Thursday, May 11, 2006

Missed Weddings

Oh my'd just strucked me that i've missed nurul's wedding!!! I didn't even call her on her big day! Oh my god... i'm so sorry nurul, seriously. I think i wasn't around... God.. it's just so sad to miss your best bud's wedding ok... warrgghhh.. so sorry nurul!! Really wish i could be there. There're another 2 weddings of fellow friends coming up, but i think i can't make it, thanks to DPA. Sedih gila.. i missed naemah's wedding, mona's, and now nurul... next heja's and quite likely baya's. Sedihnya!!! Mann... ive ran out of words to describe just how broken i am not being able to attend my friends' weddings! I nearly missed my cuzin's as well! Urghhh... dpa sucks.

To friends, from the deepest end of my heart, i'm truly very sorry for not being able to make it to your weddings. It's a big loss to me not being able to share your big day with you.... really... :(

Penempatan Kampung

I'm gonna be off and put on a show and be a sick pretender this coming week. Hah! I'm off to the penempatan kampung module. We'll be appointed to a kampung in pasir mas. I think i'm getting a bit too old for all these stuffs you know... having to put on your best behaviour, act your best, urghhh... i hate being miss goody two shoes demmit! What upsets me most is the fact that we'll be going on a f***king saturday morning! My hubby will only be back from anc the night before that! Bommer ain't it? :p Oh.. btw.. it's my 6th month anniversary today (half year already!!), and as far as i remember, non of the mthly anniversary were we together. Pathetic huh? And now, with that and the knowledge of me missing my buddy's wedding, the not good feeling had just ballooned. *#&*)&$)^#@*)))&%^$%#!!!!

I'll only be back on the 25th night... which is my mom's bday... which means that i won't be around for her bday, nor will i be around for my dad-in-law's bday... :P.. and in june, dan won't be around for the family gathering in PD... :( sucks!

Terlanjur kata...
I read sth in a tabloid today that really drew me to actually buy the paper... About the celebrity who got divorced.. i guess you guys know more abt it than i do. Anyways, i just got to know abt it and iwas shocked coz this couple appeared so lovey dovey, what's more with the arrival of their new baby. I guess, we only see what's on the surface huh? What actually struck me to buy the paper wasn't really because they're celebrities. I was curious to know the causes of the break-up.. because i really think it's sad for something like that to happen to 2 ppl who had their share of life together and was blessed with 2 children.. and the youngest was only born 7 mths ago. I guess, when people are angry, they say things that they're bound to regret in the future. I guess everyone had experienced that before. Sth that we should ponder, so that we don't repeat the big mistake of saying regretful stuffs when we're angry.. something that could really have ugly consequences. I hope Allah saves my marriage, my friends' marriage, my family...

And the paper mentioned sth about a third person in the celebrities' marriage. I dunno... for most people, i guess it's a no-no. I don't want to be judgemental on people. Things happen for a reason. But if the same happens to me, i would be heartbroken myself... maybe more than i thought i would be... or i might be forgiving about it... you'll just never know, would you?

I guess, everywhere around the world, love blooms and love ends... In one place, we have a couple breaking up, in another we have another couple making up... ermm.. i think that didn't come out right.. heheh.. but i think you get the point, right? But i have to say, i'm greatly impressed by a colleague in dpa's WIVES. Yep.. wives. They're so close and so supportive of each other and the hubby (my colleague). They'll come and give their support to their husbanc together, in the same car. I mean, the first time i saw them, i thought they're sisters! Rupa2nya madu! MasyaAllah... This colleague is blessed with 9 children so far.. and he's only 29!! Man.... my respect to him and his wives. :)

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