Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pseudo birth signals?

Hmmm... lately i've been having this questions popping in my mind... The big question: Am i in labour already??? Well... surely, the birth of a baby is something that will go unnoticed... but... ermm... entahla ek.. As i read more articles about labour and birth, the more the question pops up. Sigh!~

Lately i think i've noticed that my tummy is different. It's kinda lowish now. My mom said so too. Has the baby engaged? I'm also experiencing some kind of diarrhea lately. From chats tht i've had with friends, they said they felt like they need to go poop during labour... The bearing down feeling to help you get the cue on when to push the baby out. So now i'm like takut2 to teran during the big business... Hehe.. i know the baby wont just pop out and make a dive into the toilet bowl... tapi... macam berhati2la jugak kan...

Sooo, kesimpulannya, I think labour is near... but not that near. I've yet to experience major contractions or bloody show or the rupturing of the water bag... So i guess that labour is progressing, but i still have time to complete the tasks tht i need to do - preparing some paperwork for an event scheduled in feb and another one in march (which i'm definitely NOT going to attend coz i'll be in confinement by then). Whetever it is, surely hope that hubby will be around when i'm finally in labour!

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