Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How do other mommies do it??

Oh dear... I feel so burnt out. I'm going through my 2nd week of working, without a maid to care for the household stuffs and already, i feel burnt out. Seriously, other mommies who has a career or still studying, have children and at the same time can manage household chores by themselves without help from the maid, cooks for the family and still look amazing impresses me so much.

Here i am, only with a child.. a girl pulak tu, yang kurang la buas nak banding dgn boy kan.. only into the 2nd week without a maid and i feel so konked out. Urghhh!~ Kagum dgn mommies like kDilla yg nun jauh di perantauan, dgn study.. can care for her 2 boys plus masak all sorts of menu for her family, and nurul, for being able to care for her firstborn, most of the days sorang2, hubby jauh... It just amazes me, really.

Pernah la borak2 with nurul.. asking her how she manages her condition.. She said the difficult part is the getting used to it part, usually lasting only 1 or 2 weeks.. Lepas tu, you'll get your own system. Huhu.. i was really confident i could do it the 1st week.. and i do think that i did an ok job.. but come the 2nd week.. i feel so konked out!! I've got an overflowing load of laundry waiting to be washed, sarah's play area just screaming to get reorganized... ahh.. the list goes on and on. Masak? The only thing that i cook now is sarah's porridge. Sigh!~ I'm so lousy at being a housewife!!

Sometimes it gets to me, when i feel that i'm unable to do everything.. to keep the house straight, to take care of myself, to look nice for myself and stuffs. It usually ends up with me breaking down beside the tucked-in-for-the-night little princess because sometimes it overwhelms me that i just cannot cope. Sigh!~

How do other mommies do it?? and praise to Allah, they're doing it so well.. I wish i could be like them..

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Huh... nothing important to post pun.. saja je, since u was quite early this morning. Didn't send sarah to school today. Her tok mak and to bapak came to pick her up coz i had to attend a meeting somewhere outside putrajaya, takut tak sempat blk pjaya by 5 to pick her up. So i had to ask them to help out. She was excited at first but as soon as she noticed that i wasn't going with her, she looked pretty upset. Cian dia.

Last night, we had a quick dinner at McD and sarah could sit in the baby seat for the first time!!! Another not so good thing, she loves to scream! Aiyoo.. penat dah ask her not to shout, especially in public areas. Sigh!~ Anyways, we stopped by at the kedai mesra next door and get her her very first balloon. :)

Hmm... On an entirely unrelated note, as i was waiting for the lift at the lobby this morning, i saw my reflection in the mirror... and i was shocked!!... i saw that i was quite slim.. hahaha... perasan la kan.. well.. of course i was, given that i was like soooo many steps away from the mirror.. like duh!~ kalau jauh, gajah pun buleh nampak macam kancil kan?? hehe.. tapi macam terkejut sampai terlupa tekan destination button masa dalam lif...kuikuikui...

Btw, i've put in my application for 3 mths no pay leave. It's on its way to the sec gen now.. If dah approve, jadikla full time housewive for 3 mths!! Yeay! Enough time to pindah, make the new house a home, and plan for sarah's 1st birthday party!! Yeay!!.. dengan syarat, secgen luluskan la kan. Huhu..

Okie.. gtg already. Need to prepare for a meeting.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sakitnya hati!!!!

Hisyy... bengang betul la. Pagi2 lagi orang ua nih dah bagi aku tension. Awawal lagi puasa dah nipis mengata dia. Ceisss... geram aku. :p

Si bengong tu, mengada-adakan invitation yang tak pernah ada, P.A dia pun dah confirmkan tak pernah dapat invitation tu. Dia kata our agensi ada bg surat jemputan dan dia dah arahkan ntah siapa bagi list nama semua org in the division utk attend mende alah amende ntah tu. Masalahnya, nobody in the division knew anythingabt it except for him! Dia yg dok attend menatang bodoh tu dr dulu smpi la tak pernah report apa, alih2 nak salahkan aku plak kata aku yg tak amek tau. Eh bengong... macam mana nak tau kalau kau tak minit kat aku... Meh sini aku jadik head division, boleh aku tau sbb semua surat dapat pada aku. Nih.. dpt surat, simpan buat pekasam..Bongok betul mamat tu. Panas je nengok dia tau. Dah tau diri tu bebal.. jangan la nak salahkan orang lain. Dasar bodoh sombong. Dahla apekebenda yg keluar dr mulut kau semua tak make sense. *Marah gile nih*

Dua hari kebelakangan ni keluar berita so far dah 11 penjawat awam kena tangkap. Kalau mangkuk2 ni tak beringat jugak, tak tau la.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Post raya blues

Bosan betul bila start keje balik after a long break kan. So i ended up hopping on to my friends blogs n fps.. waaa... bestnya page semua orang banyak gambar.. Hehe.. bila la aku plak nak upload gamba nih. My page really needs a makeover badly. Tak tau la bila buleh buat. I'll try la, lepas ada kerja2 yang perlu disetel ni dibuat dahulu. :D

Kisah raya tahun ini...
Berbuka on the last day of Ramadhan kat rumah mak.We had ampang yong tau foo sbb mostly all other makan place dah tutup for raya, so cannot tapau. Lepas berbuka, relax jap, pastu baru push off ke sepang pulak. By the time sampai sepang, dah kol 10 lebih.. orang takbir dah balik dah... huhu... tak sempat nak join. :p

Pagi raya, siap2 dulu kat rumah, plus tunggu rumah dgn sarah while everybody else pergi solat sunat raya. Excited siapkan sarah dengan baju kurung kiut dia. After daddy, nenek n pali blk from masjid, makcik2 datang lepak raya kejap.. lepas dah minum2 tu, baru kitorg gerak ramai2 ke rumah nenek yang selang beberapa rumah je dr umah mama tu. Huh.. penuh keliling umah nenek susah carik parking. Tu tak semua balik serentak tuh.. lepas ni nak kena mintak nenek buat basement parking ke, rooftop parking ke.. hehehe.

Sampai2 rumah nenek, salam raya ngan semua orang sambil mengendong sarah yang berbaju kurung. :) Sarah pun galak la collect duit raya yang nearly all ended up in her mouth and daddy terpaksa selamatkan dari kehancuran. Hehe.. nak makan no problem, sbb ramai yg sukarela nak tlg carry sarah. Good thing htr dia kat nursery, dia tak takut kat orang, so ok je la when cousins n makciks carried her. Tp dgn syarat jgn kasik dia nmpk mummy dia.. hehehe...

Lepak2 kat rumah nenek sapai around 3, ready plak nak balik desa pandan. Relatives kat sana nak dtg kat umah mak around 4, so bila kitorg sampai sana, everybody were there already, so join lah makan2 n what not. We spent the nite there, and 2nd raya ikut mak n bapak beraya kat umah relatives pulak. One of the houses tht we went to was so beautiful, and the compund ada water feature yang separas lantai.. So bawak sarah tgk.. and she wanted to dive in dgn baju kurung dia. Bawak diamasuk rumah dia komplen, nak lepak gak kat water feature tuh. So kena la lepak kat situ the whole time.

Raya ketiga onwards, tak pergi mana pun.. dok rumah je. Hari khamis tu berkesempatan la dating ngan Dan while tinggalkan sarah jap kat rumah mak. Hehe..ingat nak tgk movie.. tp tak jadi sbb both of us taknak hang out lama2 sgt sbb asyik teringat kat sarah. Haha.. Patut pegi spa pun bagus.. apa kan daya.. sume orang lain cuti.. Huhu..

Plannak pindah rumah masa cuti raya.. hmmm.. tak dapat coz ada problem with the wiring masa tgh pasang2 tu, ada yg wayar tak cukup la, takde connection la.. teruk betul. :p Hmmm.. bila la dapat nak pindah nih..

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Salam Aidilfitri

Wah.. diam tak diam, dah 28 hari berpuasa. Sekejap je rasanya. First Ramadhan with the little one. Seronok!! Pagi2 masa kita sibuk2 bangun nak sahur.. si kecik pun masa tu gak la dia nak bangun. Dia kalau takde orang around,she can just wake up and play with her toys yang mmg letak kat tilam dia.. tapi as soon as nampak mommy je, nangis, suh angkat. Hehehe..

Time buka puasa pun dia nak join. Now that she's already 7 mths old, we let her be adventureous and try new delicacies..Hehe.. takla sumbat segala makanan, but we do give her some cheese sandwich, kurma, ripe kiwi fruit. She seemed to enjoy those. Next time, boleh bagik other fruits pulak.

Last two days, for the very first time, sarah's attempt to crawl was successful!!! It was only like 3-4 steps tapi, seeing her to be able to that after lots and lots of trying to go forward but always going the opposite direction, all i can say is.. i'm a proud momma!! Today, she's getting better at it, and i'm sure she'll get even better soon. *mcm mana agaknya dia nak crawl pakai baju kurung.. i'll see to that in 2 days!* A few days before that, while i was feeding her bits of kurma, i felt a sharp stub in her mouth. Hehehe.. my baby has got a budding teeth!!! Tak berapa nak nmpak sangat lagi.. coz dia taknak bukak mulut for us to see and memang sikit je baru kuar. Ish..ish.. rupa-rupanya, demam teruk samapi 3 kali masuk hospital ni nak achieve mende2 nih ye...

Ahh.. tak sabar nak raya. First raya withmy dear little girl. Baju kurung dia ada dua, 1st raya green, like mommy and daddy, 2nd raya pink with little white polka-dots, mommy pun sama. Heehee.. Kiut sangat baju sarah. Dresses tak beli pun utk tujuan raya sbb ada dress daddy dia beli tak pakai lagi, boleh la pakai utk raya. Nenek kat sepang pun belikan dress, so cukupla. Mommy nih ada baju je.. tudung tak sempat nak beli dah ni rasanya. Pakai je la tudung yang dah ada tu. Huhuhu...

Anyways, to all my friends, jauh dan dekat,
Semoga diberkati dan diredhai Allah selalu.