Sunday, July 30, 2006

Last week yang best dan tak best

Iskk... banyak mende yang terjeruk dalam hati ni. Hmm.. sedey betul kengkawan semua jauh2 ni..takde tempat nak share cerita.. Ngn hasben lain. Citer ngan org laki lain dari citer ngan org pompuan. As is stated dlm buku "women are form venus, men are form mars", lelaki ni tend to give solution, which i find quite true. kekadang tu, kita pompuan ni cerita just to let it out of our system. Bukan kita cerita tu maknanya kita dah buntu tak tau nak buat apa but still, men being men, they won't stop offering solutions. Dah memang hardwired into their system kot kan? Hmm.. tp tu lah, back to the main point, sgt tak bestnya bila buddies semua jauh2, n tak dapat nak meluahkan isi hati like before. Hukhuk. :(

Last week was quite a busy week. We had this launching thingy involving the minister and 3 corporate tan sris. It was kinda big, and despite our efforts to ensure that everything goes well, there were still shortfalls. Biasala kan.. manade mende yang perfect. Belajar la dari kesilapan. So because of this thingy, i had to stay at the office til late, which is just too bad coz my hubby was around last week, back from his 10 days flight.

God.. i wish i can just spill out everything inside my heart here on this blog. :p

Entahlah... banyak dugaan la mengandung ni. Kekadang cam frustrated with myself for being too sensitive, too emotional, too irritable... isk... PMS all month. PMS 2 minggu pun aku dah tension. Huhu. It's not fair to the people around me.. tapi, masalahnya, i usually blow off my top to the people i love and care about, and who loves me. Isk.. selalu camtu..dulu masa dok ngan kengkawan pun, diorang gak jadik mangsa pms ku. Huhu.. sian korang. :) Sori yek.. Now... orang yang most loved la yang kena. Isk.. tak suka la..tak suka..tak suka..tak suka. Tak suka perasaan yang tak best.. tak suka buat orang yang disayangi rasa tak best. :( Sedey la camni.

Iskk..bengang dan bengong. Wek, wek dan wek lagik... Hmm.. aku pun tak tau apa bijik butir yang aku post kan arinih. Whatever.. as long as it helps with venting out whatever it is that i'm feeling inside. more thing that's frustrating me. My favourite boss is moving to another ministry. Hmm.. sedey betul. She's such a good boss. She taught me a lot. My mentor. Sedeyla dia takde. Things won't be the same. Skang ni kat my unit, she's the most senior and knows a lot about the unit..skang dia takde semua tinggal jr officers je la, termasukla yours truly nih. Hmm... i'm gonna miss this boss of mine. Tp, dia tak tuka kalau kesian gak kat dia. Dahla dok jauh, makan ati lak kat opis.. isk..cian bos.. :(.. now she's leaving, kesian aku dan kitorang staf2 dia nih. Uwaaa!!

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