Friday, August 07, 2009

Reserve Your Comments. I'm Not Your Friend

Aku menyampah bila orang buat komen yang aku rasa personal when that person is not even my friend.

Just because you're my colleague doesn't automatically make you my friend. Therefore, please reserve whatever comments that you may find interesting to yourself. I can't be bothered with them. I think more often than not, i can't understand a word you're saying and the things that you say are lame and pathetic.

I guess old farts doesn't change. Heh.

Tu diaa.. mula posting dengan kata-kata nista tu. Chewah. Bukan apa. Aku rasa menyampah kat officemate sorang ni. We were at the pantry having lunch. Kebetulan pulak harini ramai orangyang aku tak berapa kenal kat situ, mostly guys. We ladies were sitting at the end of the table, her included. We just ate and borak-borak la sikit, over lunch. Tiba-tiba dia nak buat komen abaout my appearance konon, compare masa aku belumkawen. Fark it woman. I just got to know you about 3 months back and here you are yapping at me about something that's personal to me like you've known me for years? Sorry.. i'm not your kind yang menjaja segala cerita dalam kain kelambu semua to sesiapa sahaja yang sudi mendengar. Dari mula2 dia masuk pun memang aku stay away sikit dari dia, sebab memang aku rasa tak comfortable dengan her over-friendliness. I guess i was right and i should keep my distance.

Huh. Bosan betul ada manusia macam ni. Sibuk jaga tepi kain orang. Kain sendiri koyak rabak tak nampak. Jenis yang nampak koyak di kain sendiri pulak, bukan nak tutup, malah nak selak pulak lagi. Macam-macam.

Wokey.. cukup sesi luah perasaan. Nasib baik ada lagi sikit saki-baki kebunga-bungaan. Kurangla sikit itu amarah. :)

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