Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Last night was like emak2's nite out. Isk..isk.. kitorang yang anak2 ni pulak kena tinggal. Siap balik lambat tu... 11.45 or so baru sampai umah. Kalau kita yang balik lambat cenggitu sure dah kena fire dah.. Isk... Mana diorang pegi? Hehee.... ish..

Yesterday, as i was driving back from work.. rather late because i went for a jog at a park somewhere near the office with a couple of friends here, my mom called asking where i was. She asked me to come home quickly coz mak ngah and herself, along with mak lang planned to go for this perisytiharan perbandaran sepang thingy. At the time she called, i was at the putrajaya mosque. So i drove as normal heading home.. just taking it easy. Then on the way my hubby called, and we chatted all the way from putrajaya to bdr baru salak. Hehehe.. lama woo.. nearly 30 mins. Kesian hubby had to spend a lot to call me. :(

As i was driving slow and easy, i reached home at a around 7. Masa tu dgr azan maghrib.. so i thot okla.. mandi kejap, solat, then i'll send mom to mak lang's house and wait for them there la. Masuk2 je rumah, i saw that my mom was ready and she was hurrying me to go to mak lang's. And i was like.. "tak mandi pun lagi nih" and she asked me to bring my clothes along, mandi kat umah mak lang.... Isk isk.. sanggup tuh.. bukan sebab bersungguh2 nak tgk perisytiharan.. nak tgk artis2 yang take part untuk perisytiharan. Ish..ish... Sape yg diorg beriya sangat nak tgk tu? Hehe.. well.. i think you can guess la... Sape lagi... si ja-world tu la. Isk.. :p Hakhak.. Kitorang yang muda2 ni pun tak kuasa nak pergi. Still no idea what's there in mawi that everyone goes ga-ga over. C'monla.. nak kata suara sedap sangat.. tak jugak.. lemak merdu.. lemak lagi suara sahri... I don't find anything amazing abt this whirl guy la, seriously. :p

Anyways... the moms were like having so much fun la kan.. balik tu excited cakap we gilrs shoulda been there la, the fireworkd were really nice la, this la, that la... Alahai mak2.. i wish you guys could see the fireworks in Penang during CNY.. lagi meriah.. Lagi gah dari any fireworks yang events management guna for any other events. Pastu, yang paling malas nak dengar, cerita mawi..cerita mawi nyanyi 7 songs la.. nyanyi seroja without the accompanying music la... mawi this, mawi that.. and awin and myself were like... err.. so?.. like we don't give a rat's ass wbt mawi ok.. :p Puh-leeze. :p

Finally dapat balik umah at midnight. Huhu.. dengan baju, tudung tak gosok, terus tdo... Way passed my sleep time ok... :p

Have you ever feel so irritated of someone that you can't even stand hearing her voice and your chest feels like exploding just to hold yourself from letting your feelings out. I'm currently in that situation and i know that i's really, really hafta shed those negatives feelings before it causes more damage.

There's this pompuan... somewhat a relative... i feel that she's always pestering me.. in the things she does, the way she acts... Before i was married, when i was still in campus and see her sometimes, i feel suffocated by her constantly bugging me. It's like she'll be where i am, she'll sit where i sit, like... ishh.. rimas tau tak. My cuz awin felt it too... and she got irritated by the very same person. And i really hate the way she gets overexcited over nothing.. Tiba2 macam terjerit with excitement sorang2 while orang lain cool je... ingat ladylike sangat la tu. Puh-leeze!!! Gedik ok.

I told my mom that she irritates me a lot.. And my mom said that she feels that she's young and wants to be like us young people.. Like Hellooooo.... feeling young (a.k.a perasan muda) doesn't make you young ok... Like it or not, if you're aged, you're aged la. Might as well act and be your age but feel young at heart than be perasan muda and act like you're a teenager when you are wayyyy pass that. :P Menciii!! Dulu pakai tudung, but as my cuz pointer out, sejak dia ikut2 my cuz ni kuar2 (my cuz tak pakai tudung) dia pun nowadays jalan2 dah bukak tudung. Hantar baju kat tailor yang jauh dan mahal.. macam la kat kampung tu takde tailor. Iskkkk...... geram!!!!! It's like.. ok, i'm sorry that she didn't really have a good life when she was younger.. doesnt mean that she can relive her younger stages of life at her age now! Just enjoy life as it is la... and stop pestering me!!!

How do i get rid of this feeling huh??? Kena get rid before i get pregnant... Kalau tak boleh jadik kes kenan macam ni. Adoi.. just writing abt how much this person irritates me gives me a headache. :p

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