Thursday, December 16, 2010


Guess what time i left the office today..? 8 pm. Siot. Sama je macam tempat lama. Well, at least it's once in a long while kinda thing and not something that i need to do a couple of times a week.

Sigh!~ Penatla. Feel so drained, fatigued, lethargic dan semua yang seangkatan dengannya. Probably the food that i put in my mouth kot. Carb laden, low quality food. Nak masak pun malas lately.

Oh..talking about food, 2 weeks ago i tried cooking with shirataki noodles. Rupa dia macam laksa yang licin tu, yang aku jumpa kat isetan it's packed in water. It's made of konnyaku, a high fibre substance (?) that came from the konjak plant. Oleh yang demikian, shirataki noodles ini low carb! *Claps* Yeay!! Texture dia macam spaghetti al dente. My first trial, i made beef ball soup to go with it. Kalau buat miso pun sedap kot, or laksa, kalau nak try bolognese sauce pun probably taste good. Yummm... :) Harga dia satu pack 4 ringgit lebih for 250g kot. Cari kat jusco tak pernah jumpa lagi. Haih..satu keje la plak nak gi KLCC kalau nak beli lagi.

Bila dah cakap pasal food, masuk la pulak bab diet. Hadeyy... tolongla bagi motivasi untuk saya dayet. Takde buddy nih, sangatla susah. Bhg baru murah rezeki lak tu, ada je makanan, tambah plak dengan aircond yang sejuk melampau. Lapar la jadinya, dan makan, dan makan, dan makan.. Huhu.. Camne target nak jadi hot mama nih. Huhu..

Which reminds me, i need to fix an appointment with my gynae. Tukar gynae dari gynae dulu. Dia popular sangat, ramai patient. Excited tapi kadang-kadang macam berbelah bagi... sebab it's time to get off the IUCD. :) Hubby kata ok, can take it out and leave it to God. Excited ada, berdebar pun ada. Hehehee...

Okla. Saya sangat penat dan nak tidur. Huhu. Awalnya tidur. Muscle sore tak habis lagi. Hit the gym 3 days in a row ( lain pergi tiap hari pun tak kecoh.. :p ). Ahad yoga, monday lower body, tuesday upper body. Hadeyyy... Well, as they said, beauty is pain... and quoting Pierre Auguste Renoir, "The pain passes, but the beauty remains" (thanks google). Heck.

Good nite darlings.

1 comment:

Emy Mellisa said...

klcc cold storage ke?