Friday, December 30, 2011

The Day Is Getting Closer!!

Alhamdulillah, just got back from the obgyn's clinic. I'm now in week 36, all is well. Baby's head is partially engaged. He's currently head down, facing sideways, but the Dr said that he'll turn internally come labour. Hope that he'll turn his face towards my spine instead of looking up. If he looks up, it'll mean more back pain for me during labour.

Baby's weight is currently 2.7kg. If born now, he'll escape being in NICU for being underweight. But then again, the figure is just an estimate. It could be a little less, or a little more than that. Hopefully his birthweight tak la berat sangat. Maximum pun around 3.4kg sudah la.. Hehe.. Tadi the obgyn said that if the first born was overdue, the second may likely be overdue as well. So far the due date is around the 25th of next month. So, we'll see how it goes.

So far, tak ada rasa contractions pun. Braxton Hicks sometimes, especially when i walk a lot. Nesting instincts? Not really kot. Ada la rasa macam nak berkemas2, tapi, rasa macam tak larat laa.. Huhu...

Yesterday, last shopping for stuffs (kononnya). I got me a nursing pillow. :) Dulu masa Sarah tak beli. This time around, try la pakai. Hoping that my breastfeeding experience will be better this time around (no cracked/sore nipples etc.) and hope that the baby enjoys breastfeeding and we will be successful at it. Truly hoping to exclusively breastfeed with this baby. :)

Ok.. gonna lie down and nap... So good to be on leave. :D

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Skim Baru - To Sign OR Not to Sign?

Two days ago we were handed our option forms for SBPA. First look, memang macam nak sign je terus. But then, when you think about it, there are a lot of grey areas that may bite you in the ass should you sign it... begitu kah?

Kenaikan gaji ada la sikit, dalam RM300 dari current pay. Tapi, kalau kira ikut T (PxTx) rasanya a lot less than that. Berbeza la dengan kumpulan premier (so called) yang dapat kenaikan dengar2nya sehingga 60%. Come to think of it kan, banyak tu je ke diorang value kerja yang group P&P ni buat? Not to say la, tapi berapa kerat je group so called premier ni yang boleh deliver? Nak make decision pun banyak yang tak boleh. Jangan kan make decision, some don't even know what they want. Tau minit je kat jr ofcrs.. "untuk tindakan". How to amek tindakan, sukahati ko la kan... none of their business. Janji meja diorang clear and konon2 tak ada benda pending. But to be fair, memang ada Jusa yang betul2 intan terpilih, ada intelligence dan merupakan aset kepada negara. Tapi, berapa kerat sangat la kan?

On exit policy, i really don't mind kalau it is done properly, without fear or favor. Question is, macam mana nak ensure fair implementation without fear or favour tu? Penilaian bergantung kepada human factor. How fair and objective can human beings be? Kalau equal terms on exit policy applies across the board, ok la. Jangan la apply kat golongan bawah je. If you notice, dalam circular tu tak elaborate pun on the mechanism of exit policy nih.

And, kalau notice jugak, a list of perkara2 bawah pekeliling ni teta akan terpakai kalau kita tak terima skim. So why bother asking people to choose in the first place? Buat la wajib je kat semua orang. Doesn't make sense, does it?

Haih.. Dunno la. Rasanya kalau ikut kawan2 seperjuangan, ramai yang sign terima opsyen ni. Me? Masih mempertimbangkan. Heh.

Ok.. let's just sleep on it for now...

Monday, December 19, 2011


Next week i'll be in week 36!.. Cukup dah sembilan bulan. All systems go and ready for D-Day. Nervous? Of course! Excited too, to finally have the baby in my arms and start to breastfeed again. Cuma harapnya, this time around, breastfeeding will be a lot less painful *Gasp*. Teringat nipple berdarah etc masa zaman bf sarah dulu. Huhu.

Last week was my 34th week check. Alhamdulillah, baby ok. Aku yang ada problem sikit masa check-up tu. I had food poisoning, so i had been purging form more than 10 times in 12 hours. I read online that diarrhea can also be a sign of labor. Tapi, in this case tak la kot?? Just food poisoning. Entah apa yang aku makan agaknya. Aku pun tak ingat.

At the end of the checkup, the Dr asked me if i still remember the signs of labor. I giggled and told him no, coz the last time i was induced. Tak experience pun pergi hospital sebab ada tanda2 nak beranak. :D Last time pergi hospital sebab Dr suruh masuk, labor signs or not.

Simptoms sekarang ni - sleepy, penat, kaki bengkak, jari numb, frequent toilet visits.. dan aku rasa, aku dah start rasa Braxton Hicks. Tak la sakit sangat, cuma bila tenga berjalan2 tu, rasa uncomfortable la sikit.

Oklah.. dah ngantuk. Better rest now. Nite!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

31 Weeks

Alhamdulillah, yesterday went for my monthly antenatal check. Baby sihat2 aje. Mummy je tak berapa nak sihat. Runny nose and a very chesty cough. Dok wheezing since Sunday.

Baby kalau ikut agak2, weight dah 1.88kg.. (and mommy had gone beyond the 20kg weight gain point.. boo-hoo-hoo!), kalau ikut scan, my due date have shifted to 30th January instead of 24th, masih berharap untuk beranak on 2nd February. :) Everything else is ok. Since mommy rasa lightheaded, mommy asked for mc from the doc to rest at home. Pastu daddy tolong mintakkan lagi sehari mc, so the Dr gave me two days off, yesterday and today. Esok, kena gi keje. Uhuk! Malam semalam, makan ubat batuk, pengsan terus. Harini makan lagi. Tengah tunggu it takes effect. Kakak Sarah dah tidur. Dia pun dok runny nose bergilir2 dengan mummy. Dia start, mummy ok, mummy kena dia ok.. Ni mummy dah ok, dia start balik. Haih...

My fingers still feel numb once in a while throughout the day. The whole hand hurts in the morning after i wake up. The Dr said it's normal for some women to get the Carpal Tunnel Syndrom. Kena kurangkan makanan bergaram and banyakkan minum air. Haih... Minum air ok. Kurangkan makanan bergaram tu macam payah sikit. :p So, suffer lah the consequences ye...

Masa checkup haritu jugak dah settlekan urusan cord blood banking untuk baby. Alhamdulillah, dah bayar jugak storage fee untuk 20 years, dapat discount 50%!! :) Tinggal nak pack bag. Diaper pun dah beli dah tadi. Hehe. Lama tak beli diaper, punya la lama dok melangut kat tempat diaper tu. Baby kecik2 tak payah beli diaper mahal. Bukan tahan pun. Kejap kang poop, kejap kang poop.. so tunggu la tiga bulan ke baru pakai diaper yang ok sikit. Tadi beli diaper cap Whoopee? Tak pernah dengar pun sebelum ni. Tapi tengok sample cam ok. Dia punya pelekat pun macam huggies punya, so kira ngam la. Harga RM27 je, kalau size S, dapat 75 keping. Untung kang? Apa yang tak ada lagi sekarang, sterilizer untuk botol dengan breast pump. Dulu pakai Avent yang microwave, peninggalan Almaz. Tapi dah lama sangat, nak kena ganti. Ingat this time around nak amek electric punya instead of microwave. Kalau gi mana-mana tempat takde microwave, boleh pakai gak,kan? Ni tengah survey la nih. Avent punya mahal la, sampai 300+. Rugi lak kalau lepas ni tak beranak dah??? Ingat nak beli either Little Bean or Jingle Jungle. Tengah cari la nih sape manufacturernya. Mana datangnya ini dua brand. Tak jumpa2 lorr..

Haih... Amende nak pack untuk gi hospital ni? Series dah tak hengat ok... Rasanya dulu bawak baju baby segala bagai, bukan pakai pun. Pakai baju sepital jek. Bila dah discharge baru pakai baju dari rumah. Hehe. Aiyah.. konfius!

Aiyak.. sakit perut pula. Asyik memerut je harini. Tapi, Alhamdulillah, muntah2 sejak diberi mc ni, takde jadi pulak. Mungkin haritu sebab phlegm banyak kot? Entahla ye. Tak pe la. I wanna go memerut now. After that sleep. Tmrw keje. :)