Thursday, July 31, 2003

Smalam ponteng... i dunno... kinda stressed out a bit. Still no news frm Perhaps i'd posted my query to the wrong forum kot.. isk... satuhal nak kena re post. Currenly using azeno's pc... hehe.. jgn marah ek jeno... tumpang jap jek... I'm going to penang in a bit... Dan's gonna be there for 6 hrs... jadiklaaa.. :( Isk.. homesick la.... need to go home.. meet my mom... (plus shopping wit her.. nak mintak tudung+kasut for konvo...hehehehe) my bro (hmm... pizza or cozy corner?) and also, cute, sweet thing athirah. Hmmm.. baru 1 mth tak balik.. i get all so cranky... what if i study abroad.... tak balik setahun? Dunno la what'll happen kan?

Watched 7 Di Pihak Anda yesterday and i thot i saw someone i know featured in the programme... hmm.. atok kelang. Its regarding ajaran sesat whatsoever. They claimed that the ajaran yg atok bawa sesat or sth like that la... hmm.. sounds so damn familiar huh? Entahla... i didnt even know that atok brought any kind of ajaran.. nope.. not that i know of. But he helps people.. and the remedies he usually provide are to read verses from the qur'an... sesat ke camtu?? And.. who's to say who's sesat and who's not. As long as we dont know where we'll end up.. we are all sesat... dont you think? Its very subjective. I mean.. there was the story of abid.. who spent yrs praying to God and stuffs.. but ended up syirik in the end... so.. we just dont know where we'd end... y'know. Entahla.... "73 pintu..73 jalan.. yg sampai hanya satu jalan" said M. Nasir in one of his songs. Will we be using that one particular route that will get there?? Hehhe.. merapik pepagi..kang kena ISA lak.

Ok..gtg now. Chiao.

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