Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Havent been posting for a while. Mourning, caught up with work, stressed out and depleted of good moods. Hell.. i need chocolates, ice cream, sugar n spice n everything nice!!!

Wasnt in the best of moods/health lately. My throat is constantly sore, some points underneath my jawline aches, on-off fever and headaches, endless phlegm and runny nose... everything contributed to my low moods. PMT kot. Huhu..entahla.. just have to bear with it laa.. G jumpe Dr.. he said the aches underneath my jawline is a sign of an infection on my lymph nodes. Whateverla doc.. Asal boleh baik, cukup.

There're so many things scheduled throughout this week and next.. well..perhaps the whole mth.
2 Dec - Jamuan Raya PSSCMUSM KKj
4/5 Dec - help aunty with jenaton gath in taiping
- Nasa, Jimmy's wedding
10 Dec - Dr's appointment
25 Dec - Zura's engagement
31 Dec - Aunty's bday dinner (kot?)
1 Dec - Surina's wedding (nak kawen dah minah tuh.)

To add to all of that, i'd have to help with micro-p + electrical tech subjects.. AGAIN!!! Huwarrgggghhh... menyampahnyaaa!!! :( tp nasib baik gak.. kena sama ngan azeno... so ade la member nak bgelak ketawa dlm lab. Lantokla nak kena marah ke sound ke ngan en N n S.

Life can be so stressful sometimes. Dahla fennie dah close aerobics center temporarily. Takde dah tmpt best utk aerobics. No where to channel out my stress. Benganggg + bengonggg...

Lantok..tinggal sume... esok nk tgk incredibles, alexander, the forgotten... apa2la yg boley ditgk... Harap2 bulehla... kalau sedare tu tak penat from flight... and dia dah ok sket. Haritu b4 leaving for india mood dia pun tak ok sangat. Harap2nya everything goes well for him la.. sbb mood dia sgt2 la mempengaruhi mood orang di sini. Huhu...

Cukup... sambung kerja!kerja..kerja!!

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