Thursday, June 15, 2006


Thank God, my moods are almost stabilized now. Not worrying so much about pregnancy or anything else. One of the reasons, DPA is gonna end in about 2 weeks. But mind you, it'll be a loonnggg 2 weeks. :p

Stabilized as i was, i was pretty pissed with this idiotic person who thinks he has absolute power. I wish he could just get a life. Had to see him for sth, but it seems that he just can't be polite at the very least. The hell with him la. You don't get respect without earning it. It's quite useless to preach to people about manners and politeness when you don't even have a trace of any of those qualities yourself. What a damned pig. :p A higher rank doesn't mean you can treat people like dirt. What goes around comes around.. might not happen to you.. but hey.. you have kids, and they might get shit form others. The same farking shit that you gave people. Whatever... no use saying anything to someone who thinks he's farking great. It'll only fall on deaf ears. Eughhh.. why am i even wasting my time and blog space to describe this person? So not worth it.

Thank you friends
Thanks a lot girls for all the support. Really, really appreciate it. It's kinda sad not having really close girlfriend to talk to and share girly things. It's different than talking to hubby or colleagues. Girlfriends listens and support you... well hubby do too, but they do it in a different way. They tend to give you solutions, when you're not even trying to find one. Sometimes when we say stuffs, it's just to let off the steam, not trying to find a solution. Hmmm...

Alreity.. nothing else to share at the moment.. :) Hmm.. my blog needs a major facelift.. Like really. :p

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