Monday, March 01, 2004

Went to Prangin Mall on Saturday wit azeno, diyana, and nabil. One reason, to get full length swim suit, which will serve as a wet suit as well, when i go diving... and the other reason is to get myself relaxed so as to prepare myself of what's coming on the day after..LOL.. Huii...ingat tak pressure ke bakal mentua nak datang umah???

Anyways, they did come on Sunday, around 4++... and i served them with home-made iced lemon tea, tuna rolls and kedai-made currypuffs and taukua sumbat. Lols.. kelam kabut nak mampus coz i had to visit nabil at the hosp during lunh hr, smpi umah dah 2 lebey, smayang, 2.30... kalut aa coz they said they'll arrive around 3 or so.. isk.. tu yang pecah telur cengkerang habis hancur. Hampehs tahap dewa!... i hope they didnt ate any eggshells... yikes!~ Tapi... i think thing went great la... They lepak at my place for abt an hour or so, makan sikit, borak byk... aznor and azanie dropped by kejap.. kira oklaa.. berbaloi aa kemas rumah and merumput sampi tgn kena blister kan.. LOL!

Okela... gotta rush home. Aerobics in an hour..
P/S:wish me luck for my 2nd phase diet regime! ;)

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