Saturday, January 12, 2008

Worry or blue??

Two more days to go before i start working. Went to sarah's daycare last wednesday coz i happened to be in pjaya. Hmmm.. kinda worried.. urghh.. i dunno. Initially when i sent sarah there, i was quite happy with the place, the caregivers. But when i was there last wed, i saw that the number of kids/babies are increasing, the number of caregivers are still the same if not decreasing, i heard from sarah's friend's mommy abt their age-groups' caretaker being a little "malas".. to what extent i'm not so sure... Sigh!~ i dunno.. i'm probably having this difficult moment of letting go of my babygirl after spending an enjoyable 2 months with her at home, so all this anxieties of leaving her with anybody at all strucks me.

ISkk.. susahla.. nak tukar nursery susah, nak letak at the same nursery pun susah. I dunno... i think i'd better talk to the head of nursery and address my concerns.

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