Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day

Salam Hari Ibu to all you hot mamas out there!! It's not always easy, but motherhood is so wonderful and rewarding, kan?

Nothing much to say. Had a rather disturbing dream last night. It was disturbing because it was so vivid, it almost seemed real. Thank God it wasn't real though.

Life had been a mixture of okays and not so okays, well, that's life, isn't it?

We're still in a berubat mode. The 'sickness' that MIL encounters come and go, so, i dunno. I'm not a big believer in this bomoh2 thingy anyway. Apa pun, we need to usaha kan? And i can't force my believes onto others, as others can't unto me. So, we all do what we think is best for the situation.

Apa yang aku buat, selain amalan yang guru ajar, tengah jugak nak menghafal manzil, untuk jauhkan diri dana keluarga daripada sihir.

MIL kata semua orang yg dia tanya kata ada dua orang pelaku yang terlibat. Sorang jiran, sorang ahli keluarga. Dua-dua sebab dengki dan iri hati. Wallahualam. Macam tu la kot kalau orang tak faham erti rezeki dan redha.

Apapun, i hope all will end well, and keluarga kami terpelihara dari angkara dan hasad dengki manusia dan syaitan....Amin!~

Ok.. on a happier note.. rasa macam nak bawak sarah pergi Disneyland la... Paling dekat Hong Kong, lagi best kalau gi Tokyo.. lebih best kalau gi Paris... Haha.. kumpul duit dari sekarang.

Ok mommies, have a great day. :)

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