Thursday, February 05, 2009


Urghhh.. i've never thought that this is so mind boggling that i've to post about it. Sigh!~

Aging, it's something natural that happens to each and everything in this whole wide world. Human ages, animals age, even unliving things age. With age, comes deterioration. Deterioration in health, but more prominently in looks. Another big sigh!~

Before this, i'm not very much bothered sangat. Tapi kan, lately ni, i looked at myself in the mirror, and i said to myself that i've aged. Oh dear. It's not about the wrinkles that appears on your laugh lines or the crow's feet that you have at the corner of your eyes (thankfully, i haven't had any of those yet), but somehow as i look at myself in the mirror now and compare it with the pictures of me that were taken a few years back, i notice quite a difference.

The question here is, what actually makes you look old? You know, other than those tell-tale signs of wrinkles and what nots, what other things that make you look old? I think weight, or too much of it can make you look old. The way you dress, yes, definitely. Tapi in the context of my dressing, which is most of the time baju kurung (ikut pekeliling maaa...), i think it makes me look older than my age. Orang lain pakai jugak baju kurung, but it doesn't make them look old... Plus, make-up. Lack of it, can make you look old. But again, that depends on how you apply the make up la kan.

I read somewhere that as you age, your skin is less bright, ditto, you look old. So it's good to use skin brighteners. Wallahualam la pulak kan, tak pernah try. Perhaps, when i've extra money to spend, i'll invest on that... Perhaps... Another strategy is to lose weight.. Or is it reversed? Me losing weight makes me look old instead of younger? **Long sigh**

Bottom line is, does it matter, if i look old or not?? Well.. i might just nonchalantly say that it doesn't, but the fact that i've taken some time to post on it tells something different now, doesn't it. Alahai....

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