Monday, December 19, 2011


Next week i'll be in week 36!.. Cukup dah sembilan bulan. All systems go and ready for D-Day. Nervous? Of course! Excited too, to finally have the baby in my arms and start to breastfeed again. Cuma harapnya, this time around, breastfeeding will be a lot less painful *Gasp*. Teringat nipple berdarah etc masa zaman bf sarah dulu. Huhu.

Last week was my 34th week check. Alhamdulillah, baby ok. Aku yang ada problem sikit masa check-up tu. I had food poisoning, so i had been purging form more than 10 times in 12 hours. I read online that diarrhea can also be a sign of labor. Tapi, in this case tak la kot?? Just food poisoning. Entah apa yang aku makan agaknya. Aku pun tak ingat.

At the end of the checkup, the Dr asked me if i still remember the signs of labor. I giggled and told him no, coz the last time i was induced. Tak experience pun pergi hospital sebab ada tanda2 nak beranak. :D Last time pergi hospital sebab Dr suruh masuk, labor signs or not.

Simptoms sekarang ni - sleepy, penat, kaki bengkak, jari numb, frequent toilet visits.. dan aku rasa, aku dah start rasa Braxton Hicks. Tak la sakit sangat, cuma bila tenga berjalan2 tu, rasa uncomfortable la sikit.

Oklah.. dah ngantuk. Better rest now. Nite!

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