Friday, January 07, 2005

Ahahahaa.. seronotnya!! Petang satg nak balik. Tmrw, Dan lak balik..and the best thing about today is.. i added the engine oil and brake oil of the car all by myself!!!! Hahaha... great accomplishment! I'm so damn proud of myself. Heheahhe... b4 ni, mana nak letak engine oil pun tak tau. Today, berjaya menambah minyak brake n minyak engine. Okla tu.. for someone who's clueless about the mechanism of a car.. tau drive jer. :p Muehehe.. sukanya!!

Ikutkan, byk mende nak di postkan... tapi, tak dapat nak susun ayat, jadi, takleh la nak posting. Pepun, nak marking quiz smlm jap, baca paper yg Dr K bagi dah nak masuk 2 minggu, tp dok baca title je, hantar buku kat library, hantar selimut gi dobi, jaga test, BALIK!

Pray that i have a safe journey ya? Cheers y'all. Have a happy, fantabulous weekend.

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