Monday, January 09, 2012

Almost there.. almost!!

Week 38. Half of me wants to deliver a.s.a.p... another half says it can wait 3 more weeks... Hehe.. Gabra la tuh. The feeling is just like the one you have before jumping down the wall during any repelling session. No matter how many times you've done it, you still get the shivers as you look all the way down... before you finally make the move.

Last week's checkup, my obgyn said that the baby has dropped further down. I asked if i'll see past my initial due date (23rd of this month). He said unlikely. He gave an mc for today and tomorrow, as he said i shouldn't be driving anymore. I went to the office last week to settle some things and to apply for leave as well, just in case i don't deliver by tomorrow. Am hoping to deliver on Wednesday though, for some reason. So far, no big signs yet.. kot? I do feel that my baby has dropped, since kurang sikit rasa breathlessness, and increased frequency in toilet visits, i feel pressure on th pelvic area, some aches on my lower back (sometimes), cramping (also sometimes), and some sort of crampiness (macam lepas workout punya muscle ache) down my thighs. Nights had been sleepless the last couple of days, nesting instinct ada, tapi tak larat nak buat, so i sleep most of the time (or cook). So.. the big question is.. am i in labour????? Hmmm.. i guess i have the early signs... but as long as i don't get any persistent contractions, i guess home is where i'll be.. :p

Susah gak nak compare dengan last pregnancy since i didn't go through ANY labour signs... sampai la week 42 when i had to be induced. Takde la mucous plug or anything.. just contractions...

I've been walking quite a lot, and turun-naik tangga as well. Hope it speed things up a little.. Sigh! Apapun, bay will come out when it's time for baby to come out, kan? So mommy... just hang in there! Baby will be in your arms soon enough! :D

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