Thursday, July 07, 2011

End of hectic week.. Phew!~

Alhamdulillah, selesai mesy jk kabinet harini. Last two days, FTA negotiations. Letih. Letih menjalankan kerja-kerja tersebut, dan letih nak prepare. Letih stress dan kelam kabut. Dan finally, they're in the past now.

Semalam, lepas nego, bawak Sarah jumpa paed. She'd been having fever since Saturday. Since tak kebah-kebah, bawak la jumpa paed dia. Rupanya tonsil dia inflammed. So kena la makan antibiotik. InsyaAllah, hope she'll be fine in a day or two.

Semalam jugak, i managed to squeeze in my gynae appointment. My third pregnancy aptmt at 11+ weeks. Alhamdulillah, semuanya ok. Dr did a scan. At first the baby just sat still. So i said to the Doc, "Kenapa senyap je baby ni, last time beriya2 gerak.." As soon as i said that dia pun melompat-lompat. Hehe. *Happy* Sarah pun excited tengok scanned image of adik dia. Of course, we don't know if it's a girl or a boy yet.

Esok, nak balik rumah mama. Going to stay away from KL as much as i can this weekend. Penangan Bersih yang menyusahkan orang. It's sad to see how people can get so stupid. :p

Whateverlah. Nak gi solat.. and out for dinner. Penatnyaa.. Sigh!~ Takpelah.. all for a good cause.

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