Monday, January 19, 2009

Dulu dan Sekarang

Semalam, balik dari umah MIL kat Pandan, malam masa tu, macam2 insiden atas jalan raya. Ada satu motor, from opposite direction, sah2 lampu merah sbb belah kitorang hijau, dia zoom gak. So kete kitorang dekat la nak kena dia. Pastu dok pandang2 kitorang sambil gelak2. To them it's a joke. It's funny. I wonder if they would feel the same if it was a big truck instead of a car, and their bikes were under those huge tyres and their brains were scattered on the road. Would they still thought it was funny to cross red lights then?

Then, there was another motorcyclist. atas kepala ada topi, helmet sangkut kat lengan, bawah siku. Helmet tu gunanya nak protect kepala, i.e the brain dari kecederaan teruk kalau accident. Well i guess not everybody's brain is in their head. That guy's brain was obviously in his elbow, i fathom.

Macam-macam dunia sekarang. Tu baru cakap pasal road savviness, tak masuk bab lain lagi.


Dunia sekarang... semua orang nak airport sendiri... Hahaha.. sorry.. didn't know where that came from.

Eh..korang semua tak nak ke propose buat airport kat laman rumah korang? Menteri pengangkutan cakap tak payah refer kat MOT pun...

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