Sigh. She's so grown up now!!

Next year she'll be five already. Nak tukar sekolah. So upset with the school that she goes to now. Did i rant about it already? Lupa la.. The school used to be good, until the management changed the principal. THe level dropped tremendously. The English language level of the principal herself is atrocious!! Ada ka pronounce colleagues as "ko-le-jes" and enthusiasm as "en-tu-si-zem"? WTF? Woy... kalau principal punya English macam haram, apa kes nak run so-called English medium kindy? We discovered this during Sarah's school concert a couple of weeks ago. Another principal from another centre was the emcee, and she had the guts to say "Please upstanding for the Negaraku." Upstanding? Seriously? That level of English for English-medium kindy principal????? You must be kidding! Patut la my daughter's language is getting worse instead of improving.

Upset, we intend to change her school beginning next year. Tengah cari lagi calon2 sekolah yang bagus. Don't know which yet. Hisy.. Lepas tu, fikir jugak mana nak register dia untuk primary school. Economy not so good. Hubby's work place pun macam tak sure if it will still be around in this challenging economic outlook. So, international school and private school is kind of out of the question. Lagipun, kalau Sarah masuk sekolah2 tu, teruk peer pressure nanti. Ye la, yang pergi sekolah macam tu orang yang berada, poket berkepuk2 kan... Kitorang tak macam tu. We just want to give her the best that we can. Tapi rasanya, kat mana-mana sekolah pun akan ada isu cikgu, student etc, tak kirala govn school or private school. Sigh.

On pregnancy. I'm in my 7th month. Kalau tak silap now dah masuk minggu 29 kot? Next checkup next week. Lately kadang2 ada rasa macam berpusing sikit bila berdiri. Tak tau la kalau BP naik ke apa. Harapnya tak. Berat memang confirm la naik. Tak tau la dah terlebih or sama dengan last pregnancy. Rempah / jamu bersalin tak tau lagi nak guna yang mana nih.. Haihhh...

Ok la.. serabut rasa. Nak pi solat and tidur.

Looking forward to 11.11.11. :D Our 6th wedding anniversary. ^.^

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Tak tau kenapa rasa nak berblog hari ini.

First and foremost, nak ucap Happy Birthday kat Pn. Aznor Hanah. Walaupun jauh, dirimu tetap kukenang. :) Semoga beliau dimurahkan rezeki, dipanjangkan umur dan terpelihara kebahagiaannya di dunia dan akhirat.

Nak kata banyak sangat cerita, memang tak. Tapi ada perasaan untuk menulis, agaknya sebab aku berkesempatan blog hop harini. Tengok orang lain galak menulis, terasa nak menulis gak. (Tulis paper keje malas :p )

Apapun, nak cerita... Sarah ada konsert Ahad ni.. Oleh sebab dia dah 4 tahun, dia minta nak pakai mekap. Uhuhu.. Ada ke mekap yang selamat untuk budak 4 tahun?? Isk.. akunye mekap dahla yang cokia2 je. Takde maknanya beli mekap memahal. Bukan aku pakai pun. Memang pakai masa ada function je. Tu pun sangat jarang2. Setahun dua-tiga kali je kot? Tak sampai hati lak aku nak mencalitkan mekap cokia tu kat kulit gebu si kecik tu. Isk.. kang dia allergic kang? Dah tak gebu.. Huhu..

Takpela.. aku bg dia pakai powder, blusher dengan lipstick cukupla. Eyeshadow tak payah. Tapi aku takut, kalau aku tak letak kang, ada plak cikgu yang nak tolong bubuh masa kat sekolah. Hisy. Daripada guna mekap and brush orang lain, baikla guna aku punya kan?? Isk.. dilema wehhh....

Esok pun dia kena mekap sikit2.. ada sesi amek gambar pakai baju konsert. Aku pun tak paham management baru sekolah dia. Tahun2 lepas, ok je amek gambar masa hari konsert sendiri. Ok je takde kecoh2. This year nak buat hari lain plak. Kan ke waste of effort? Dah la kosert buat hari Ahad, petang pulak tu. Tak pasal2 anak aku kena skip kelas piano. HIsy.. geram nieh. Dah la tak consider orang. Buat venue jauh2.. padahal dah sah2 most parents budak2 kat situ stay kat Putrajaya or nearby neighbourhoods, yang depa gatai pi buat venue kat Subang JAya apesal? Ni untuk budak2 ke untuk cikgu? Bengang gila. Tak consider tempat satu hal, buat petang, 5pm to 7 pm, tapi kena hantar budak2 pukul 3.30pm.. Kat situ memang majority Muslim, kena solat, bangang buat petang, kat SRJK pulak, apehal? Mana ada facility nak solat? Bangang sangat3!

Huh.. takmo marah2.. perlu berehat.. huhu..


Monday, October 17, 2011

Counting Days to Homerun

Konon-konon nak tukar prenatal aptmt harini kepada hari lain, so that hubs can join me. So, dengan confidentnya la konon dapat tukar date kan? Makan breakfast dengan penuh bergaya sekali... Sekali tak dapat tukar date, Dr ada operation lain.. Huhu.. padan muka.. Berat.. berat... uwaaaaa!!!

At checkup today, Dr said i'm already in my 26 weeks gestation. No ultrasound scan, much to the disappointment of myself and Sarah. Takpe, nanti kita buat 3D scan ye. We just listened to the baby's heartbeat instead. Alhamdulillah, mommy n baby are fine, although mommy needs to take it easy on the eating part as she's putting a little too much weight. Sigh. Lagi beberapa kilo, cukupla kenaiakn 20 kg dalam pregnancy ni. Konon haritu takmau berat naik banyak. Poorah! :p

I seriously think i'm white rice intolerant. Heh.

Rasa macam tak sabar nak beranak.. Hehe. Kang dah masuk third trimester kang rasa takut lak nak beranak, kan? Bestnya, to finally have the baby in my arms, bau baby yang best... Lagipun... i need to get rid of these extra weight. I hate looking at myself in the mirror. So fattt!!! Mencik! Dagu also like layer cake already. Huwaaaa...

Persiapan untuk baby kali ni.. entahla. Aku rasa macma tak siap je nak banding dengan masa Sarah haritu. Rasa cam blur. Huhu. Baju ada la gak sikit.. tapi, cukup ke? pastu botol belum lagi.. Nak reuse sarah's old bottle, nak kena tengok dulu keadaan botol2 tersebut. Almaklumla, masa Sarah dulu tak kecoh sangat about BPA scare, so memang ada la BPA in that bottle.. Kalau dah masuk 5 tahun, rasa macam kena replace jek. Sterilizer pun kena tukar, sebab sterilizer dulu dah masuk 9 tahun, dah balik modal dah pakai, dari Almaz dulu dia berjasa. Dah haus dah pun plastik2 dia.. kang BPA leak punya isu pulak, kan? Apa lagi? Cot? Sah-sah pakai yang Sarah punya dulu.. tengah berkira-kira nak pindah Sarah gi bilik dia ke camne.. Isk. Apa lagi nak sediakan? Breast pump dah ada, cuma nak kena check masih berfungsi dengan baik ke tak. Yang belum prepare cord blood banking, dengan set bersalin. Series, tak tau nak pilih yang mana. Dulu pakai Nona Roguy, tapi rasanya dulu macam kesan dia kureng, so ingat nak tukar. Tak tau nak tukar kepada apa. Siapa berpengalaman, sila la share ye. Leesa kah, atau Sendayu Tinggi kah, ke Jamu Mak Dara? Makcik urut dah booking. Cuma nak arrange dengan mama i je untuk jaga i kat rumah i instead of kat kg. Bukan apa, kalau pantang kat kg, tak gi skolah la anak den. Sapo nak ngantar?

Was thinking about cloth diapers, tapi entahlah, tak cukup pulling factor untuk ke arah itu. Mungkin belum masanya kot.

Sangat berharap kelahiran kali ni pun dimudahkan Allah, dan breastfeeding pun boleh dijalankan dengan jayanya, selain mengharapkan kelulusan cuti tanpa gaji untuk menjaga anak selama 2 tahun. Amin!~

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Breezing into my 6th month.. already?

Cepatnya masa berlalu. I'll be going into my 24th week next week. Less than halfway there now. I wonder if this baby akan ikut jejak langkah kakak dia, tak mau keluar awal. Kalau delay sampai Feb elok jugak. Birthday boleh buat sekali. Hehe.

My last checkup was last Monday. Although everything is normal, and baby is doing well, my weight xhot up a bit too much (as expected). last pregnancy, same case. Lepas raya naik sampai 5 kg one shot. Kali ni pun lebih kurang (more lebih than kurang). Nasib baik tak gi govn hosp. Kalau tak, sah-sah kena buat MGTT. Confirm! So now, i'm controlling my food intake. Trying very, VERY hard!! Huhu. I've to give up on rice! Sebelum preggie, memang tak makan rice, tapi since preggie, start makan rice balik. I guess i really can't tolerate rice, sebab pantang jumpa. Hehe. Takleh makan sikit2. Asyik terovereat je. Huhu.

My tummy is huge too. Everyone says so. Haih. Baby baru 500g. Perut dah macam masuk 8th month. Huhu. I hope i'm only imagining it though. Tapi aku rasa memang sangat banyak lemak sudah bertambah all over my body. Huhu... camne nak bagi turun nanti???

I've also begin to open up the boxes of sarah's old baby clothes. Cuci balik baju-baju lama tu, not forgetting buying new ones. Tapi tak puas hati tak jumpa baju pregnant. Haih. Susah betul. Nak beli baju baru asyik tak berkenan. Huhu... Susah betul. The littlest of clothing pun belum jumpa. Barut semua tak jumpa lagi. Mana la agaknya.

Petang ni nak bawak sarah gi swimming. Teringin gak nak swimming, kalau swimming suit masih mengizinkan. Nak sepuluh tahun dah usia swimsuit tu. Banyak betul berjasa. Pegi diving, belajar swimming, swimming kat kelab apa nama ntah dolu2 dengan Azeno, cikD, azanie, Nurul dolu2... Sampai sekarang (or before i got pregnant again) masih aku pakai lagi. Berbaloi beli seratus lebih masa tu. :)

Oklah.. Nak melayan cik Kak ni main restoran2. Isk. Kena bayar sebelum dan selepas makan. Aduyai. Dahla mahal. Jual kek sampai 1,000... Nasib baik buleh mintak diskaun. Terus dia bagi 11 ringgit je. Banyak betul dia markup. Lepas makan kek, kena bayar lagi, 1 ringgit. Tips agaknya. Iskk...

Ok. Enjoy yourself!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Alhamdulillah, tomorrow is my checkup for the 18th week. InsyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki, boleh la nampak gender baby! :) So excited!

Tapi, kadang-kadang kan, aku rasa macam... ermm... tak se-excited first preggy dulu. Normal ke perasaan aku ni? Ke ni simptom yang aku nak kena kemurungan lepas bersalin. Iskk.. Na'uzubillahi min zalik! Jangan la jadi macam tu. Cuma aku concern la kan.. Aku takut nanti perasaan aku kat baby pun tak serupa macam masa 1st born, not good la kan. Tak fair treatment pulak nanti. I don't want to be a biased parent to my kids. I want to treat them equally. Tak ada yang lebih, tak ada yang kurang. I think that was how i was raised by mama and babah. Takde pilih2 kasih. Fair and square. Siapa nakal kena rotan. :)

Mungkin perasaan aku macam ni sebab aku belum rasa movement baby sangat kot. Aku baru mula nak rasa dia gerak2 sikit starting last week. Tapi on off, kadang2 rasa, kadang2 tak. Mungkin bila movement dia lebih kerap, perhaps i'll be more excited.

Sigh! Entahla.. HArap2 semuanya selamat, selamat mengandung, selamat lahir, selamat baby ni dunia akhirat.

Kejap je dah nak raya. This year paling tak seronok. Sebab aku puasa sehari je. huhu. Sangat tak terasa kemeriahan nak beraya. Hmmm...

Okla.. nak logoff.. big kakak ni takmo tidur pulak. Esok nak gi sekolah.. Nite!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nasi Goreng Uwan

Di saat orang lain sibuk nak berbuka puasa, sibukla aku pun memikirkan makanan... Hmmm... as if i'm fasting la kan?

Lately nih asyik teringat nasik goreng yang aku makan masa kecik2 dulu.. Yang Uwan aku buat. FYI, Uwan is my grandma on my late father's side. The only grandparent i have left. Aku rasa, dulu pun aku pernah makan sekali dua je nasi goreng uwan, tapi, terkenang2 pulak sekarang. Hehe.. Kalau nak minak Uwan tolong buat, dia pun tak larat dah.

Bukan la extravagant sangat nasik gorengnya pun. Seingat aku, dulu, uwan dadarkan telur dulu, lepas tu carik kecik2. Lepas tu tumis bawang2 nya dengan ikan bilis ke? tu aku tak berapa sure... pastu dengan potongan cili kering kasar2.... Pastu dah garing, masuk nasik, last masuk telur tadi. Macam simple je kan? Boleh je kalau nak try.. tapi kalau tak jadi, musti aku keciwa. Huhu... Nantila, one of these days, mesti akan kubuat jugek.

Lagi satu yang teringin sekarang ni, bread pudding... Ermm.. sedapnya, warm brad pudding dengan raisins and almond slivers... topped with warm vanilla custard sauce. Oooo... heaven! Pudding aku makan kat renaissance haritu siap ada berry sauce..lagi best banget! Tapi..leceh la nak buat berry sauce.. Kalau kat UK masa summer, lain la citer. Heh.. banyak lak bunyik.. Bila la nak buat bread pudding eh? Wiken ini kah???

Oh... baju raya i tak siap lagi dimanikkan.. akan diteruskan usaha tersebut ini malam.. Hehe..

Okla.. selamat berbuka puasa kawan2... :)

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Salam Ramadhan

Alhamdu lillah, masih diberi kesempatan untuk menghadapi Ramandhan tahun ini. Yang kurang baiknya, gynae cakap i can't fast during this holy month. Hmm.. i can't say i intend to listen entirely to the gynae, but i am concerned with the wellbeing of the baby. Isk.. Mungkin minggu depan aku akan puasa. Just give it a go.

Last month, masa aku bersungguh2 mengejar nak ganti puasa di masa2 kecederaan, i had spotting. Tu yang start Dr kata jangan puasa. Semalam when i went for my check up, again dia pesan, jangan puasa. Huhu... Memang la senang Dr... tapi nak menggantinya nanti.... Huhu... Katakan aku beranak end January, campur pantang etc, dah masuk Mei.. come July, dah bulan puasa balik.. Huhu..... bertimpa2 la utang. *Nanges*

Apapun, ada la tu hikmahnya kan?

Yesterday's checkup went well. Baby's ok. Gender macam nampak, tapi macam tak nampak. Hehe. Let's just keep it confidential for now, ok? Kalau ikut kira2, due 23 January. My weight gain? Sangat berat!!! Benci! Tapi rasanya dagu aku belum berlapis lagi... (aku rasa la kot?).. Huhu... camno la nak bagi turun balik ni. Rasa cam tak sanggup nak gi gym macam dulu. Haih.. nanti la pikir..

Maid baru pun dah datang. Kali ni, uruskan sendiri, tak pakai agen, sebab maid dah dikenalpasti and dia masuk on visitor's visa. Tak payah guna agen. Urusan nak mohon visa dia selesai tak sampai setengah hari! Bagus betul. Sangat tak sangka, sebelum ni habis ribu riban for something yang kalau buat sendiri tak sampai setengah hari. Hampeh betul. Urusan kat imigresen pun cepat. Sampai je, ambil nombor, tak sempat duduk kaunter dah panggil nombor. Pegawai kaunter check documents, selesai. Tunggu la diorang proses within 14 days. Semalam check, dia kata sedang proses. Harap-harap ok la.

Kerja? Sangat bosan. Nature kerja menarik tapi entahla.. Rasa macam takde halatuju.. tu yang buat jadi bosan. Haihhh...

Ok.. Waiting for my bro to come over before going back to mama's. Bestnya! Malam ni, nak bawak sarah pi masjid, gi terawih. She seems really excited. Kat sana karang tak tau la macam mana kan? Isk.. Risau gak. Tapi takpe..nenek ada, maksu dia ada, ok kot? Kalau sukses malam ni, nanti boleh bawak gi semayang raya. Lama dah tak pergi. Dah empat tahun.. huhu.. selalu kena tunggu kat rumah dengan si kenit. Tapi sekarang dia dah besar, boleh la angkung sekali. :)

Ok. Take care. Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa. Semoga tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun-tahun lepas.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

End of hectic week.. Phew!~

Alhamdulillah, selesai mesy jk kabinet harini. Last two days, FTA negotiations. Letih. Letih menjalankan kerja-kerja tersebut, dan letih nak prepare. Letih stress dan kelam kabut. Dan finally, they're in the past now.

Semalam, lepas nego, bawak Sarah jumpa paed. She'd been having fever since Saturday. Since tak kebah-kebah, bawak la jumpa paed dia. Rupanya tonsil dia inflammed. So kena la makan antibiotik. InsyaAllah, hope she'll be fine in a day or two.

Semalam jugak, i managed to squeeze in my gynae appointment. My third pregnancy aptmt at 11+ weeks. Alhamdulillah, semuanya ok. Dr did a scan. At first the baby just sat still. So i said to the Doc, "Kenapa senyap je baby ni, last time beriya2 gerak.." As soon as i said that dia pun melompat-lompat. Hehe. *Happy* Sarah pun excited tengok scanned image of adik dia. Of course, we don't know if it's a girl or a boy yet.

Esok, nak balik rumah mama. Going to stay away from KL as much as i can this weekend. Penangan Bersih yang menyusahkan orang. It's sad to see how people can get so stupid. :p

Whateverlah. Nak gi solat.. and out for dinner. Penatnyaa.. Sigh!~ Takpelah.. all for a good cause.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

The dark clouds are looming...

*Long sigh*

The work place is the best place to proof to you that life really is like huge spinning wheel. One day you're on top, another day, you're down under. I had my 'up' days for a while, now, i can feel myself going rock bottom.. Ok.. maybe i'm exaggerating, but seriously, i'm not happy.

My boss, lets call him DMT, is current away on a month-long course. As our division is the dasar division (yes, it can either be read as policy or rock bottom.. your choice.. :p ) the Sec Gen feels that there's a need for someone to head the div while DMT is away.

DMT is certainly not in my sec-gen's good books. Somehow, he managed to get to where he is right now. I've only been working for him for less than a month before he had to leave for the course, but i've heard about him from other colleagues. Not a lot of positive remarks, but based on my own experience for that short span of period, i think he's ok. He doesn't really disturb me on weekends and doesn't expect to stay in the office til the wee hours.. that's good enough for me. What he lacks i think is giving proper directions to his officers, and being the head of the policy division (or which ever division for that matter).. the ability to give an aim to your subordinates is crucial.

Anyways, one of my Sec-Gen's trusted people to head the division whilst DMT is gone is no other than my previous boss, who had given me a lot of stresses and rock bottom times, DS. Although she's not physically there in our division, it's really getting to me already. I just can't stand it. I think i've exhausted all my patience and sanity to bear with her. If i have to do it all over again, i'm gonna lose it. Seriously. In what way, i don't know, but what i'm certain of is that i'm not gonna be able to bear with her, ever.

Given the level of trustworthiness that the Sec Gen has upon her, we've heard rumors that her placement is gonna be permanent, instead of just for the period that DMT is away. Probably it's not gonna be right after DMT comes back, since the Ministry can't really swap their places because of some technical issues, but i could foresee it coming later in the year. I do hope that she heads the other operational division instead of doing policy, but, i have a hunch that the more possible placement for her is the policy division. And if that happens, i'm really gonna make my way out. Not just the division, the Ministry!

I have to bear until January though. Then i'll have a 3 months maternity leave, and i intend to prolong the leave to a year. Hopefully, after that i'll be in the pool for a while and i hope that i wouldn't be placed under that freaking Ministry again!

I'm just so traumatized by my previous experience. I guess the experience had hit me harder than i thought it did. And i just can't go through it again..

Please Ya Allah, let there be light..

Friday, June 24, 2011


I read somewhere that second time pregnancy makes you experience worse morning sicknesses, and worse lethargy. Ye ke? God knows... But i sure am really, really tired every day! Especially lepas balik kerja. Rasa tak larat sangat. Of course, the very hot weather ain't helping either la kan? Adehhh... campur dengan vomiting series yang jugak jauh lebih teruk dari dulu, I'm just sooo tired.

My tummy's beginning to show too. I also read somewhere that second time pregnancy bellies show sooner. Ye ke? I don't know. I know that my tummy's bigger now. What i'm not so sure is, whether it's because of the foetus or it's because of my layers of fat? Most probably, a little bit of both, with the latter being the major contributor. Heh.

My dotter's really excited about the pregnancy. Dia dok suppose that the baby's gonna be a girl. Me? Entah.. before i got pregnant, i really wanted a girl. Sekarangm tak berapa kisah sangat. It's good to have a boy, since belah Dan tak ada lagi cucu lelaki, and i don't think i'm gonna get pregnant again after this one... kinda getting too old for another one. On the other hand, kalau girl ni, syok la shopping baju! Hehe...

Divert sikit. Haritu.. Dan nak pergi kerja. So my daughter was complaining about his job and why he always had to work and such. So Dan had to explain la kan. Last-last dia fed up, dia cakap.. "Why don't you just be absent Dad?" hehe.. Ceh.. kecik2 dah pandai suruh orang ponteng ye...

Pagi tadi bawak dia jumpa paed dia. She had some sort of eye infection, tak berani bawak gi sekolah, takut jangkit pulak kan? So she told her paed what was wrong with her. Dia kata, "Yesterday, i used a shampoo and it got into my eye".. Haih. Konfius jap Dr. Hehe... Dah lepas cerita segala macam, Daddy dia saja nak usik.. Dia tanya, "Do you want to eat medicine or durian?" Terus dia jawab tanpa berfikir panjang - Medicine. Heh... Lagi sanggup dia makan ubat? Iskk... DIa tak tau lagi penangan durian... Takpelah.. taknak sudah...

Oklah.. sebenarnya nak pi solat.. tapi rasa penat sangat. Sekarang kena gi jugak2.. sebab mata dah makin berat. Ok.. take care dearies.

Sunday, June 05, 2011


Nights are sooo miserable nowadays. Period.

Regardless of anything, nights are plain miserable for me. My morning sickness attacks at night. It starts mid day, and all the way to the night.

Last pregnancy, i had night sickness as well, but not as bad. This time around, I'm like really, really sick.

Malam ni especially. Dari siang tadi. Maybe ada yang tak kena dengan what i had for lunch. Breakfast was fine, lunch i had egg.. i think that kinda triggered my nausea. Dan seterusnya lah sampai ke malam. Siang tadi konon2 pesan kat MIL minta tolong carikan mee bandung for dinner. Makan memang best. Elok habis je, stoned kejap, pastu had to excuse myself to the toilet and regurgitated what i had eaten. Sigh!. Letih!

Harini pulak, maid tak datang. Huhu. Galak basuh baju, gosok baju, lipat baju. Penatnya! Huhu...

Pulak tu, lampu bilik air tak hidup pulak! Apasal tak tau. Dah lah encik handyman takde kat rumah. BErtemankan cahaya lilin je la ke toilet malam n nak mandi gi keje pagi esok. Huhu... Tak sukaaaa.... Cepatlah en. hasben balik.. Huhuhu....

Tengok emel, teringat keje plak. Haiyoooo... banyaknya tak setel dan nak kena setel!! Serabut!!!!!

Oh..keserabutan ini membuatkan tekak makin loya. Urghh...

Okla.. nak pasang lilin utk ke toilet dan menghadap toilet bowl... Good night.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Two Lines, and it's Official!!

Alhamdulillah, i did the home pregnancy test, and it returned two lines! :)

Mula-mula, one very faint line je. A few days after that, re-checked, dan dua line merah menyerlah dan sangat ketara.. which means, i'm finally pregnant! Yeay! I tested almost 2 weeks ago kalau tak silap.

Last week, went to see the gynae to confirm the pregnancy. He did a scan, and we could see the sac, about 1.2 cm kalau tak silap, about 5 weeks into pregnancy.

Menyifatkan pregnancy kali ni macam pregnancy lepas, i went around doing things the way i did before i got pregnant, tak ada la makan benda2 tajam ke apa, in terms of movement, takde la berhati-hati. Jalan lajuuu je macam lipas kudung. Pulak tu, asyik berjalan je (which can't really be helped sebab the new office in satellite block, kalau kena pergi meeting, jumpa top mgt kat main block, haruslah jalan jauh..)..

So wrong!! Pregnancy kali ni menyebabkan aku experience a far worse morning (evening, in my case) sickness than before. Pantang masuk food, mesti rasa nak keluar balik. Tengok daging ke ayam ke, kembang2 tekak... huh... So agak letih this time around.

Last Friday (my birthday) i had to do an emceeing job at PWTC, after that hubby took me out the whole day to celebrate my birthday. Sabtu rest tak keluar rumah, since hubby kena gi keje. Sunday, out and about again, fetching the maid, sent my daughter for piano lesson, jalan2 after piano lesson.... Akibatnya, on Monday, i noticed some spotting. Gila gelabah! I've never had any spotting whatsoever during my first pregnancy!

So, after work, i went to see a GP (since my gynae clinic's already closed). GP did a scan but he couldn't say much and advised me to go see the gynae. I did yesterday, and Alhamdulillah, the sac is still in tact and we could see the heart beat! :) Apapun, the Doc asked me to rest, and limit my walking, so he gave me a three day medical leave. He also prescribed me with a medication to help sustain the pregnancy.

However, since i was supposed to attend this discussion on a new law starting yesterday til tmrw kat Seremban, i went anyway coz i thot it was away from the office, we'll just be discussing and insyaAllah, not much walking and things will be fine. Unfortunately, discussion room and restrooms were so far apart, i had to walk a lot as well... and more unfortunate, i started bleeding again in the afternoon.

So, freaked out as i was, malam after the last session i excused myself and explained to everyone my condition and made my move back to my mom's. Nasib baik balik rumah mama je, tak jauh sangat. I will be spending my mc days here la nampaknya. Senang sikit, tak ada la turun naik tangga sangat macam kalau kat rumah. Ada orang tolong jaga anak aku and allow me to get well rested. So hoping that i won't bleed anymore dan this pregnancy will survive.

Friends, if you have had any experience with bleeding during pregnancy, share la ye. I need inputs on this.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuhan, Beri Aku Kekuatan

Sigh!~ Starting a post with a sigh sure is not a good sign huh?


Semalam lapor diri di Bhg Baru. Policy division. Dengar nama pun dah tau kerja di situ berat. Tu lah. Agaknya, God wants to show me, banyak sangat komplen tentang bhg org lain. Padan muka. :p

I reported duty at about 11.30 a.m. as i had to attend a meeting earlier in the day. After that, i resumed packing my stuffs from my old room, and by 4.30 pm i was ready to move. Nasib baik jugak same floor. Selesai berpindah randah haritu juga.

5.30pm - first meeting as policy officer. Ended at 7.00pm... Can you imagine?? I'd just reported duty for God's sakes!

Today, one task after another. Pagi siapkan a few papers, lunch hour short meeting, petang discussion and preparing for a cabinet level meeting. Pukul 7.30pm baru gerak dari office. Mujur DH tak ada kat rumah. Sigh!~

Kalau first two days of work dah macam ni, imagine hari-hari mendatang? Budak2 kat division tu rata2 balik lepas Maghrib, or lepas Isyak. Including mak-mak orang. I can't (won't) do that! Kalau that is what is expected of me, then sorrylah. I cannot oblige. Walaupun macam tu, the pressure would still be on me dan orang macam aku yang reti jalan lurus je, tak pandai nak belok2. Kena pulak boss yang won't stand up for his officers (aku dengar dari orang lain yang pernah kerja dengan dia). Blame officers dia lagi ada. Aduyai..nasib.

Tapi, semalam macam kemuncak stress. It's probably that time of the month as well, so it really didn't help. I was practically sobbing all the way home, sambil memandu. Macam drama swasta pun ada. I guess it's probably my monthly crying episodes. It would be nice to have someone to share the load with. Tak kongsi beban masalah pun tak apa, kalau sudi dengar dah cukup. Unfortunately, banyak orang di sekeliling aku yang suka cerita tentang diri mereka, jadi, walaupun aku cerita pasal aku, tetiba, the story line akan bertukar menjadi tentang mereka. Jadi, akhirnya, aku akan diam. Apa lagi aku boleh buat??

I foresee that the stresses that i faced from the previous, previous (direct translation?) division will haunt me back. Aku tak tau kalau aku ada lagi kekuatan pada diri aku untuk hadapi. Aku rasa, yang paling berat, bukanlah kerja, tapi berat kalau aku tak dapat sokongan / restu dari orang yang aku sayang. Bukan aku mintak supaya biarkan aku kerja sampai larut malam dan abaikan tanggungjawab aku sebagai seorang isteri dan mak... Tapi, aku cuma mohon kalau dia boleh cuba untuk faham dan terima, kerja ini di tempat sekarang, bukan aku yang minta. Apalah daya aku untuk melawan arahan-arahan orang atas. Aku dah cuba cari jalan keluar, dah jumpa JPA minta keluar Kementerian, minta keluar dari bahagian dulu yang juga sangat stressful, but i ended up in another ugly place. Tolonglah faham, at least that. Mungkin ini yang tersurat untuk aku. Aku pun tak mintak berkerja dengan sebuah organisasi yang tak efisien sampai perlukan kakitangan berkerja sampai malam, macam orang tak ada keluarga. Aku akan cegah balik lewat / kerja luar setakat mana yang aku mampu, tapi kalau sekali sekala aku tak mampu tangani perkara tu, tolonglah jangan bagi aku reaksi negatif. I've tried, but if still happens, i guess it's my fate. I'm powerless to change that. And as if that's not bad enough, i'm also not getting the support that i need from someone whom i needed most.

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku tak berdaya melawan takdirMu. Berikanlah aku dan keluargaku kekuatan untuk menghadapi hari-hari yang penuh cabaran ini. Sesungguhnya, kau tidak akan menguji hambamu dengan bebanan yang tidak mampu dipikul olehnya. Amin!~

Friday, May 06, 2011

Pindah... lagi!

Hati ini serabut!

Last wednesday, an officer from HR came to my room to introduce 2 new officers. At the same time, he handed me my transfer order. I was to be transferred to policy division. Yikes!

Honestly, i don't know what to expect. I heard about the boss there. Not too good. I've forgotten how i handled my busier days and still ensured that i got back on time back then. I guess i'm still traumatized by the last experience.

Peliknya, aku baru enam bulan je dalam bahagian ni, now, pindah lagi. Talk about planning and forward thinking, huh?

Anyways, next monday lapor diri. I heard the boss there have a good impression on me. Bagusnya, dia percaya la sikit, even before i start working with him. Tak bagusnya, i'll be on his radar... which i don't favour. I don't really wanna be in anybody's radar for that matter. Dannnn.... bermakna the expectation of me is high. Mati...

Isk.. kena mula bersosialisasi dengan rakan kerja baru pula. It's tiring you know. Sigh!~ What to do...? SYMP...

Tomorrow, going to my junior from school son's birthday party. Her son's turning two. I look forward to meeting her and her son, but deep inside i'm feeling a little insecure. The familiar old feeling that i had when i was in school. Feeling short, inadequate. I know i have achieved a lot, but sometimes i can't help but to feel that all the other people from school had achieved a lot more. Sigh!~ Pengalaman masa remaja sangat terkesan di hati. Semoga anakku tak lalu benda yang tak berapa best yang aku lalu. Aku doakan Allah beri yang terbaik untuk dia, dunia dan akhirat.

Oh.. know what.. Tadi aku keluar makan malam dengan Sarah, since hubs is on detachment. Teringin makan friend chicken. Jadi, pergilah ke restoran makanan segera di sebuah hypermarket dekat2 sini. Masa nak parking, i saw a spot, and i was ready to reverse in. Dah masuk gera reverse and reversed a little, tetiba ada pulak mangkuk bangla mana datang tolak trolly behind my car. And i was pissed a little. Dah tau kereta bergerak, ko nak jugak jalan belakang kereta kan? Kalau aku langgar, marah. :p

Anyhoos, bila mangkuk tu blah, aku reverse la lagi. Tiba-tiba datang seorang be-atch dari the other side baik punya masuk. Parking tu pakai line2 putih atas jalan je, tak ada divider. Yang 2 parking berhadapan satu sama lain tu, so dia datang from the other side, terus cucuk sampai so that the nose of the car menghadap jalan besar. Aku hangin la. Aku reverse kereta bagi dekat dengan kereta dia, jegil kat dia, dia buat dekkk je. Tak nak gerak ke belakang. Takpe, aku cari parking lain. Tapi hati geram. Alhamdulillah, aku dapat parking yang lagi dekat, tapi tak jauh dari parking bay yang kena rompak tadi. Hati aku memang bara masa tu. Rasa nak menggigil. Tuhan nak tunjuk, masa aku nak masuk, minah bongok tu pun nak masuk gak.

Sebelum masuk pintu, ada bangla worker ni sukahati je campak sampah ke luar, memang la dia aim tong sampah, tapi tak masuk dia buat selamba. Aku kan hati dah panas, apa lagi, kena sound la mangkuk tu. Aku tinggi suara (dalam takut gak sikit2), suruh dia buang sampah elok2. Tak sangka pulak dia keluar balik kutip. Hehe. Aku ingat dia akan buat dek je.

Berbalik kepada minah tadi, as soon as aku ckp kat mamat bangla, dia jalan belakang aku. Terus aku pusing kat dia, sergah, "Didn't you see i was reversing to park there?" Muka memang muka hangin la. Dia terkejut la kot, tak sangka la orang nak sergah dia macam tu. Dia kata sorry, i didn't notice. Hangguk dia la tak notice. Geram aku. Aku blah, sebelum tu aku sempat gak cakap.. How inconsiderate can one be? Tapi dah kurang marah la masa tu (sikit) sebab she said sorry, and she's pregnant. Apapun, pregnant or not, you shouldn't be selfish and inconsiderate. Aku pun pernah preggie, jangan la ingat ko preggie you think the world revolves around you.

Tetiba macam aku teringat. Biasanya aku takkan confront orang macam tu. Seingat aku, last aku confront orang masa aku tengah marah adalah masa aku preknen.. Adakah?? hehehe. saja. Tiap2 bulan adakah...? Cheiit..! Takpe.. bulan ni i tak berharap sangat macam bulan lepas. Tak kisah la. I akan terus berusaha. :)

Ok..cukupla. Ingat nak pakai masker sambil layan ADITH mlm ni. Dah pukul 11 pun.. den pun dah ngantuk. Solat, apstu tido yo la...

Alrite, g'nite. Wish me luck for tmrw!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hello Boredom

I can't believe i'm complaining for having not much of things to do. Can you imagine?

Memang payah manusia ni. Bila banyak kerja, komplen, tak ada kerja, komplen jugak. Tak pernahnya yang puas hati, kan?

However, i'm glad that the job i'm doing right now doesn't take too much of my time with the family. Almost nada. The job is pretty much routine. So much so that i sometimes feel ineffective, useless if you may.

So, I'm gonna pursue what i had set out to do this year. I'm gonna apply for the HLP (Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan). It was supposed to open today, but apparently the opening date was postponed to next Monday. Was checking the QnA, and i saw that it needed for the IELTS/TOEFL results to be attached along with the application. Panic sekejap. I haven't sat for any of those. Then, towards the end.. baru notice, for applicants applying for overseas studies only. Owhh.. begitukah... I'm not going to apply to study overseas (although i'm very keen on the idea). Somehow, i can't see how to work things out if i pursue my studies abroad. Tak apa, dalam negara pun, ilmu juga. Yang penting, 2 years break!!!

Planning to study Economics initially, but since i don't have any basic on Econs, and was advised to not take Econs, i guess i'll stick to MBA, probably in finance or islamic financing in either UKM or UPM. I heard it's easier to obtain MBA in UPM. It's quite close to Putrajaya too, so, it's easy for me to ferry my kiddo to and from school. Hmm.. proposal belum buat lagi nih. Sigh.

Really hope to get the HLP for 2012. I need a break from this ministry. :p

By the way.. anyone knows what color is Barbie Pink??? Is there such a shade?

Why i'm asking?

Got invited for a colleague's daughter's birthday party tomorrow. And the theme color is Barbie pink.. Hmm.. maybe i misinterpreted. Maybe the theme is pink Barbie, and it doesn't only refer to the color? Dunno-lah. Will check with la princessa and Mr.Hubby if we can go tmrw. We're going for hub's birthday lunch with MIL & FIL tmrw, at one of our favourite makan place, the Coliseum. Oh.. i haven't been dieting since my brother's wedding reception, just so you know. And i feel fat and crappy! Urghhh...

Need my gym fix this Sunday, and hoping to return to my usual weekday sessions by next week. Then, my diet will probably return as well (i hope!!)

Can't wait for the maid to come. The house really need someone looking after it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Bergosip sudah...

Melalak sudah...

Jumpa kawan2 sudah...

Makan aiskrem Magnum sudah...

Makan carbs banyak sudah....

... tapi.. i masih keciwa sikit2..huhu...

Sudahla hati... let it go... All the more reason to try and try again and again! :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

(tak) Positif

Dah test... satu line je la.. Uhuk.. Tapi takpe.. i akan teruskan usaha.. :)

Kekeciwaan pagi ini telah dineutralkan oleh kisah yg baru kuar tibi dan online news portal. Tp, i dpt tau dr fesbuk, BBM dan sebagainya la kan. Tak sempat la tgk berita.. Asyik kena tengok Playhouse Disney jek...

Anyways, citer pasal sr officer sebuah kementerian yg ditangkap khalwat kat Penang. Dengar2nya dari kawan, orang tu mmg batch kitorg sangat familiar la. Kalau betul la dia orangnya, aku ingat dia sebagai seorang yang tak suka aku. Hehe. Itu pada pandangan aku la. Ntah apesal, tapi aku rasa macam tu. Tak kesahla kan.

Apa pun, setakat ni, dah 2 org officer yang terlibat dalam melatih kitorang dolu2 dan kantoi dengan perkara melibatkan tatatertib, yang menjadikan very important reminder kat aku yang kita ni akan diuji dengan benda yang kita cakap... Jadik... silalah beringat ye diri sendiri... Jangan judge orang sesuka hati anda... dan jangan cakap ikut sedap mulut je...

Apapun, untuk masing-masing, bahagian masing-masing. Wallahu'alam.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rasa Nak Meletoppp!!!

Huarghhhh..... overly excited over certain things sampai dada rasa macam nak meletop!!!

Apa la yang diexcitedkan sangat tu??

Satu, tentang share Bank Rakyat. Ramai yang sudah.. Aku gak yang belum gi lagi nih. HUhu... Bilo?? bilo??? Macam2 pertimbangan eh pulak. HAduiyaiii...

Yang nombor dua, yang lebih memecahkan dada.. Huhu... eh.. macam malu plak nak cakap..

Erm.. apesal aku rasa macam aku preknen ek?? Waaahhh... gitu.. Hehe.

Baru perasaan (more likely perasan) preknen. Tak test pun lagi, sebab takmo keciwa. HAhaha. Period due next week. Apesal ntah aku beriya sangat rasa aku preknen bulan ni? Rasa macam nak je beli test kit lunch japgi.. untuk merungkaikan persoalan ini. Tapiii... huhu.. Elok gak kan? Kalau betul takde, senang la aku meneruskan dengan cara pemakanan sedia ada, pakai PB, pergi gym seperti sekarang. Kalau ada, kena la aku buat readjustments.. kan? Tapi tak awal sangat ke??

Masa Sarah dulu, aku ingat ada muntah2, tapi tak selalu. Nak kata rasa penat ke masa sblm test jadi positive pun aku tak ingat. Yang aku ingat, bila test, line kedua tu macam tak nampak sangat... pudar je kaler biru dia. Sekarang ni, ada la rasa cam nak muntah kekadang.. Tapi.. adakah hanya gurauan minda?? Huaaa.. Tolong la saye...

Test ke tak?? test?? tak?? test?? tak?? huhu...

Friday, April 08, 2011


Alhamdulillah.. hari ni dapat berehat2 sambil memblog.. di rumah mama!! Yeay!

Yep.. I'm on leave today. For the second week now, i've been taking day-off on fridays. Hehe. And both fridays, the sec gen had call for meetings, which i obviously couldn't attend (thank God!!). Bukan apa, meeting dengan sec gen biasanya berjam2, with him always rambling and babling about the same old things. Jadi, bila itu berlaku, bateri BB akan habis cepat sebab i'll be busy browsing my FB or the web... atau pun BBM dengan rakan2 yang juga boring macam aku.. kan ke lebih baik, aku di ofis menyiapkan kerja-kerja yang ada di meja???

Anyways, kerja or not. Cuti tetap kena cuti. I cuti harini sebab esok kenduri kawen adik i nan seorang itew. I bukan taknak jemput uols kawan-kawan utk datang. Tapi mak i kata, kita buat kecik-kecik je.. takyah la jemput ramai2.. lagipun bukan cuti sekolah... sian orang nak datang jauh2...senin dah nak keje.. Cenggitula lebih kurang. :)

Tapi setakat ni, belum buat pun aktiviti persiapan. Bukan nak buat apo pun... rebus telur je sikit, nak letak kat bunga pahar tu. Yang lain tak ado.. oh..mungkin i nak pakai inai kejap lagi.. Eh-eh.. akak pulak yang pakai inai kan.. Memang overr mak! Takpela.. inai kan elok untuk kuku. :) (ada je la alasan haku..) Ni tengah tunggu akak2 mama i.. untuk mencukupkan korum. :)

Alahai.. anak i dah bising lapor lak.. I gi bagi dia makan dolu la.. Daa!!...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Saya memang ada banyak menda nak update, tapisangat tak berkesempatan. Banyak benda berlaku dalam masa sebulan ni.. Eh.. nak dekat dua bulan jugak selepas posting terakhir.. haiyoo..patutla selsema.. sawang banyak kat sini..Huhu..

Anyways.. posting ini hanya senaraikan dulu benda yang nak diupdate. Elaboration nanti la.. Sekarang mata saya amat layu dan kuyu.. minta ditotoppp....

Updates akan datang:

1. Prosedur pengeluaran IUCD :)
2. Trip ke USS Singapore sempena birthday my lil darling
3. Majlis pernikahan adik
4. Work related?? *Akan ditentukan kemudian

Hmm.. mau tidur oledi. Esok nak gi office pakai seluar la. Lantakla.. esok nak kena banyak bergerak, pakai seluar lancar sikit pergerakan.. :)

Okey darlings... gudnite.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Flicker of Excitement

Venue - dining room, having tea.

Me : Your daughter asked to be called big ka-ka-kak-kak (k-language for kakak) when she has a baby sister *grins*
DH : (silent) ....

DH :Well.. it's not up tome... but If..IF she really does have a baby sister, the name has to have S.A as well...

Me : So you've even thought of baby names already??? *More grin*

DH : Oh.. shut up... (and laughs! yeay!)

Hahahahhaa... Very positive indeed, kan? Alhamdulillah. :)

Nak call gynae for an appointment a.s.a.p. :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Surprise, Surprise..!!

The past few days, i had been hating my digital weighing scale for showing no decrease in my weight. Luckily, it didn't get me off track with my Atkin's and i persistently stick with induction. :)

Today, i weighed myself with a more 'advanced' scale at the gym. The one that can give you your BMI, fat mass, muscle mass reading and etc., it gave a somewhat similar reading to my scale at home for the weight part... i only lost like 200 grams from the last time i had my weigh-in (like 2 weeks ago). Butttt... here's the best part.. i lost 3 kgs worth of FAT mass!!! andd... to add to all the excitement, my muscle mass increased by 2kgs. So, that explained why the scales didn't budge. Apparently, my muscles are picking up the pace. Yeay muscles!!

All the more reason for me to stick with the diet. :D .. and have a relaxing, good night's sleep tonight. Aaaahhh....

Busy day tomorrow. Morning - fetch the maid, book riding session for sarah, piano lesson, kemas rumah before hubby comes back. Afternoon - sarah's friend's birthday party, family day committee meeting. I hope i can fit in some shopping tomorrow before attending the party. Need to get some ground almond and soy flour supply to make low carb pastries/cookies/snacks/yummies.. ;)

Alrite darlings. Have a good night. :) I know i will!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Muscle Sore!

Had a good damn workout session yesterday, walaupun pada awalnya sangatlah malas untuk menggerakkan diri ke gym! But, I'm sooo glad i did!

Hit the gym around 9, started warming up on the ski machine, picked up the pace while listening to MTV, sedar2 dah laju sampai tak larat. Haha.. Lebih kurang 20 minutes gak la.

Lepas tu, ingat nak naik stepper, tapi the tv adapter tu takleh pakai pulak, so, i went on the elliptical machine instead. Kejap je sobab tak larat den dooohhh.. Lamo tak workout. Pancit den.

Pastu buat a few tummy workout (a few..sangat few), buat 3 reps of squats, lepas tu tunggu yoga class start. Ingat teacher frank.. sekali teache steve. Teacher steve ni ajar pilates jugak, and walaupun for yoga dia banyak focus basic steps, he will make sure that you'll do it right, and you contract the right muscles. Hasilnya sangatla mencabar minda dan badan.. Huhu.. But i loikee.. sebab baru la rasa bestnya beryoga. :)

Semalam, dia gasak kitorang buat half chaturanga pose. Dia macam push up, tapi you tuck your elbows in, bukan mengepak. Sekali dua ok lagi. Pastu dia duduk sebelah aku, check aku buat betul ke tak. Huhu.. Lengan aku dah rasa lomahhh dah. Pastu dia suruh aku demo ak kat students yang lebih baru dari aku... Hadeyyy..pengsan. Nak turun takde masalah. Nak tolak balik badan naik.. itu menjadi masalah besar untuk aku setelah kali yang kelima. Huhu.. Pastu masa dah habis kelas, dia ajuk aku masa buat that pose. Hampeehhhhhh!! Apapun, i enjoyed myself thoroughly in that class. InsyaAllah, soon i'll join his pilates class pulak. Sekarang ni belum ada masa lagi, walaupun the major motivation masa aku nak join gym dulu memang pilates.

Akibat dari sesi gym semalam, otot aku sudah sakiett... Huhu.. Bahu sakit, lengan sakit, belakang peha sakit sampai ke pungkok. Takpe.. puas hati sebab muscle yang ditarget kena. Perut je tak berapa nak rasa. Takpe.. esok siap.. ;)

Hubby kena extend dua hari pulak kat Beijing. :( Sedey taw. Tahun 2011 ni baru berapa hari je jumpa dia in real live. Yang lain tu, jumpa kat alam maya je. the way, tadi sebeluj balik, kena kejar SecGen on his kelulusan on this thingy la. Aku ketuk pintu, masuk dan bagitau dia la minta kelulusan dia for the thingy. The first thing yang dia tanya aku, "Can you join DMO?"

DMO ni Delivery Management Office, handle projects bawah NKEA Retail. Apparently, members of DMO ni is made up by SecGen's trusted officers. I have to say i'm flattered to have been asked by the man himself to join the team. Tapi i turned him down without a thought. Aku cakap aku tak boleh commit, with my husband's career and what not. Berat kerja DMO ni. The family cannot afford having both parents working like donkeys. Kesian anak. Bukan aku tak suka be part of the team. I know it's gonna be full of challenges, it will give me a good experience, tapi i just can't give my undivided attention. Buat masa ni, aku ni sebagai support member to DMO, so beban tugas dia tak berat sangat. But, as projects get implemented, that will change. Aku lebih selesa status quo macam sekarang. Bila aku boleh, aku join, apa pun, my core job is my priority.

Tapi aku macam feel bad sebab how it happened. It was quick, i didn't elaborate my reasons. Aku cakap sikit, he kept quiet, signed the papers and i zoomed out of his room, tryng my very best to avoid the subject again. :) I feel terrible. I feel like maybe i owe him an apology or something. Tapi, kenapa pulak. It's not like i was rude ke apa kan? I told my boss. Boss kata tak apa, as long as you explain why you can't. So i guess that's kinda settled la. Tak tau la if SecGen will disown me after that incident. :| Hmmm..only time will tell.

Entahlah... aku ni kalut sikit kadang-kadang. Bila kalut, i forget to be as nice as possible... aku akan terus direct to the point.. Dulu masa aku mintak tukar camtu gak.


Takpelah.. tido la. Bagi muscle rehat sikit. Masuk 3rd week Atkins. Tapi macam berat stalled je. Ke it's just me? Maybe i cheated on carbs kot. Huh. Time to re-evaluate la nih.

Ok peeps. Thanks for reading my daily dose. Made my day. :)


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Girls' Day Out

Today was such an enjoyable day. Tambah pulak, si kecik tu awal awal lagi sudah lena. Jadi saya ada masa nak lepak2, update blog, lihat2 facebook, dan.... berehat!

Early morning went to have bfast with in laws. Lepas tu, piano lesson.. lepas tu, off to go out with the girls. Hmm.. should do that more often. Takde la terperap je kat rumah..We headed to a good singing session kat redbox ioi. Huh. Berbaloi baloi! :) Had a great time. Release tensi2 yang dirasai. Lepas sesi melalak, jumpa baju baru yang cantik untuk berry, biru dan kiut!

After that, berkesempatan pulak to do some shopping FOR ME (like, finally!!) Beli a couple of shirts, casual and office wear. Beli hoodie for trips to the gym, some little accessories. Huh.. weight loss, walaupun sedikit can increase your moods for shopping i guess. Haha.. Apa pun, i needed today. It made me feel awesome.

Balik from outing, had some time to practice piano, had tea with in laws. Ate some carb laden food (darn it!), and made it home before dark. Was doing a couple of things, going up and down, tengok2 budak kecik tu dah terlena atas sofa. Tok Mak dia tegur dia mengantuk petang tadi tak mengaku konon..... So, aku try gerak dia for dinner, obviously tak berjaya, So i just made her milk and bagi dia, alas perut sikit. Myself, no actual dinner either. Just had a snack, quarter can of mild chilli tuna, and two home-made low carb cookies.

Kena buat lagi those cookies, macam sedap pulak. Hahah.. Own recipe. Main letak je ikut suka. Base guna ground almonds, campur peanut butter, butter, stevia, baking powder. Itu je tak silap. Pastu bakar kejap. Hmm.. not as crispy as your usual choc chip cookie, kinda soft, macam scones sikit. Lain kali boleh buat lagi, for my cookie fix.

Selain dari cookie tu, i also made cheese dessert. Macam cheese cake ada, macam ice cream pun ada. Cream cheese + heavy cream + stevia + lemon juice. Pastu refrigerate. Yummmmm... Who said you can't enjoy your food on a diet?

Next, i'm gonna try to make crackers, with psyllium husk. Psyllium husks ni, selain dari low carb, it's also very high in fibre. So, it can help with regularity, providing that you drink a looooottt of water ya. I'm gonna give some to sarah as well. Bagi dia pass motion senang sikit.

Ok... wanna wind down for the night. A full day ahead tomorrow. Pagi gym, petang sarah's piano lesson. Nak kemas rumah lagi. masak for next week. Well.. bukan la masak beriya, Just fry some things for my snacks bila the need arises. Next friday hubby's coming home! Yeay! :) All the more reason to berkemas2.. ;)

Okie dokie. Have a good night's rest everybody.

-XOXO- (Macam gossip girl la pulak, hikhik..)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

2.4kgs Down.... 11 more to go!!

Sigh!~... the road to hot-body is a long and winding journey... Hehehe.. hot body yee..

Dah habis 20 hari dah tahun 2011 ni. Sekejap je rasanya. Apa yang aku dah achieve untuk 20 hari ni? Kerja? Entah... aku rasa bosan.. sangat bosan. Aku rasa portfolio baru aku sangat boring. Sigh!~ Dasar manusia... tak pernah puas. :p Dulu, busy macam nak gila, komplen. Ni, mundane boleh goyang2 kaki dan relax sikit (tapi masih selalu juga balik lewat.. ) masih juga komplen. Entahla ye. Aku rasa macam nak sesuatu yang mencabar minda sikit. Bukan mencabar masa aku... but then again, you can't always get what you want, can you? Haritu nak keluar dari division lama, Dia dah makbul.. ni nak macam2 pulak. Kang dia bagi plak ex-boss jadi boss aku balik.. pengsan. Huuhuu..mintakla dijauhkan...

Ok..other achievement. Untuk 20 hari pertama tahun ini, aku baru sekali je jejak kaki ke gym. Macam hampeh. Last year paling kurang pun 2 hari seminggu. 4 sessions. 2 sesi dalam sehari. Untuk tahun ni, baru sehari, 2 sesi (dan aku macam terlelap masa relaxation yoga haritu.. hampeh..) Harap2 esok aku buleh pergi.. Tapi, Alhamdulillah, berat ada penurunan. Walaupun tak banyak. Minggu ni masuk minggu ketiga atkins induction. Kena berinduksi sampai tinggal 4 kg ke target weight. Sasaran nak cecah target weight, bulan 3. Huh.. sompek ko nih? Coba saja laa.. Tak rugi pun...

Hmmm... DD baru nak kebah demam. Last week demam satu malam. Esoknya pergi sekolah dan terus ok..sampai la Isnin malam lepas.. dah mula balik demam. Aku suspect throat infection. And, melihat keadaan dia yang aktif walaupun demam, aku akan tunggu 3 hari demam tak kebah baru bawak jumpa paed dia, sebab, aku tau pead akan cakap tak boleh nak detect kalau baru demam sehari. Demam ni kan is body's reaction towards infection.Biasa la. Lain la kalau dia tunjuk simptom yang lain macam, temperature tinggi sangat, more than 39 degrees ke, monyok and lemah je ke.. Then takleh tunggu la. Kalau ikut pengalaman anak aku sorang ni, demam dia memang biasa tinggi.. dalam lingkungan 38 degree dan dia akan tetap aktif macam biasa. So, self medicate la kat rumah. Alhamdulillah, lepas bagi dia peluh malam tadi, pagi ni dah ok nampaknya. The whole day tak ada temperature. Cuma aku rimas bila orang dok pressure aku suruh pergi dr, jangan simpan2.. Like.. i know la, ok? I don't know everything, but please la, insyaAllah, i know what i'm doing. Tu yang aku malas nak cakap kalau aku or anak demam ke apa.. Nak mengelak hati menggeram dengar the same old thing every time. Sigh!~

Hmm.. rasanya macam takde benda dah nak update ni. Anak pun dah lelap. Aku pun akan menyusul sebentar lagi. Boring.. hasben takde. Tv bosan. Nasib baik ada internet.. :)

Wokkey.. gudnite peeps.