Sunday, March 14, 2010

Little Hopes

Hmmm.. dalam keadaan aku sekarang, i look forward to even the smallest things that can give some kind of hope of cheering me up, even if just a little tiny bit.

Last weekend, jumpa seorang yang gladly nak give me and MIL piano lessons. The way he describes it, more pratical than theory. Which is good, considering i know almost peanuts about music notes. His approach, bukan untuk pergi exam, but to perform. Exactly my goal. He's gonna call back as soon as he can squeeze in some time in his schedule to tutor us. A tiny streak of happiness for me. :)

Tadi, i finally popped into GNC and purchased a halal certified protein shake, and became GNC member. No, i'm not going to replace all my meals with the shake. It's for those night when i don't have the time to cook anything. I've always wanted to get a protein shake, tapi takut tak halal kalau guna yang whey based shakes. So, i finally got my hands on a veggie based protein shake. Now, the next challenge is to actually consume it. Hah!

Two weekends ago, got invited to this birthday party. The area was strictly guarded, and the neighbourhood's so serene, me and hubby loved it so much. Hmm.. mahal la tapi kalau nak beli rumah kat situ. Monthly maintenance fee pun 300, tapi worth it kot, considering they get good guards. Satu lagi yang tak best, lease hold. Hmmmm... Tapi, kalau that area can develop to be next bangsar ke, people doesn't mind kalau lease hold pun. How much? The lowest 700k. Hmm.. sah aku tak mampu. Sigh!~ Drool je la. Rumah yang aku berkenan kat situ, 1.2m. Memang best la, 2.5 storey, outdoor shower, lap pool. Memang perhhhhh... kalau banyak duit, memang aku punya la sebijik. Masalahnya duit takde kan? So, berangan je la.

Okla.. gotta continue with work, on a sunday night. Black, terrifying monday tomorrow. *Long sigh*

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