Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Hmm.. blogger ini sangat lembab. :p

Semester Break
Had the week off last week.. mengambil kesempatan sempena mid sem-break. Went back on Sunday.. and went out every single day.. Teruk betui! Penat.. but worth it. This time i managed to meet my BB frens, aiza, Eza, Ja.. and went to Lim Kok Wing's campus in Cyberjaya. The campus looks nice la from its exterior..tapi inside biasa je. However... all pcs used are macs... ish..ish.. Bestnya. Had lunch there with aiza. Asked for roast chicken but they gave me fish n chips instead... if you can call the pathetic looking thingies fish la.. but the salad was nice though. (hehe..kutuk and then puji la balik.)

Salah satu main reason balik sbb mama buat tahlil arwah. Thn ni, jumaat lepas, genap 3 thn baba tinggalkan kami. Hmm.. sampai sekarang terngiang2 lagi lawak2, cerita2, pesan2 baba... Terbayang2 lagik wajah arwah di mata... Rindu.. tapi.. rasanya, baba bahagia di alam sana, insyaallah... teringat lagi kali terakhir tgk baba... air muka baba masa tu sangat tenang... Semoga allah mencucuri rahmat atas roh baba...

Tahlil tu buat kat surau. Mama jamu org makan nasik minyak (heheh.. bagi hint kot? ;)) Masa tahlil, tirai penghadang antara bhg laki n pompuan nmpk la ke bhg lelaki..
"Ma.. tu pakcik yg minat mama tu kan?"
"Isk..tu la.. saje je duduk depan2"
"Huiyoo... siap pakai baju oren... saje nak attract attention la tuh!"
"Org tua gatai..."
Wahahhaa.... mama memang lawa... Walaupun usia mama dah 48.. ada lagi org minat tuh... Cayala! ;) Hehe.. no wonderla kan.. anak dia ni pun boleh thn gak lawanye.. perhhhhh... wahahahaahaaaa....

Dr Reuben
Went for the dermatologist apptmt with aunty on Friday. This time it wasnt as xpensive... RM85 only.. since he gave me only the hormone pills and zinc tablets. I went there with 2 traffic-stopping zits on my forehead which really, really got his attention.
"Let me remove that pimple."
"No thank you. They're the normal monthly zits."
"Pimples are NOT normal."
"They'll go away."
"Let me picit the pimples for you laaa.."
"Don't want!!"
"Come la.. i'll do it with no xtra charge! :)"
"No!! It'll be painful! I'm allergic to pain. :p"
"Haiyoo... you chicken la you... ayam.."
"Ok.i'll ask the nurses to do it while you wait outside for your medication."

Melampau punye dr. :p hehe. Anyways... i was able to keep my two huge zits (which now have shrunken a bit)... but it was damn noticeable la.. Tu la.. ada chance to get rid of it tak nak.... Skang dah jadik cam Puteri Gunung Ledang... wahaha! Kalau berkemban kalau, sah-sah la traffic stopping! LOLsss...

After the apptmt, i'll lepak at Dan's parents till dinner, as usual. Dan wasnt home from work yet.. Aunty and i reached a little late because we couldnt get a bus. So, we rushed to the kitchen, and aunty put the beef into the pressure cooker.. and then samayang while waiting for the beef to soften. Then Dan got back, showered, changed, abd fell asleep (because he hadnt been sleeping for the past 24 hrs).. Isk.. bestnya.. rasa macam dah sah jadik menantu plak.. ahaks! ;)

We had lunch after uncle came back from friday prayers.... All of a sudden, our conversation made me blush.. wahahhaa.. malu siot!
"Ye la.. mak sayang Faris je"
"Dan.. i dont have any daughters. Menantu mak semua mak sayang. Noreen menantu kan?" and she looked directly at me.. woohoo.. tergezut.. Nasib baik tak tercekik. Pastu stunned la sekejap... terus terhangguk2.. and said "ha'ah" Yikes... malu siut.
Pastu pandang kat Dan..
"Ermm.. terlaju la pulak jawab.. ermm.. menantu kan?" hehe.. kononnya trying to ask dan for approval la... pastuh mamat ni lebih memblushingkan orang..
"Hehe.. Why are you blushing??"
Grrr... hhehee.. tapi suke!

After lunch, Dan n uncle went for afternoon nap while i helped aunty to bake cakes in the kitchen. WE made chocolate cake and simple butter cake. The butter cake was made without butter... substitue with margarine instead because that one's specially for my mom sebab mama tak makan dairy products. We put it into a nice heart-shaped cake pan.. and the cake was soo comel and gebu... And mama liked it! :D (Sebenarnye ada gak letak susu dlm tu.. like 4 spoons of fresh milk.. Bagitau mama after she finished the cake.. utk mengcover mama ckp "Alah.. tak rasa susu mama makan la.." Muehehe.

Akademi Fantasia
Went to mak ngah's place on saturday with mama to watch AF finals.. Hehe.. thn ni dgn mama sekali demam af.. Nasib baik dia takde h/p.. Kalau tak mesti afundi bob/farah/zahid. heheh... Anyways.. it was fun la sbb kumpul ramai2, gelak ramai2, mengutuk ramai2... Heheh.. Congrats to all 6 winners. Hmm.. Farah n Bob deserved to be top 3 (walaupun tak suka tgk perangai "mesraaa" wek.. wek.. dan wekkk lagi!) sebab they have the voice. Tapi nak buat macam mana... Malayian viewers are still "packaging-oriented"... Versatility and voice presentation doesnt really matter.. what matters most are looks.. well.. what to do kan... Nak harap aku afundi.. hehe.. silap la... Mengkayakan astro je.. bukan dapat apa pun. Dahla monthly fee astro naik. :p Walau camne pun, nanti nak mintak keje la kat astro.. musim2 af, diorg buat duit byk... mesti dpt bonus 2/3 bln gaji... kan?

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