Monday, April 06, 2009

.. DH off For Detachment ..

Saturday evening, after a slice of the delightful, still warm choc cake, DH rushed to put on his work boots and get to work. He's about 10 minutes late. Always happens when he's about to leave for detachments. Goes to show how much he dreads it.

Before he steps out of the house, he gave his daughter n wife some hugs and kisses.

DH: Sarah, take care of mummy ok, Mummy will take care of you.
DD: Ok. Bye bye daddy. Love you.

That night, at the dinner table.

DD: (Looking at daddy's empty chair, then looking at me) We wait for daddy, ya?
ME: Daddy's working sayang. He won't be home for two weeks.

DD became silent for a while. Then she said.

DD: Kesian daddy work, kan?

Honestly, i dunno if i was to cry or laugh or anything else. It was so unexpected of that little girl!

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