Sunday, July 11, 2010

The End of A WeekEnd

I hate Sundays. Because it's the end of non-working-days weekend. I don't look forward to Mondays. Coz Mondays mean that i need to get my ass to work. Mondays suck because it's a day when we usually have out 'hot potato' session. Read: screwed left, right and centre. I hate my job at the same time i'm (slightly) loving it. I think the weekly screwing up had actually screwed me. I hate my job, and though my brain tries and tries to tell me otherwise, my whole body just refuses to like the job. I just don't have the energy anymore to get crap from work. I need a break. A long freaking break... like a study break. Bad news is... tarikh permohonan dah tutup! Tunggu next April gayaknya... :p

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