Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Isk..bosan.. everyone is back at home, taking the week off. Even kak lina went back to kampar tadi... isk... asal ada perkataan 'raya' je.. sume org galak balik kg la pulak.. isk.. tak kesahla RAYA haji ke..RAYA pose ke.. pilihanRAYA ke... To most, RAYA means kampung... and with the pilihanRAYA coming up this weekend, i'm still wondering... why the hell am i still here?? sheessshhh.... :p Shoulda stayed in kl longer... at least until Dan leaves for shenzhen... shoulda.. woulda..coulda... damn! Takpela.. at least.. bley start swimming lesson... (yeah.. me.. the chick who can scuba-dive but cant swim.. :p )

My phone's acting really funny... it switches off on its own especially when i dont handle it errm.. with extra tlc.. Like its something so delicate i really, really have to handle it with extra care... isk.. macam orang jugak phone nih.. lagi tua, lagi nak bermanja.. kosser ah! Malas nak layan... Heh.. ada chance tukar new phone without anybody saying that i shouldnt! lols... its about time anyway... the phone had been with me since 1999... agak2nya dah habis use-by-date dah pun.. LOLs... Hmm... thinking abt SE z200... a little bulky.. but i kinda like it... suggestions?

Just bought a lippie... ermm.. that's two lippies and a two-way cake.... wonder if i was suckered into buying those... was i? Well... lets put it this way.. its sth i'm gonna use anyway kan... so.. tak kesahla! ;)

Okie.. thats it la.... still cant figure out why this trial app wont run.. isk.. :p

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