Sunday, July 02, 2006

There are like kazillion things to post on.. but my mind just failed to think of any.. it because there's just too much to say that my mind simply zoinked off?


Hmmm.. 8 weeks pregnant and counting.. Wait a sec.. 8 weeks? Wow.. isn't that 2 months now? Haha... with God's will, seven months to go, if everything is alright. Cepatnya masa berlalu.

My days are usually filled with numerous toilet visits due to the enlarging uterus pushing my bladder as well as the hormonal effects on my stomach, taste buds and smell senses. Quite a number of things ticks me off and makes me puke/wanna puke... onions, strong perfume... and whatever God knows what. Penat gak asyik berulang gi toilet, but it's kind of a relief for me coz it's a sign that the pregnancy hormones are running high on my systems, which means the fetus is still alright. Hmm.. can't wait for my next appointment.

Hmm.. been talking abt this pregnancy thingy too much huh? Hehe.. can't help it. A human being is developing in my tummy... like awesome maannn!

DPA's over!!

Yep, Dpa's finally over. Was excited to finish it but at the same time i was pretty sad to part with all my fellow friends, especially from x-sidang c who had and will always be close to heart. Rasa macam baru je balik from polis, tentera, obs, bomba, btn, penempatan kampung.... Cepatnya masa berlalu.. Hehe.. probably because beriye tdo during lecture smpi tak sedar masa berlalu. Lecturer masuk tdo, by the time break je bangun. Haha.. Hampeh je.

Anyways, it had been an interesting, great and enjoyable six months. Many thanks to all my friends in dpa for making the last 6 months not just bearable, but very much exciting and meaningful, which i know i'll cherish my whole life.

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