Saturday, September 05, 2009

Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah

Pagi tadi, lepas mandi, out of nowhere DD minta nak gunakan potty. She sat there for a while, and she went! The big job and the small job, both!! Mula-mula masa nak poop tu, she kinda panicked and asked me to help her up. But i managed to calm her down, until she did both businesses in the potty.

After her afternoon nap, she used it again (although she did wet her diaper during her nap). Yeah. I still put her in her diaper, just in case (Ya, saya memang tidak rajin nak mengelap sebarang accidents. Bad mommy!). However, i asked her if she wants to potty every hour.

Let see how tomorrow goes.

Oh, btw, esok plan nak buat raya shopping. Baju untuk maid, some fancy ribbons to dress up sarah's baju kurung, mama's request of red tudung, a few other tudungs... hmm.. that's about it i guess.

Just saw KFC's new shrimp stick advertisement on TV. Those sticks looked huge on the commercial. Had them yesterday. Wayyy off. Those thing-a-ma-jigs were tiny!! :p

Ok. Retiring to bed now. Need a good rest before my shopping marathon tomorrow. :)

Nitey nite mateys!

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