Friday, June 13, 2003

I'm like really, totally BORED.. to like a deadly bored extent..... Nura had gone home. I'll be home alone tonight. Oh boy... how nice if Dan is here. I miss him so very, very, very much.. times infinity.... ;(

Tomorrow morning.. 1st task... i'll hafta spring clean the whole house... Rumah penuh sawang.. heheheh... Whatta do.... every weekend je tadek org kat umah.. so now that i'm at home... i'll do it la... This evening before heading home, singgah kedai hamdan beli bun... for dinner tonight. Hadn't eaten rice for a few days.. not because i didnt want to.... malas... now that the kids are back.. the queue to buy food at the cafetaria is like so damn long...malas nak q... heheh.. so.. simplest way.. eat bread instead.

Nak gi Bkk... ;(

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